The F14 needs to be buffed. It being a early 4gen fighter fighting against 4.5 gen


Oh okay for newer aircraft idk they feel stronger for me personally

in your head

The F-14A and B as they sit are fun to play, but not competitive. The phoenix is awful in WT, most games you will miss 4/4 even with a perfect setup unless you come across someone who just flies straight at you.

I think the BR is fine, the flight model is amazing and as a platform it’s great, it’s the weaponry that is just subpar.

Phoenix vs 120s and R77s? It’s a joke.


It just needs 9L for F-14A and 9M for F-14B and R-73 for IRIAF


Do yall think the f14s should be at 11.3 or 11.7 for ground realistic battles or would that be to op sense it can use 4 jdams from 15 miles out for the b variant? While the other use regular ground pound? Or too op

and a couple other fixes/missing features

JDAM are probably some of the least OP a2g weapons out there

there are maverick slingers at that BR and at 12.0 Kh-38’s

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I also found a article talking about the 120 and f14D but idk if it would help and if it’s something I can post here but in short detail it talks about missile railing for 120 witch include the dual 120 missile rail (well dosent talk about it specifically but if you do research on that Missile rail I believe it says it has a dual configuration )and production of the 120

was tested on an F-14A with F-14D avionics iirc. so there shouldnt really be any issue with giving them to F-14D if thats how they want it

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Should I post the picture or link Or neither?
To be Honest it doesn’t seem to be classified and I found it on the internet

already seen it, @ItzMikeyzWRLD-psn likes the tomcat a lot (pretty sure he posted the picture of it)

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Cool do you know where he posted it?

was a while ago, not sure

They also dont have the fm the f14 has.

None of them have a fm as good as the f14.

I never said they were equivalents. I said its still an arh and an advantage of the f14 and it is. None of the other fox 3 carrier have a fm nearly as good as the f14 especially the f14b. If it was underperforming it would move down in br, but it hasn’t.

Even if it does have fm fox3 in its tier for the f14B are still 100% better than the aim54 a/c

the biggest advantage an AMRAAM carrier can have is apparently speed. thats why F-15E is still usable among eurocanards.

Tornado F3 and F4F arent exactly slow jets

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And really only the f4f ice comes close.

tomcats arent that fast though