Mate no Gen 3 with nothin but sparrows and maybe all aspect missiles should be up against the same air craft with 120sxD
lol wtf man that is garbage
F16 match
bruh. my next game is 14.0 as well.
that does suck man xD
ive got a 13.0 match in the gripen, only 2 14.0s
Regardless of that, they genuinely need to split ARH carriers from non carriers, its ridiculous, You cannot feesibly dodge like 5 missiles at once.
Nope. BR walls don’t make sense on just about any level and even in a fully decompressed game there would still be a zone where SARH aircraft meet ARH aircraft. Simply ask for decompression instead as its a more reasonable and ideal goal.
Also, Su-27 (13.0) is my favorite jet in the game atm. I easily deal with 14.0 lobbies. Most of this is pilot error.
ah yes, we demanded decompression and now the F16A is at 12.3, WW2 jets can see the veitnam era jets again and the two main culprits we complained about the A10 and Su25 did not move up.
They released ARH missiles with absolutely 0 change in the gameplay loop, they allowed for a “smaller” lobby option but left it obscure for so long no one even knows it exists, Its been about 3 months since my last game that wasnt 16v16.
We demanded for years an overhaul of the high BR / top BR planes as they literally do not function properly at all. We now for top tier gameplay, have maybe 1 or 2 people doing BVR, while the rest play the exact same way we did with IR missiles but now with ARH missiles and just cockpit stuff people with amraams at like 4km.
We have asked for how many years to bring back ARB EC, or to at least overhaul the damn matches as giving ARB sim maps but no changes in core mechanics for winning, leaves it to descend as always into just a furball of nonsense.
At least sim you have objectives to play for. ARB is just TDM with extra steps.
I can deal with 13.0 lobbies in my F15A it does not make them enjoyable experience at all, as well as this, the Su27 being the size of a country makes it a genuine target people will chase after.
and you think they’re gonna grant some goofy 13.0 wall?
Its more likely to happen than the other stuff.
It also funnily enough makes far more sense.
Everyones sitting here dogging on the F14, while thers literally jets with access to far supperior missiles than the F14 at the same BR xD
Than what
If you actively split the technology apart at certain limits.
Like look at the WW2 planes, almost all of the 7.0 bracket is completely ruined by F sabers and Mig 15s right now, (like before) if they put a limit on it, so the BRs were still 8.0 but they couldnt see 7.0s (for example) it would save the entire bracket of 7.0.
Same as this, ARH missiles absolutely kick the life out of the entire bracket and below, if they put it so that they could only face each other, it would be far more balanced for the ones getting slaughtered by them.
theres an absolute monumentous amount of folks abandoned top tier due to these missiles and how they were implemented.
Neat! so by saving 7.0 jets we kill off 6.0-6.7 entirely as playable BRs (rip all the superprops/late war props) by introducing a new top tier blackhole they will never escape. We also kill off every single 7.3-8.0 jet as there is no reason to play these when 8.3 will be the new blackhole for that BR range too!
I do fine in 14.0 games in my 13.0s. It’s a pilot error.
Yeah but a 13 plane shouldn’t have p as its best IR option
Pilot error? of whom ?
Was a quickly written thought mate.
better than just going “I do alright so fk the balance of the game” isn’t it?
The f-14 radar and RWR feel a little inadequate at 13.0 what really needs to happen is that the BR ceiling needs to increase past 14 and then current aircraft need to be shifted adequately this will fix the F-16A fighting F4 phantoms and mig 21s also
This would also make fine tuning balance between variants easier
Anybody who can’t perform at least on a decent baseline in a 14.0 game in their 13.0.
No quite literally I’d prefer the current game to having 3 or 4 different blackhole top tiers created
Imagine being a Su-33 right now lol
The F-14A and F-14B got analogue controls, Would a AoA limiter “button” affect them?
F-14D got a Digital Flight Control System.