Exactly, what UFO? lol. It turns worse than a 27SM
Blatant misrepresentation of its power level at 12.7-13.0.
AIM-54s are weak, not powerful. They don’t get kills in general.
Yes because the F-14 is far worse.
Yes it does.
Don’t really care at this point, game is very far past realism.
Nope, they can receive better sidewinders and remain the same BR. They are just receiving what is normal for every other 13.0.
None of these are worse besides maybe Sea harrier fa.2 and even that is a debate.
Way to prove my point. I repeat myself yet again. “Sure, they all have advantages over the f14b. But the f14b has advantages over all of them. It’s combination of features make it just mid. There’s nothing special about it, but there’s nothing wrong with the f14 either.”
Frankly if you cant do well in the f14b that’s a you issue. Not the plane. Also quite interesting that you’ve never even touched the f14b. How the f do you know anything about the plane other than what you’ve seen on paper? I’m done with this conversation and with you specifically.
I don’t know why it’s so difficult for you to understand the F-14 is NOT good right now and that simply giving them better IR missiles simply puts them on a level playing field…
I do well in every single plane I play. That does not mean every single plane I play is good. Find some logic.
Because I’ve played almost everything surrounding it including the older F-14A and can use my education and knowledge to extrapolate the difference. You not being capable of doing this does not mean others aren’t capable too.
Tbf aim-9Ps do funky things from time to time (front aspect lock), they also have some of the highest cms at their brs
You’ve never even played the plane yet you think its unplayable. Interesting take. :/ You’re literally a bad joke.
Also. the f14b isn’t under performing at least currently according to smin.
9Ps are 9Js with radar slaving ability, nothing more. They are gen1 very rudimentary missiles.
neat! too bad I already accounted for all of this… the F-14s need better IR.
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The F-14A and B in War Thunder are crippled by a barely functional radar, and severely underperforming AIM-54 Phoenix missiles, rendering it practically useless. Plus, there’s a bug where your Phoenix or Fakour-90 locks onto an enemy missile instead of the target if they fire anything while you’re guiding a Phoenix towards it.
Due to playbase whining it has been destroyed.
F14B having aim54c in 13.0 does not give it a advantage the missile have slow acceleration and are easily dodge able and 7m/9l aren’t that great either for 13.0 I mean their stock weapons or at least where before gajin decided two give every up their nation at least 2 fox3 with two fox2 missile
Might get improved significantly in STT (Single Target Track) modes if the following report gets actioned like it should.
[DEV]The F-14B should be impacted by this change to IRST/EOTS
I assume it won’t since it is not mentioned, It has been severely broken for months now and underperforming for years.
It’s not a bug the radar can lock onto to missiles as the aim54 was suppose to destroy Cruise missiles
While the AIM-54 was indeed designed to counter cruise missiles as part of its fleet defense role including SURFACE SKIMMING EVADING ANTI-SHIP MISSILES (gg ), that doesn’t mean its in-game behavior of swapping from a locked enemy plane to an outgoing missile (like an AIM-120) mid-flight is intentional or realistic. The real AN/AWG-9 and AIM-54 combo prioritized the designated target—whether a bomber, fighter, or cruise missile—using mid-course updates from TWS or STT and its own active radar late in flight. It didn’t randomly abandon its assigned target to chase a newly fired missile unless explicitly retargeted, which isn’t how War Thunder plays out here. Cruise missile defense was about stopping incoming threats, not diverting to outbound enemy missiles after launch.
In-game, the AIM-54 consistently switching to an enemy missile fired mid-engagement looks like a bug in target prioritization or guidance logic. The missile’s active radar had a tight field of view and followed inertial guidance until going pitbull—there’s no historical basis for it autonomously picking a random new contact like that. This kills the F-14’s effectiveness, wasting precious Phoenixes on missiles instead of planes, which doesn’t align with its real-world use (e.g., Iran’s air-to-air kills) or its intended role in the game. It’s not a feature reflecting cruise missile capability—it’s a glitch.
Not to mention that even though it’s technically possible, in real life, the radar doesn’t have this problem because of the RIOs.
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I agree with most of your points here, but the reason we blame bad players is because that’s the only people dying to these missiles. At any BR too, not just lower tiers. Like if an F-15E is flying head-on at a Fakour with its intricate avionics and better missiles and dies, and blames the IRIAF for being overpowered, then that’s completely on them (because they’re simply not good at the game).
So when people come together and say “so and so is OP because I died to it” without actually knowing what they’re talking about, and Gaijin effectively kills the jet because of these players, reasonably, we get upset because these players would not only not try to avoid it happening again, but actively cry against it online instead of getting good.
I think if the F-14s got their buffs they could all be high BR. Gaijin refuses to do this and it is too worried adding classified 4.5 gens to ruin the game further.
An example:
F-14A: 13.0 (better Aim-54, CM pods, F-14B RWR, IRST, Aim-9L)
F14A IRIAF: 13.0-13.3 (better + more Fakour, R-73, fuel tanks, weight reduction)
F-14B: 13.7 (unnerfed RWR, better Aim-54, unnerfed BOL, Aim-9M, buffed engines, supercruise ability)
Maybe because Gaijin is planning to sell F-14D for 100$. :P
Then either F-14A and F-14B will be obstacle if Gaijin give some modernisations on them.
Also, don’t forget to pre-order F-14D with AIM-120 for 120$ in 6 months later!
Don’t the engines have 13,810Ibf each And Thrust with afterburner: 27,800 lbf for the engines found in the f14B/D?