the Phoenix is quite literally dead weight, if you multipath or turn around you wont get hit
F14b is fine at 13.0 as is. Gripen and Belgian f16 have to basically give up bvr entirely to have aim9m at thier respective brs. We need decompression sure. F14b shouldn’t be fighting f15e, eurofighter and rafale. But the f14 is fairly middle of the road as far as 13.0s are concerned. Its not weak by any stretch.
Its still a fox 3 at a br where no one else has one.
Ima need that
The F-14B has no problem keeping up at low alts and at high alts it’s unrivaled. It has the best turnrate past Mach 1.5 for any plane in the entire game. And it keeps it’s speed crazy well up into the extreme speeds like Mach 2.
Eh. It’s really the same as bridging the gap between different eras. It’s like facing planes with very early missiles and flares against a plane that doesn’t have that. Sure, it’s gonna suck going into a full uptier with them, but when does an uptier not suck? Idk about you guys, but I’d rather play against a Phoenix/Fakour in an uptier than an Aim-120. I don’t think this is a new or necessarily bad concept.
Also, its advantage of "being the only Fox 3 at its BR doesn’t apply to the IRIAF and F-14B, since they are 13.0 and paired with SPAMRAAM planes. Only the F-14A can “take advantage” of this (by 0.3 BR)
most useful f14b loadout against competent enemies
link is broken btw
nah, poor missile loadout, poor radar compared to almost all competition, FM is mid, where’s the upside?
Ok? They’re also a gripen and f16, pros and cons. F-14 can’t keep up in WVR.
Sure, and in the meantime the F-14A should receive the 9L and the F-14B should receive the 9M, and the IRIAF should receive the R-73. This would make them all on a more even playing field.
Name the worse 13.0s
The -14B (And potentially numerous airframes, once I get things cleared up as the LITENING AT & ATFLIR pods should be able to provide similar capability, pending their reports)Might catch a fairly significant buff if the report goes though, since it effectively defeats Notching and chaff (only in STT Radar modes).
[DEV]The F-14B should be impacted by this change to IRST/EOTS
Doesn’t matter if it sucks. That like saying an F4D-1 with Aim-7Bs should be 13.0s cuz it’d get Fox-3s.
Bringing AIM-7B for defending AIM-54 is one of the worst diabolical takes I’ve ever seen in a forum.
Then what.
Even though Sea Harrier FA.2 has AIM-120, it needs to be 12.0 because it has a fuselage of Sea Harrier FRS.1, which is on 11.0BR?
You must’ve ragebaiting.
You even knows AIM-54A/C acts way better than AIM-7B. don’t blur the point when you don’t need to.
@ItzMikeyzWRLD-psn explained about it well.
AIM-54 might be an advantage on F-14A(USN) because it has a lower BR than 13.0 ARH carriers, thanks to the inferior spec of the current Phoenix compared to the advanced ARH.
but AIM-54 won’t be an advantage on F-14B and F-14A IRIAF since they are 13.0 and share the same BR with F-4F ICE which shoots AIM-120.
(Sliiiightly better maximum range, but you know the rest.)
Fakour-90 has a thrust performance difference, so it might be debatable though.
Exactly. Being an ARH doesn’t matter when it sucks.
The missile loadout is fine. I’ve been spading the Iraf for the last few days and an f14a with aim7e2 can easily pull off 3-4 kill games. Not even full downtiers either. It suffers in full uptiers but so does everything else.The fm is actually pretty good for what it is. I’m far from a good player and i do fine in it.
They have to give up a much more powerful tactic, bvr just to use aim9m yet f14 should get it and remain at the same br? sure they have better fm, but that doesn’t really make up for the lack of bvr.
The iraf never even used the r73 just like it never used the r27. Both of the experiments failed. The f14b can receive aim9m but its just going to drive the br up as previously stated, same for the f14a early.
AV8b+, fa.2, j8f, mirage 4k, belgian f16a, ja37di. The gripen would be on the list but the 600+cm, even if they are bol, makes its playstyle a lot more viable unlike the belgian f16a. Honorable mention for the tornado f.3 late which is also saved because of the bol pods.
Sure, they all have advantages over the f14b. But the f14b has advantages over all of them. It’s combination of features make it just mid. Theres nothing special about it, but there’s nothing wrong with the f14 either.
Doesn’t need VTOL
Even the Harrier 1 has a combat advantage over the F-14 below 20,000 feet.
Above that though and the Harriers cooked
It’s like saying if I put an ARH seeker on a mighty mouse rocket that would ok at 12.7 or 13.0.
That doesn’t have much to do with anything… You can get kills with the gun only and get 3-4 kills. What the issue is, is that it’s weaponry is vastly underperforming for it’s BR.
Brother what? Not only is the Aim-54 one of the worst ARH’s, it’s also not even close to the best to BVR. And they don’t have to “give up BVR” to have Aim-9Ms, they’re just apart of their kit. For example, the F-15A at 13.0 has Aim-7Ms and Aim-9Ms. Aim-7s can and have been good BVR weapons.
- The IRIAF did use the R-73, and it was successfully integrated, unlike the R-27R1. They didn’t add them to the tomcat because not only was it better suited to the Mig-29s with HMD they have (and where they come standard), but also because the F-14s are used as AWACs and aren’t normally getting close enough to use R-73s.
- The F-14B is already underperforming at 13.0 whether you accept reality or not, so giving it the Aim-9M would in no way warrant a BR change upwards.
Ignoring that Gripen which is wild to me, the AV8B+ and FA.2 both have Aim-120s and tons of survivability. Great acceleration, great avionics, etc… Sure, it’s subsonic, and yes, it’s definitely not the best platform, but they’re still better than the F-14B with Aim-54Cs and bottom-of-the-line survivability, mid-acceleration, mid-avionics, and overall worse kit while being supersonic.
The J-8F is reasonably fast and has PL-12s. The Mirage 4000 has a good amount of countermeasures, 8 Magic 2s, and is very fast with a great gun/maneuverability too. The Belgian F-16A has the best F-16 FM, good countermeasure count, Aim-9Ms, and of course, is very fast with great avionics. The JA37Di has Aim-120As, lots of countermeasures, and is decently fast, however it’s lacking in flight performance and avionics.