pheinox is a paper weight
just notch easiest missile in game to notch
aim54 is a bomber hunter missile has same explosive mass as a 250LB bomb
Both F-14s underperform for sure besides IRIAF
It would be better off with 9M added is the point. It doesn’t make sense for it to not have it. Same with 9L for F-14A
What is your sources
My experience? Which I trust greatly considering… my experience.It’s also just logical considering the obvious massive downsides
i have f14B 1037page hand book backing up my statements
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This is good.
So what does it underperform in.
well what ya wanna hear first missiles or radar ?
I thought the Flight Model was underperforming.
no its fine
I am not here to convince you? Your opinion is not worth anything? I am just saying my peace.
Say your thing.
I said mine that’s that.
ill give you a little list first
1 massive notch angles for some reason
2 aim54C is a reduced smoke variant doesnt get it
3 aim54C does use duelplane manuevering which gaijin refuses to model
4 F14B should have aim-7P but gaijin said no because datalink wouldnt work
5 F14A should have irst but doesnt as some early ones had it
6 despite being same br as things with aim-9Ms despite being confirmed to carry them
7 aim54s have a dogfight model allowing them to be used closer like sparrows
Just making sure I know you found it on the internet but please don’t post that here
as long as it isnt posted i can talk about it though
and to be fair its alot to read so still havent read full thing