The F14 needs to be buffed. It being a early 4gen fighter fighting against 4.5 gen


Nah, 13.0 can see a maximum of four 14.0s per team per game, while 13.3 can see substantially more as its not a full uptier for them.

just like 12.3s can see uptiers with 6 or 7 F15As and what not but only a handful of 13.3s aka 4 per team.
The F14A can only realistically see 4 x 14.0s where as a 13.3 can see I believe its upto 8 x14.0 if theres even a limit for partial uptiers


Thats what i said. You can see more 14.0s. And there is no limit past a full uptier limiting the top br to 4x planes.

so 13.0s do not play the same as 13.3s at all.
The 13.0 can relax far more than the 13.3s can as a 13.3 is likely to be against more substantially better planes.

13.3s will see more games with more 14.0s in them than the 13.0 will see games with 14.0s.
As well as this, the 13.0s can go down into the 12.0 matchmaker when the 13.3 cant at all.

shows a lot when i use the F16A as well as most games are 13.0 rather than 13.3

EDIT: on the topic of missiles being dodgy as well, it really is noticable for me, I’ve seen my missiles phase clean through people or completely lose tracking while still locked onto the enemy, which usually relates to teh server issue.


They do though. The vast majority of your games are full uptiers to 14.0 at 13.0. At least that’s my experience in a bunch of 13.0 aircraft. You can see a full downtier and just club people who can’t do anything against you sure, but that isn’t the norm in my experience.

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Seems to be the opposite for me man, if i go 13.3 or 13.7 its instantly sucked into 14.0.
But when i use 13.0 e.g my F15A, I usually go down to 12.0.

last 10 games in my F15A were as so

  • downtiers 5
  • partial uptier to 13.7 - 2
  • full uptier to 14.0 - 3

I want your mm luck then. My last 10 games in the ice have all been 14.0 lol.

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if all wepaonary loadouts were subject to balancing decisions by the developers then the f14b would’ve already had 9m since a long time


Maybe a bit off-topic in ‘Tomcat topic’, but I think this is also why I disliked Tornado F.3 Late when it was 13.3 while

  • F-4F ICE got buffed to 13.0 first
  • While I needed to see the F-15C/E countless times.

I still fear to play it widely because of the possibility of facing EFT and F-15E
but the window of oppotunity of facing F-4S and their friends in 12.0 or not is a big difference, I think.

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Sir this is Gaijin, they tell you one thing and do another.

Exhibits in most the tanks like the T90 Bhishma, Mig 21 bison, Hunter F58, the Df105 finally going ot france etc etc etc

Mate jumped into the game, into a match with teh 15A and look
Screenshot 2025-03-11 201753

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You have some luck man. Maybe its just today tho. I’ll hop on and see what i get today.

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It really is a massive change, due to the fact there are so many 12.0s in the game and premiums at that so they end up pulling 13.0 down to 12.0 almost all the time

while 13.3 is sucked into the hell hole of hte new top tiers

BTW in that very same match, fired an Aim7M at a mig29 not in a notch angle at all, and it just flew straight, no form of tracking at all, clean lock at 4km should of went for him no worries.

and 2 9Ms which just decided to go into the ground.

This games missiles suck

Screenshot 2025-03-11 202434
second match

edit: 3rd match
Screenshot 2025-03-11 202949

I wouldn’t mad if Gaijin officially declared that Swiss will be a subtree of Germany
when they decided to steal the Hunter F.58 for Germany.

In case when Switzerland is officially a subtree of Germany, I think I will still be disappointed a bit because the British developed the hunter but can’t have the best Hunter in this game.
But will not be as furious as at that moment, which I did IRL.

It is damn shame that Gaijin always do some double-standard shits.

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I was absolutely raging man, I love the hunters, and the F58 would of been perfect for britain in all honesty, it was released what a year before switzerland was even anounced a swell which is BS

Fun fact onthis, in both games in my F15A i have actually been shot down by an F4F ICE firing amraams at me from sub 8km in which I cannot get away from them.

the jets with access to proper ARH missiles such as the ICE and such, should really have a seperate match maker. its ridiculous the F4F ICE gets to sit at 13.0 while the objectively worse Tornado F3 Late is 13.3


did it finally go down to 13.0? Ive not paid it any heed at all since the F4F moved to 13.0


Now both are 13.0, but Tornado F.3 late took a lot longer time to get buffed.
You know, Gaijin Hates bri’ish.

I might personally dislike the idea because my Tonka will be forever prey for F-15E, Rafale and EFT

But I will support that idea for better balance.
For every top rank jet, including tomcats.

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