Okay just remember that irans still use f14s and we don’t want to give a lot info and I don’t want this post getting taken down
yeah really dont like those buggers there the reason behiind this whole dilemma BUTT big BUTT you can post F14As documents as those have no restrictions
Do you know by chance if the aim54 in game is the AIM-54C (sealed) or the other aim54c?
the regular one the one ingame is the standard
fun fact F14A F14B are same plane as F14As where turned into B models
some are completely new planes built as B models
The f14 outperforms the su33 or the su33 out performs the f14? Because yes the su33 should it’s a 4.5 gen fighter because from what ik what makes a 4.5 gen fighter’s is fly by wire and fox3 (other then aim54 bc that’s a 1gen fox3)
based on what lol
I dont think thats it
It’s fast but not faster and that goes for acceleration too unless at down tier barely
Source for what gameplay data or that it carries them?
Same as the D model
f14 gets out performed by su33 and its the same BR
yeah su33 also one of the best 13.0 tho
The su27 was made in response to the f14/f15 and the su33 is a better version of the su27
ok what about it
Your the one say based on what
F14B let alone A model should never face it not to mention same BR su33 MIG29G F15A all better and you fight like 13.7s on average
yeah if the game was like 3x less compressed