No? It’ll go to 13.3 when TT is raised. But 13.3 is pure ARH at the moment and those planes just can’t compete there.
They can and did. The su27/33 still does fine in sim lobbies currently at 13.3. F15a should have went to 13.3 with the su27 but it never did because snail.
The one where the su27/33 are already 13.3 in sim and the one where the su27 used to be 13.3 in rb. We need decompression sure, but the su27/33/f15a would all do fine at 13.3.
which is a joke
which was a joke
No, they’d get bodied. They don’t have ARH.
I never had problems with r27er hell they’re one of the best radar missile I was using the su33 yesterday shot at a su27 he notched once I lost lock for a cool min I Barely lock on as soon I as I locked I got a the kill that was like 8 miles out the 7m is not capable of doing that as I also played the f14B yesterday hard locked onto someone and the missile went to straight to my teammate while still hard lock to the enemy and before that I also had shot another missile still had perfect lock and it goes straight up into the air I’ve been playing r27er in the f14A iraf and su33 and never had problems like that before
That’s cool they should get them if they don’t already the f14D also a radar jammer and the f14A/B/D have a mode to lock onto radar jammers
I did that what this post is about giving planes its missing technology they should have
The F-14 is a big victim of br compression, was moved up so it couldn’t see planes it shouldn’t be able to and now it can see a different set of planes it shouldn’t be able to.
They need to decompress basically all the brs from like 11.0 up
In the meantime it would not hurt to give the F-14A 9Ls, and the F-14B 9Ms, and the IRIAF R-73s, to even the playing field.
If the vehicles had the kit irl then they should probably get it in game
I have. Idk what to tell you. Its literally all sahr missiles. been playing this game since 2016. It happens a lot. especially around patches due to the increased player volume affecting the servers.
They fight arh at 13.0 already. They do fine. The only real exception is once again eurofighters and rafale but those should be 14.3 minimum.
Yes! Correct! At 13.0! Keywords!
The 13.0 and the 13.3 matchmaker are not the same.
They are currently, only difference is you don’t get to club f4s noobs.
No? You show ignorance by saying that. It means a LOT more 14.0 games rather than ANY chance at 13.0-13.3 games.
I don’t though. At 13.0 you get a lot of downtiers due to the the f4s and other premiums dragging the mm down sure, but fundamentally 13.3 and 13.0 are almost identical because you mostly see full uptiers regardless.
I guess 13.0 is only playable because you can club noobs.
You do. You literally think the only thing that changes is “losing the ability to stomp 12.0s”
Not how that works. I suggest you study up on the matchmaker.
I don’t. They play almost the same. Only real difference is that you can’t club 12.0s. Sure you have to deal with more 14.0 planes but you have to deal with them already. Once we get 14.3, then there will be an actual difference.
I don’t think it’s the sever honestly I think that’s in your head because all missiles would suffer from this not just fox 1 missiles