The Exaltation of the USSR and the Exaltation of Europe and the USA

It is.

Datalink gives you the ability to shoot the missle in TWS

You cannot fire R-27R in TWS mode.
You can use TWS to keep track of your target while the R-27R is using IOG to go to the expected position of the aircraft, but that’s not data link.

Again you should look at the facts first.

The form of Datalink we have implemented in game means that the missle can get all the target information from the planes radar when the lock is broken and relocked. Along with a self destruct timer of 60s it means you can shoot your R27, lose lock wait 59 sec and lock the enemy again to now have the R27 second before impact at an intercept course
And again we don’t have a data link version sparrow in game do we?

The only one of these that is true is the range, the R-27R has a 0.5M lower maximum velocity while also 10G more overload so it is much more maneuverable, and the notchability is something that I haven’t found real values on so unless you have some data for me to look at there is no difference.

And this changes things how?

If you artificially limit the radar missiles that are allowable to only SARH, then for the US this is not true. The US should not be punished for being ahead of the game when it comes to missiles.

Notchability is host radar related. So you should do better than Mirage 2000C in that regard.
Lack of code in the game isn’t intentional.

Imagine have better line up and tanks than France Italy and Britain but those three still have higher win rate lol “Behold Russian’s skill issue!!”

I’ve got to say, though, looking at these stats you can hardly say that the “take turns” is balanced. I mean the US is only mostly green (or even mostly yellow) four times, Germany six times, but the USSR fourteen times. Russia has been dominating more than the US and Germany combined since 2020 (by your values) - or put it another way, it would take another ten years for the US and another six years for Germany to match the level of dominance as the USSR currently.


Ok cool, going to respond to anything else? Or maybe these guys below?

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There is definitely premium bias in War Thunder. If there was not how would the devs make money? I think that there should not be premium vehicles above rank V because to get the top you should have to use the skills that you learn along the way and not just be able to pull out your wallet and pay your way to the top.

You are 100% correct.

Then why are tech tree vehicles equal & better?

There is nothing wrong with premium cars(nice translate google, i meant machines) , on the contrary, at the early ranks they are quite unusual and look fantastic. But everything is overshadowed by the fact that the so-called premium clones at high ranks are very, very “lucky” compared to their counterparts in the development branch. The same Turms-T in the Russian-speaking community is considered a tank for the most unskill players. But at every discount they buy it, because this tank, with similar parameters to the T72bz, is very lucky and can sometimes withstand dozens of shots from top-tier tanks, the shells may not detonate in the carousel, and the barrel may not break from a direct hit. All these small things greatly increase the survivability of Turms-T compared to conventional T72

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arguing against razervon is a zero sum game, he will never admit he was wrong no matter how much proof because his ego is incredibly fragile and cannot take the blow that maybe he isn’t an absolute expert on everything in war thunder

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Some are and some are not.

Yes I agree.

Many Russian vehicles are comedically overbuffed.

NATO hardware as a whole in comparison is held back, setting aside even issues caused by lack of data due to classified information.

There is Russian Bias. Been that way since nearly the start.


yes the russian bias also existed when mbt70/kpz70 was stomping everything when m1 was so strong they had to limit it leo2a5 that was stomping everything and 2a6 that was needed to be nerfed to stop stomping everything and it still did stomp everything yes there really is a russian bias we also can see how russian bias exist at low tier where germany is the most hand hold nation with undertiered tanks there is so much russian bias that there is none

You apparently didn’t even read the topic, you didn’t follow my requests to go to websites of different regions, you just came to express your opinion, which without arguments is as useless as a 7.62 machine gun on a tank with 12.3 br.

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No I did indeed read your mess of a post.

I simply don’t care about your take.

Yes when they don’t handhold non soviet vehicles it’s russian bias.