The F14 needs to be buffed. It being a early 4gen fighter fighting against 4.5 gen


This topic is about giving planes (that are found in game or future added) technology they where able to carry and have been successfully tested

No the f14s don’t get AOA button at least that I can find

You should go to the replays and also show what the other team had if you want to

You should go to the replays and also show what the other team had if you want to?

whats the relevance? few mirage 2000C S4’s ,f1Cs and F4F ICE’s

not sure what else

I don’t think your using that word right but it dose matter what your going up against as much as it does for what’s in your team

Actually, im using the word correctly.

Its of no relevance at all to the conversation I was having with @Ruskie_Turtles whom I was facing.

What I was showing was the BR of the battle
The fact I was in an F15A and there were F4S’s in team shows that it was 3x ina row a full downtier.

so again, what is the relevance. would you prefer me to type, what is the relevance of the enemy team composition when it is not the point of the topic of discussion between us.


Yes. It’s basically like the SAS modes dampening vs manual in Sim.

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It does?
FM is just mid.


lmaoo no shot.

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Beans beans the magical fruit

when did they add tws? it wasn’t there at launch.

if so why in realistic was SU-33 raised to 13.3 then dropped down to 13.0 again

It was never raised. Lol it was introduced at 13.0 and has stayed 13.0.