They’re faster than the f4 and considerably faster than a harrier. F14 also out dogfights all but the harrier handily. Really it shouldn’t lose to a harrier, but vtol go brr and it will force wins sometimes.
The harrier can keep up and the fact that it can lock from the rear makes up in speed and the f4 goes the same for 13.0 not to mention its hmd
Also like 100-5000 ft the tomcat max out at 1.20 Mach at around 700-890 mph
F4f ice gets no hmd you dingus. Its considerably faster than the f4. tornado can sorta keep up, but its still slower.
I was I meant for the harrier dummy
which harrier gets hmd? none of the us ones do?
Could of swear I used hmd one of them I’m probably getting confused with a different jet
Av8b+ technically got JHMCS right before it left service but snail wont give it to it.
maybe on AV-8B+ (late)
They should give it to it then unless it’s probably still classified thing
the f18 is basically the opposite of that yet its 14.0
Ok? I am considering all factors. F-14 is weak currently.
Famous defense of “gaijin can’t do things wrong”
Ahh I got confused with the f4s it has hmd
never said i think F-18C should be 14.0 :P
don’t worry I didn’t mean that you said it or anything
No, more that its well known they balance off of player statistics. Literally if it was doing terrible it would be moving down.
Its not though. It requires a specific playstyle sure, but its not weak for 13.0.
I’m mean no one is saying it should be moved down also no one wants it to but it does suffer quit a bit 9L eat the first flare it sees aim7m are pretty trash at this br bc most of the time you got to notch witch in turn breaks your lock and get slammed by a fox3 or fox2 and no the aim54 can’t do the same bc everyone at this br should know how to deal with a fox3 and its slow acceleration for the aim54 fighting against rafales and heavily upgraded f15, mirage , f1c , heavily upgraded su27 etc can all go faster then the f14 so the f14 can’t really climb to shoot its missile even if you use all the room in the map and make it up you shoot your aim54 probably get a bot kill(either a real bot or some1 just flying straight or if you hard lock them) but then you’ll find yourself at the hanger and if you have the f14B yk what im talking about
So pretty much find your self sticking as close as you can to the ground notching while watching your 7m hit the ground and the radar taking a cool min to lock and 9L eating the fist flare then you got no missile but at least you got guns right well if you mange to lock that is most ppl need to use bc the velocity of the rounds need to be lead pretty wide not to mention having to re lock every time a chaff is dispensed
It most certainly is. AIM-54s don’t work in general and the aircraft has suboptimal SARH and IR for the BR combined with a not enough FM and mediocre if not poor avionics