The F14 IRAF Should be moved 0.5 br higher

If you are, why you start ranting F-14 in this topic just like 13.7 F-14 then?

AIM-54 is just bozo wiper that works against bomberdads or afk player.

If it does not, the F-14 is merely better Navy Phantom that can dogfighting.

Either way, with or without the AIM-54, the F-14A cannot be 13.7 material even if they gets AIM-9Ms.

I didn’t made up anything.

Nobody crying about AIM54s except bomberdads or afk players.

Good job mate, You made it up again. That’s one of reasons why you are C L O W N

Nobody made it up.

No one but you said the F-14A should be 13.7.

Learn to read.

Where did I said shit about AIM-54???

My man you just love to embarras yourslef…so sad.
And you will continue with this because you cant take L, you are child that only wants to argue.

I saw this your post in few days ago and, remembered your name because I thought that how this dude is dumb as hell since AIM-54 is not similer to AIM-120.
And you post that “F-14A should be 13.7” because you think AIM-54 is similer to AMRAAMs for somehow.

Returning from bs offtopic which is not needed…

It has absolutely no advantages over the F-15C/F-16C except for the range of the AIM-54. Also, having long range means you have many times for notching against AIM-54s if F-14s launched it from 30-40km, which is best range for hitting against target. And the AN/ALR-45 is worse than the Russian SPO-15 because it tells nothing from ARH warning. And in WVR of course the F-14A is far inferior to them.

If Gaijin fixes necessary things as described below, the F-14A would be 13.0 or even higher BR.

  • Fix drags for all ARHs : As far as I know, all ARHs including AMRAAMs, MICA etc has ways bigger drag from historical one.

  • Fix loft profile : Historically, it should pull so hard when it is launched to get ways longer ranges. It should works like old Derby

  • Modeling differences in guidance for AIM-54A/C(nerf) : Although the AIM-54A is an ARH, it is historically closer to a SARH, and if the radar loses sight of the target before it gets into the pit bull, it should self-destruct immediately. C model is fine as far as I know.

  • Modeling duel-plane : Currently, AIM-54 is severely limited in the control surfaces it uses in the game and cannot move as dual planes. It should pull 24-25Gs if Gaijin modeled dual-plane

  • Reworking IR signature modeling: Currently, Gaijin models the turbine intake temperature as the temperature of the engine itself for all aircraft, so aircraft like the F-14A and Harrier have engines that are much hotter than reality. It should have ways lower temp.

However, American one moving up to 12.7 without any changes is not possible at this time.

For Iranian one? Yes, It should go 12.7BR. They have good reasons for moving up to higher BR just like FK90s/A2A Hawk(I don’t remember its name correctly) buff. Also, probably, Iranian F-14A is better than F-14B in some points.

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Once again, you are posting off-topic and incoherent things on the forum with no regard for my efforts to get back on topic.

Typical 9 years old kid moving.

Also read this

Again where did I mention F14??? I mean you are looking soo dumb now its embarrassing, but you was so confident while calling me clown, where did that confidence gone?

Dont try to be some bully if you dont have your facts right, I mean dont be bully because you not that guy, you some guy thats in love with Top Gun movie and planes and thats perfectly fine, but you are not guy that talks with people like this. Let this be your life lession and be greatfull its online not in real life.

Again put F14s in 13.7 let them struggle little bit.

Literally the only aircraft that can carry the AIM-54 is the F-14, which should basically be considered the performance of the missile itself and the missile carrier. So was your “discussion” with him.

I don’t reply about offtopics anymore because it ruins this topic at all.

Another clown moving because You can’t argue with good reason like that.

I don’t even know why you want to see 13.7 F-14s. You just keep saying 13.7 F-14s for somehow.

I’m sure you are just asking for a needless nerf because you got wiped by an F-14 in a random battle and are angry about it. What is needed are the actual nerfs and buffs that are needed. Once that is done, the F-14 can easily move to a higher BR.

If you actually want the BR of the F-14 to go up, you should plead with Gaijin to do the necessary rework.

The essence of the F-14’s problem is that it is facing aircraft that should not be face against, such as the J35XS, due to BR compression and missing functions what is needed to the F-14/AIM-54.

I mean you still didnt provide me with evidence where I said F14 should be 13.7 because of AIM-54… Ofc you wont reply anymnore because you got caught lying and looking stupid and embarrassed you speammed this whole post whit your delusion hahahahah

Never knew “Put F14s to 13.7” would hurt you this much HAHAAHHAAHAHAHHAHA

Your problem

Cry more about it

Unfortunately for you no, but you are good at fabricating you will probabbly fabriceate another quote of me, HAHAHAHAHAH

Again F14s should all go 13.7 and they will be fine there, people will adapt, dont worry about it

if there were no AIM-54, it would literally be nothing more than a Navy Phantom that could dogfight.
There is no way that just an excellent navy phantom is equivalent to 13.7 so, You are in effect asking to raise the F-14A to 13.7 for the AIM-54.

And started personal attack again because you don’t have any good reasons for moving up to 13.7?

Instead of acting like 9 year old kids, why don’t you actually have a discussion? If you don’t like discussion, then I suggest you go to places like Reddit or random Discord server. WT Forum is not such a place.

I’m asking why you think F-14s should go higher BR except your ego or something else.

If there is nothing else, then the problem lies in your opinion.

I mean I asked you like 4 times to quote me where I said F14s should go to 13.7 because of AIM-54 and you cant do that, instead you think I said that based on some other post about completely diffrent theme…

I never attacked you Im not like you, you started with calling me clown.

You think this is “discussion”??? Im acting like a 9 year old kid??? You sure about that?

And you wanna discussion? My man learn to talk in way its not teaching and maybe then I will give you oportunity to discuss with me, until then just insult me like a hurt woman and keep lying and imagine I said something. Good luck

Bro didn’t read that

You should have just said why the F-14 could be the equivalent of the F-15C/F-16C. Period.

Also you never asked me this you just insulted me. Another of your lies… You have problems my man you should go and figure it out, you should not be embarassing yourslef here. Just sad

I asked as “same BR with F-16C/F-15C?”.

Bruh I guss you have massive skill issue for reading fr.

You can yapp all you want little man

I dont wven know why you doing this to yourself, you are delusional, lying non stop and cant let go…Not good now I will stop answering you because Im convinced you are mentally not well and I dont wanna worsen that. Again all BS aside get some help before its too late.

Yeah You finally conceded my point because You are not refuted any of the arguments on this topic.

All you needed to do was follow the topic and just answer/understand what was being asked, but you acted like a clown first, gave ridiculous opinions like a clown, and when I actually called you clown, you started crying like a 3 year old and attacking my character.

What a gamer.

I guess you actually need helps before its too late :)

Well, I knew from the beginning that you were a WT forum clown yourself when you claimed the 10.7BR(or even 10.3?) J35XS.

hope you get well soon

Yeah keep yapping.

It would be awesome if you actually get better skills for just yapping in fourm.

Also it would be awsome if you learn not to insult, how to discuss, no to lie, basic social skills, not be hurt by others opinion, know when to stop, not be angry, start living in reality, get job, be better human and overall not act like you somebody you are not just because you online and anonymous…

I already have almost everything, so it’s fine.

What’s next? Can’t wait to see you become of of the best 1v1 duelist in AAB or ARB for just yapping in forum!