The F14 needs to be buffed. It being a early 4gen fighter fighting against 4.5 gen


harriers use aim9m.

Aircraft that use 9L at 13.0:


That’s literally it! But I’ll give you this, the J-8F uses similar tier (but better) missiles in the form of the PL-8!

The jets that use the 9M? (Or equivalent)

AV-8B+ (USA)
MiG-29G (R73)
Su-27 (R73)
Su-33 (R73)
Sea Harrier FA.2
Tornado F.3 Late
J-11 (R-73)
AV-8B+ (Italy)
F-16A (France)
Mirage 4K (Magic 2)

You getting it yet?


All of which have to give up flight performance or bvr to do well. That or they’re just under br’d like su27 and f15.

I’ve already considered the pros/cons of every aircraft. The F-14B is in the bottom 20-30% of aircraft at 13.0. Giving it 9Ms does nothing but put it on an even playing field as I showed above with how many aircraft get 9M equivalents.

Saying “But muh BVR” everytime the F-14 is brought up is disingenious. The AIM-54 does not work nearly as well as what would be needed to consider this a pro. The F-14 does not gain some huge advantage by using the AIM-54, it simply uses up pylons that should have been used for other missiles.

There is no way these can be considered under BR’d unless you are simply saying that under the idea of a decompressed game with a much higher br ceiling than 14.0.


A few do yes why

I guess the aim7m is a myth. It only has aim54. Yes, i do want decompression. Which is really the only issue the f14b faces. Against anything that ISN’T a eurofighter or rafale, its fine.

Guy before said harriers at 13.0 used 9l.

Nah only the AV-8S late

The Harriers suffer from a far worse thing than wrong missiles lol

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F-15A/J at same BR has 9M/7M and certainly don’t have “worse” FMs even if they trade blows with F-14.

Giving 9M to F-14B does nothing but make it more fun and viable. It does not upset balance. Same with giving 9L to F-14A

Yes. There is a 12.7 one too I think

How are either of these under br’d?

Brs for these? Also Aim-9ms ≠ R-73s, r-73s are less effective tbf

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forgot Baz (israeli F-15A)

all 13.0? that was the point…


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I did

The Aim-7M just loses track and plummets for no reason. Along with this, the F-14B’s radar heavily limits it’s effectiveness (especially at range). This completely dismantles your argument. The Aim-7M isn’t even that good of a BVR missile on planes like the F-15A. So why would it be good on the worse plane??

It has the best F-16 flightmodel and Aim-9Ms. it can’t go to 12.7. So like the F-14s and other planes, it’s at 13.0. It’s not bad.

Iran: Satellites and Tomcats | Pakistan Defence.

First, thanks for lighting up Grammarly like a Christmas tree (holy dude use punctuation)
The F-14 being fast with ARH would be significant if they weren’t the worst radar missile for BR. The harriers have aim-120s which not only are suited for slower speeds and close combat, but also lower range, so of course you’re not typically going to be BVRing with a Harrier with Aim-120s. The J8F has only 1 DL channel (to my knowledge) so TWS really wouldn’t be that helpful anyways. The PL-12s are still really good missiles. They’re like pre-2nd nerf Aim-120s. The mirage 4000 and F-16a have always been the polar opposite of the F-14B. They’re only good at CQC. This is how they are IRL and in WT. They don’t HAVE BVR capabilities to lack. The JA37Di does have a bad RWR, FM, and CMs, but it also has Aim-120s and is a premium jet. It’s probably the most comparable “bad aircraft” compared to the F-14B. Congrats. You found a singular plane that’s somewhat as bad as the F-14B at 13.0.



That’s 3… And the F-14B shouldn’t even count because we’re asking for examples besides the F-14B. Desperate much?

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Having used both aim-9ms and R-73s, I can definitely say the AIM-9M is far more effective

They’re both effective at their own thing. R-73s are fitted towards more on an aggressive playstyle (normally near the ground) while Aim-9Ms are fitted towards a more relaxed playstyle (normally up high)


I’ve been using my F-15E like I would my Su-27, radar off sneak attacks, but since the aim-9m is not only smokeless, but harder to flare, unless I’m super far, its a guaranteed hit.

Having used both missiles… they are both IRCCM missiles and are both well and beyond the effectiveness of any non-IRCCM missile. On top of this, R-73 is FAR better in close range encounters with 9M being better in modes other than ARB and in ARB being better at longer range shots.