The Exaltation of the USSR and the Exaltation of Europe and the USA

Its not exactly “not handholding” when theyre ACTIVELY nerfing NATO vehicles and NOT nerfing russian ones lmao

Some well known NATO “balancing” done by gaijin:

  • Lowered KE modifiers for composites to create artificial weakspots
  • No modelling of regenerative steering
  • No modelling anti-ERA tips for APFSDS (iirc theres a comment from a dev somewhere saying they actively arent looking into them because russia doesnt use them anyways, but take that with a grain of salt for now)
  • Underperforming angled protection (almost all NATO vehicles SIGNIFICANTLY underperform when shot at angles)
  • Programmable rounds being modelled as old time fuse rounds (literally meant as an improvement over proxy rounds, is instad a direct downgrade)
  • Decreased shrapnel for M830A1 (so it cant be as good vs helis as it was when released)
  • Underperforming armor base on gaijins own sources (the 2A7V underperforms in protection compared to the swedish trials, which are gaijins source for not fixing the 2A7V in the first place)
  • No modelling SDCB propellants (russians dont use it)
  • SIGNIFICANTLY underperforming composite add-on
  • IFV guns accuracy significantly reduced compared to irl
  • IFV APFSDS penetrator reduced spall
  • IFV cannons overheating quicker than irl
  • Stinger and mistral performance nerfs based on igla performance.
  • Additional spall formation code to certain tank sections
  • Top attack munitions given poor performance (russia dont use any, but theyre common in NATO)

Some Russian handholding:

  • MBT UFP RHA with KE modifiers of 1.35x vs KE
  • lowered detonation chances
  • decreased spalling
  • indestructible autoloaders
  • assumption of gen 3 thermals if no data can be found on the thermals of vehicles post 1990 (2S6M is a great example of this, its OLDER than the Pantsir S1, but has better thermals because gaijin doesnt know what optics it used)
  • Abnormally low BR’s (BMP-2M, 2S38, Strela, all great examples)

Russian bias has been proven over and over again with these devs over the history of this game, all the way back to the days where top BR was M103 vs Maus vs IS4M, when almost all russian shells were coded to have increased chance of causing fire or detonation of ammo (id have to dig pretty deep for that, but this was found only when datamining just started for this game). Despite this, the devs and vatniks love gaslighting the community about it, over and over.

I didnt even touch air or heli or naval stuff or even gameplay mechanics (weird how missile diamonds appear only when motor is burning, even with low smoke motors, must have nothing to do with russian missiles consistently having low burn times with high impulse, while NATO missiles are the opposite… just a happy coincidence for Russia im sure).

Anyone pretending gaijin doesn’t have a very clear bias for Russia is delusional, as its been proven over and over and over and over again.


Is the mig29 and su27 not russian then?

if anything this game is swedish bias

X6 ER and X4 R73 compared to F-15A with X4 7M (not even give better AIM-7) X4 9M.

lol really? is something like that exist? just because strv122 have stronger UFP so it turn into magical OP tanks? just lol

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the mig-29 that received the single most powerful missile added over the last 2 years in under 100h of release because the poor russian pilots werent doing well the moment the plane was added (alongside the MiG-23ML premium)? O

The Su-27 with the single best air to air missile load in the entire game by a LARGE margin?

Just cuz russian players are bad at the game through a literal DECADE of handholding, doesnt mean mean their vehicles are bad.

Fantastic example of this: BMP-2M, widely considered the single best IFV in-game by anyone with half a braincell, “performs badly” and therefore stays at a much lower BR than it should

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not large it only hold 2 more missiles then the F15 which means it has more IR missiles but that ain’t massive

due to the fire rate mostly

  1. We literally have a game designer saying sweden is their fav tech tree, so that wouldnt suprise me
  2. Thats likely more an issue of gaijins abject hatred of germany, since one of the biggest complaints of german players is that gaijin has been actively handholding sweden to the detriment of germany
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America isnt the only nation in the game. R73 are broken for over a year. su27 and mig29 have nerfed FM. His point was about fake nerfs

They also get better armor values than germany does, is this russian bias?

You said about unrealistic nerfs, now you are changing the point once again. Russia has received unrealistic nerfs like germany has

Such as?

Vast majority of the time, russia is getting the buffs and favouritism in jsut about every aspect of the game.

As for the MiG-29, afaik, it was overperforming and has since been brough in line with reality, i cant comment on the Su-27 but it doesnt seem to struggle unless played by bad players


so a plane that isn’t bad your saying

You better wish they recycle the amour of T-90A
IRL, they used newer design for better ERA placments.
The hull also took from the nerf T-72B, not even models correctly.

Tell that to the side armor of Strv/Leo side fuel tanks and hull ammo, you only facing T-Series but have you playing them when facing other ?

And they nerf it.

But also disable their whole gun/turret ring.

USA air has gotten the most buffing and handholding of all. Russia is probably next in line but nowhere near as much.

Russia probably does get special care considering devs are russian, but it’s nowhere near as extragrated as the people here cry it to be

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German 2A7V should get better armor than strv122 as far as i know
oh, how can i forget MiG-27K incident? that stomp people until Russian got taste of their own medicine by Harrier GR7 and shortly after they got Pantsir because they cry Harrier OP lol handheld af

You act like its always everyone vs russia in top tier

Gaijins “estimates” for T-90M protection: 1000mm+ KE protection

Gaijins “estimates” for Leopard 2A7V: 650mm vs KE, literally worse than the swedish trial, which they have stated they use as a source, for a tank using B-tech internal composites and D-tech external composites in a configuration which never went into service, and is like 2 armor generations behind

Gaijin dev/smin: “sorry guys, cant buff the 2A7V anymore, you need to bring us classified info on the exact protection of the 2A7V if you want us to even consider buffing its protection to the levels of the Strv122, a tank 20 years older than it”

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  • Nerf it for like year 1 ago, can’t read the news ?
  • Gave me the code that show their ammo did not exploded, mine got a lot when shooting NATO/USA, you face alot of them, some fell to detonate, sound like me, face leo 2, shooting the side/hull, ammo and fuel tanks ate the rounds
  • Gen 3 thermal since the Thales ( Catherine-FC / 640×512) because it was cheaper, now they uses domestic adaptation (PNM-T) which is improved with the algrothrim in IP.
  • If you just talk about br (not top tier), check the series BALANCED or UNBALANCED from candian wt content youtuber.

TF are you talking about?

  • Nerfed TOW 2B
  • Underperforming main armor
  • Underperforming ERA
  • Stingers (lol)
  • Mavs (lol)
  • TOW 2B (lol)
  • Hellfires (lol)
  • AIM-54 (lol)
  • AIM-7M (lol)
  • No anti-ERA tip
  • Only nation still fielding a top MBT from the early 2000’s (2007)
  • AH-64D is a baseline version from 1998 and is missing critical sensors
  • One of the last nations to get TT LGB’s (literally invented them and are the biggest user of them)
  • etc…

“Receives a lot of stuff because it used and developed a lot of stuff” is not “handholding”. The US definitely isnt the worst off, but saying gaijin “handholds” ANY western nation except sweden is a stretch, and a big one at that


Yeah that very annoying especially when thats the only difference from you previous tank and can only protect from heat

also refuse every source people give about DU hull insert.
lol yeah handheld US so much.