When the F-14A was 11.3 people kept telling me Fox 3s are easy to dodge and that it’s fine facing 10.3s
How the tables have turned.
No one asked this post is mainly about giving planes technology they have irl that should be in game by now we all know gajin is bad a balancing (it’s fine their human being too but should see too the balancing problems )and not every f14 player justified it seal clubbing next person to make this stupid comment will get its comment deleted and like I said before “Doing a wrong thing doesn’t justify doing another wrong thing”
F14 is fine where it is. Any new kit and its going to go up in br where it will just do worse.
No I disagree it wouldn’t move anywhere most other planes in 12.7 have 9L and 13.0 most other planes have 9m also I never said to move it down br
I don’t really see how an informed person could disagree with the title. The F-14s have notoriously been artificially nerfed to keep them under BR’d for almost 2 years now. There’s boatloads of things they could do to make the F-14s better aircraft worthy of high BRs, but they refuse to do so.
The ones with 9m at 13.0 dont have arh. Same with the 9l at 12.7. The phoenix might not be the best missile, but its still a fox 3 and its a significant advantage for the f14.
Sea Harrier needs to be buffed. It being a 3.5 gen fighter going against 4.5 gen’s.
useful F-14B weapons against an aware target:
BOL pods
other 13.0s:
AIM-120, PL-12 AIM-9M R-73 R-27ER etc
AV-8B+ too
Tornado F.3 Late
Sea Harrier FA.2
It isn’t fine as it is though. It is underperforming pretty heavily when its not the IRIAF variant. Adding 9Ms to the F-14B and 9Ls to the F-14A simply makes the playing field even (as that is what EVERY other aircraft gets an equivalent to at these BRs)
Uhh, what?
Quit acting like AIM-54s are equivalent to AIM-120As. It’s tiring and makes you look uncreditable.
There literally ARE jets at 13.0 that have both? What? F-4F KWS? AV-8B+? And these jets have REAL fox-3s, you know, AMRAAMS?
AV8B+ is perfectly fine, Sea harrier FA.2 is not.
and the 9L isn’t even some wonder weapon that could warrant a higher br, its only effective at direct rear aspect within 0.5km range otherwise it gets flared. its found as early as 10.3 on A-10A Early, now they might say that’s because it’s a very slow plane but there’s the F-111F at 11.7 with 6x 9L which is one of if not the fastest plane in WT
The bol pod does not work against r73 especially with r27er/er1 and Matra/martra super and mica em also 120/python and pl’s 12/8 basically any top tier missile
Dude the only worthy aim54 is the A at 12.7 bc it can see a down tier and don’t really have to worry to much seeing 120 (and their are counters to aim54 at 12.7)or anything similar and the f90 bc they fast asf the aim54C at 13.0 is complete trash and if you die to one that is extremely embarrassing bc you let one of the slowest accelerating missile get to you and all rwr should tell you some1 is locking on to you especially sense it needs a hard lock well you don’t but I helps a lot at this tier hell I shot aim54c in the training arena at the mig15 break its lock without even trying and not even having chaff even with hard lock
Witch is why f14s should get its eca expect the iraf because I don’t think they got that correct me if I’m wrong
9L at 13.0 played 20 matches today I think but it was a good amount anyways 9L go for the first flare I haven’t seen it ignore flares unless it’s the a10s at low br witch I’m pretty sure between 3 gen or 4/4.5 gen fighters flares change to be more effect
Flares are the same besides caliber… calibers are dependent on aircraft…
Personally I think the bol pods are really only useful when you carry 3 9L with the bol pod because it changes the pattern it uses the flare/chaff of what the plane has stock every 3 flare/chaff.
I use 3 9L/bol pod 4 7m and one aim54c or 5 7m and 3 9 Ls witch that pattern helps dodging more