I might have worded it weirdly, better put it this way - the overwhelming majority of planes I actually SEE people play around toptier have HMS. Su27/33, 15A, soon the 12.7 hornet, things like that. Premium viggen being the notable exception for obvious reason, but tornado? Harrier with amraams? What are those? Could that be a coincedence? In any case, denying 25km ACM is cleary not a balance concern.
I just wanted to point out
‘Tomcat is not only one who doesn’t have HMS in 13.0+’
I am very well aware and understand our radar is way better than yours.
25km ACM is better than 9km ACM for sure.
Also, now your comments seem more understandable than the last one.
I partially understand your pain, maybe because
Fighting against F-15E which was on 13.7 while playing Tonrado F.3 Late in 13.3
When F-4F ICE just got buffed to 13.0.
I am sure it is painful and disappointing to fight against F-15E or EF2000 in F-14B.
Also there are a few missing modes & errors. (also issues with the provided source quoting ranges for a standard 5m^2 RCS targets, where WT uses a generic 2m^2 so range is somewhat less for most targets which is not at all accurate to how things actually are IRL but it’s what we’ve got)
This one is probably an error as can be seen in the Transitional “Vertical Scan Lock-on” (VSL) mode, has two antenna patterns a VSL-Hi (+15 thru +55) and a VSL-Lo (-15 thru +25), both covering a 40 degree sector.
This one is probably the Entry below VSL, MRL (Manual rapid lock on), Feel Free to report it if you wish.
The HMS at very least is an option as the VTAS II headset was tested during ACE/AIMVAL (yes images are for ants)
Relevant excerpt of Text for non-ants
The Block 90 F-14As taking part in the test required extensive hardware and software changes. They include:
Maneuvering slats. Slat extension/retraction occurs concurrently with selection of maneuvering flaps.
Central air data computer with high angles of attack, the flight stick utilizes rudder instead of differential stabilizer for roll control.
Second UHF radio, replacing the ARC-51 with the ARC-150 (V)5 solid-state radio for a 20-w. output increase.
Lower pylon Sidewinder adapter. Stations 1B and 8B can carry the AIM-9L missile.
The Honeywell visual target acquisition system – a dual cockpit system – has been installed by Hughes. Both the pilot and flight officer are able to slave the missile seekers off-boresight with the visual target acquisition system. All seekers slave to either crewmember’s line of sight. The pilot is dominant if simultaneous slaving occurs in both cockpits.
The visual target acquisition system is used in the F-15 and provides target acquisition capability by determining the pilot’s line of sight to the target. The system uses infrared light beams, which are generated by two transmitters and detected by four helmet-mounted sensors. The sensors supply information to the target acquisition computer for line-of-sight computation. The line-of-sight direction as seen through the helmet sight piece is sent by the computer to the missile seeker which is slaved to the system. The system is used on the F-15 only with the Navy’s D concept seekers.
Those i’m fine with. Awg-9 has needed fixes forever. Fixes are needed. I’m even fine with the f14 getting the extra armaments. Just that the br would have to be reevaluated regardless.
Well, I am well aware of the name of the topic
Just wanted to point out when his claim sounded like
“We F-14 is only one ARH slinger which doesn’t have HMS in 13.0BR”
to be fair the tomcats one the first fourth gen planes as its not that competive compared to 4.5 gen rafales and late 4th gen planes with its current load out
I agree. Real shame that gaijin will add a literal ufo with 14 missiles and they can’t upgrade the F-14 a bit and give some more bombs that have been used by U.S aircraft.
Maybe fix bugs.
It’s just that what documentation (proving that the Radar Slaved to the Sensor LOS doesn’t interrupt missile launch and guidance) I have available relates to the TISEO / TCS, so needs to proceed from there.