The f14 being a early 4 gen fighter needs to be buffed by receiving it full equipment like its Expanded Chaff Adapter (eca), be able to track up to 24 targets simultaneously instead of 1. for the f14B 9m , data link , eca , the AN/ALQ-126 Deception ECM (DECM),AWG-9 has jammer detection and tracking functionality. least some of these buffs should help fight against fighters 4.5 gen fighters and hopefully dosent get seal clubbed to much anymore and hopefully the f14D can also come to game because it’s not a copy and paste it’s literally a different beast
I find this to be kind of a funny scenario to be honest, as F-14 users didn’t seem to have a problem with an early 4th gen curb stomping 3rd gen fighters repeatedly.
Bruh where do you see me saying the f14B should go back to 12.7 to keep seal clubbing what I’m saying is that f14B being at 13.0 witch is a fair br it should at least have it full equipment now 75% its fighting against stuff that where designed to take it down and have 100% better fox3/fox2
“Bruh” where did I say or even insinuate that you said that?
The fact of the matter is, F-14’s ran trains on 3rd gen aircraft since they were released, and F-14 defenders thought that was perfectly acceptable, even though 3rd gens had inferior equipment. Now that F-14 users have to deal with the same deficiencies that those they clubbed for years felt, they demand changes, and I find that to be hilarious.
My comment had nothing to do with anything beyond that observation and point.
never did I justify it “ran trains” on 3 gen planes also it being add to fight against 3 gen aircraft is a gajin issue at that time. I just believe “Doing a wrong thing doesn’t justify doing another wrong thing” like not giving the f14 its eca and 24 targets tracking now that its at the br it should be and if a 11.0 etc sees a f14a that’s just the way its in this game you just got up tiered and should already now the danger of the aim54 and what to do. the f14A also gets up tiered to 13.7 I’ve seen it myself