The Exaltation of the USSR and the Exaltation of Europe and the USA

Sadly this is the case with many nation/tier combos at the moment, it’s not just USSR vehicles’ problem.

I still don’t understand what you’re talking about and how you calculated the error. I just sent a screenshot. 534 datapoints, I still don’t understand, the translator unfortunately cannot convey the essence of what was written

I could say the same thing about the current situation.

Leopard 2A7V and Strv 122B players are just more skilled than T-80BVM and T-90M players. ‘‘Who cares?’’

I know.
What I’m saying is that Russia has generally had among the highest winrates at top-tier across the previous 2+ years.

Top-tier has always been a rotating carousel where Russia, Germany or America take turns dominating the others, usually because a new overpowered vehicle powercreeps other vehicles.

Sweden be like, hahahahahahah

Yeah, that’s one of the issues this game has for years now.
It’s much easier and cheaper to just keep adding more and more vehicles in game modes that weren’t initially designed with them in mind. This is one of the biggest reasons we have this mess at the moment.

Gaijin is biased, but for money. If something is seen as a good opportunity (profit-wise) they’ll do it without much concern about anything else.
Just look at premium vehicles, those things destroy whole tiers with lvl 0 ODL players making matches extremely unfun and honestly, quite ridiculous. Guess what, Gaijin doesn’t care in the slightest.

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It’s sad, but during discounts on premium technical schools, you can just take something tasty, something to drink, even with a percentage of alcohol. Turn on YouTube and calmly farm level 1 people who bought Turms-T, clickbait, Challenger and other top-end machines

Yeah, Sweden is and has consistently been extremely strong.

It’s been a common complaint that Sweden offers a better ‘‘German’’ top-tier experience than the actual German tech tree.

However, Russia is still better off. Out of the 16 charts I’ve provided, Russia has held the highest winrate in 9/16 total.
Sweden only had the highest winrate in 4/16 and Italy 3/16.

In which world exactly? R24Rs have even better kinetic performance than Aim 7Fs
Also since you’re talking about sim, the Mig23s have a distinct advantage in that their HUD actually shows where a target is when you have locked it.
In addition to that the Mig23s MTI mode outperforms most PD modes of the planes in its sim bracket.

But now that Germany has 2a7, perhaps the situation will change.

It is important to understand here that Eastern Europe/Central Asia is traditionally strong in competitive games such as CS, Dota, Valorant and others. We can really be nerds. It is also worth considering that when in our countries it is rush hour, approximately 19:00 until late at night, in your countries it is either morning, USA, or lunch, European countries. And a large number of players from different regions are simply stewing in their own time zone cauldrons. And developing my theory, we need a more accurate sample that takes into account not only the nation, but also the region and statistics on the regions and nations popular in them. The YouTuber I linked to promised to soon open a website with the results of data processing.

lolwat? No they don’t.
R-24Rs are kinetically slightly worse AIM-7E-2s.
Just as R-27Rs are slightly better AIM-7E-2s; on par with 530Ds, etc.

You should really check the game stats buddy


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Thanks for proving my point.

In addition to that it has IOG which no Western missle has, and the R27 even gets Datalink on top of that

Is it hard to read a table? We both posted the same XD

Datalink isn’t implemented.
IOG right now only helps with self-destructs. Otherwise it’s irrelevant when radar is locked.
Table was easy, there was no significant difference.
There is more difference between AIM-7D & E than the differences between R-24R & AIM-7E-2.
R-24R & R-27R are surprisingly similar to be honest. I expected R-27R to be significantly better.

Yes it is…

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Not only with self destruct but also that the missle is still going to steer on an intercept course, while the aim 7 will just go straight

Share the fucking articles instead of telling me to look for them.

Your whole comment is loads of nonsense, I wonder what kind of clickbait article you’re going to link.

Next you will tell me that Soviet IFV’s are better than NATO ones


No, it isn’t.
R-27R’s datalink is the ability to use other aircraft radars to be guided in.
That’s not in-game. R-27R’'s datalink isn’t being used currently and likely won’t for the foreseeable future.