Fair. I just like the R-73 because you can essentially punch people with a last-second R-73 and they never expect it (not likey they can do anything anyways). Oh and in dogfights you can simply just whip the nose around and as long as they aren’t preflaring it’s an easy kill.
Seems somebody really disliked my opinion :'(
Did I need to propose ‘we need to buff F-14 down to 12.0 and let conquer everything again’ on here…?
I love Tomcat outside of WT, and have mixed feelings about Tomcat inside WT due to experiences against them.
I want them to deserve better than now, Yes. she deserved to better.
but also worry about balancing because I don’t want to see what happened when ‘F-14A was drastically underrated’ all over again. :(
That was one of the reasons why I claimed decompressing is essential for saving F-14.
in the current 14.0 ceiling, we can’t treat them properly.
No you were good bro. Ruskie is (I have no proof so allegedly) just spam-reporting everything.
Tbf theyve been powercrept a lot. So even with the buffs wouldn’t be nearly as bad as they used to be
Of the R-73 is great for turn fights, no doubt about that. But if they preflare, you can forget it.
At least with Aim-9ms you have a decent chance to nail them between cms.
Mirage 2000 S4 is 12.7 with 4 aams. And good radar.
The F-14B has a very similar turn rate to a dorito. The F-14B has what, 4 aim-9Ls and 4 aim-54s or better?
With x480 cms or greater, I hate to say it, but for it being 13.0, it sounds like it may be a skill issue.
F-14B still need GEN-X decoys
Under br’d.
Well, Gaijin always have a skill issue on balancing. we all know about that. isn’t it?
According to Gaijin’s thinking about F-4J(UK) vs F-4J/S (USN)
or F-14A (USN) vs F-14A IRIAF when both were 12.3
And some powercreep we have now…
Needless to say, Gaijin is bad at balancing something.
Lol. I haven’t reported anything. You’re the one who reported my post. Also none of those articles are proof. They’re all tertiary sources. 7m doesn’t just fly off into space without server issues being the cause and thats not just the 7m, its all sahr. Even r27er does it. And once again, I repeat. The f14b is just mid for 13.0 Its not bad its not good. Its just mid and there is nothing wrong with that.
What about the Mig-29 and Su-27 radar jammers?
I’ll admit I’m a bit sad the F-14IRIAF went up, but oh well, it was kinda op
This would be cool too, along with TEWS
But I think the decoys are more reasonable since they don’t require whole EW mechanics
I already said the f15 is under br’d at 13.0. Same with su27.
I don’t recall whom said things about “accurate weapon systems”
But I’ll raise you this:
Su-39 is
Missing many weapons, including R-77s, and R-27ERS
That sounds convincing and relieving but still worrying a bit.
Maybe I was traumatized by the F-14 when I was forced to face and fight against them in ‘non-mixed matching’ :/
Back in these days, the Fight against F-14A in non-mixed matching was always a dreadful thing.
They just always thanosed half of my team via ARH spam, and I needed to face the might of 4th-gen fuselage in dogfight while drastically outnumbered. :(
If I queued with Tornado IDS(the one with GBU, which is over BR’d) at that time? it was a death sentence to me. XD
Well, the Civil War version of matching was better than the USA vs World one. Really.
At least in USA vs USA match, both sides had F-14, which makes me feel a bit fairer.
Anyway, as I claimed earlier, I don’t dislike and rather support the Idea of buffing weaponry.
The IRIAF is modeled after tertiary sources.
In my 2 years of playing WT the ER has never plummeted into the ground or gone stupid. Countless times the Sparrow has done me dirty.
The F-14B is obviously underperforming.
“The f14b is just mid for 13.0 Its not bad its not good.” (No good examples on how it’s average at all)
Well actually, plenty of examples of how it’s objectively bad for 13.0
“Nuh uh!1!1!” copy and paste’s F-14 is mid rhetoric
uh ok…
In what world are these 13.3 or 13.7 aircraft?
Idk what to tell you. I’ve been playing this game since 2016 and they 100% do the same thing the aim7m does. Its dependent on the server load afaik.
Still waiting on my aim9l for the f4f.