The double standard when talking about the Brimstone's capabilities

make smoke block radar which is historical with multi spectrum smoke and dont allow LOAL problem solved

You have to prove all countries use it.

Dude… What are you saying? Firstly u said beam riding is worse now u are saying that beam riding is learning😑. My god like if pointing laser is not easy theres nothing to learn except making sure that missile isnt launched with too high angle

Beam riding is inferior to laser, that’s an objective reality.
The flaw of smoke is outweighed by the accuracy improvements and lower weight allowing for larger warheads and/or further range.

And yeah, in War Thunder you CAN do better because you just get more practice across more vehicles with beam riding than you do laser.
Learning laser guided weapons is different. It took me 3 hours just to learn how to ripple fire correctly and the mindset needed to understand when and how fast it should happen.

Well not worse in warthunder. Theres nothing different in laser guided weapons just point and shoot. The only difference is missile and platform and beamriding shooting trough smoke like brimstone would but nah its not balanced when other countries have it except russia

laser guided agms is not accurate when in comparison to beam riding agm, this is just false. In an open environment, laser guided agms won’t have an issue but when there’s foliage, ground clutter, etc, it is extremely difficult to hit a target. This is an objective truth that is acknowledged by the majority of the community

In addition laser guided agms are a lot more inaccurate at range. Take a look at the hellfire or the mokopa, their engine only last for a couple of seconds after than, it glides it’s way there. The farther it gets the more inaccurate it gets. Along with that comes with the time it takes for the agm to reach it’s target. The longer it is, the longer you will be in the open or seen.

At least the chinease agms can maintain it’s energy a lot longer because it has a sustainer engine. though it’s a bit slower

Warhead does matter but the accuracy matters a lot more. You rarely see a hellfire being launched from 5km because of how inaccurate it is as well as how risky it is. With that being said, Vikhr missiles can still oneshot and overpressure tanks but not to the same efficiency

firing in ripples only work when you’re safe to be in the air for longer periods of time. This is rare to see when spaa systems are very common in top tier.

Please address all my claims, because we had this dicussion last time and you didn’t even answer or attempt to counter my points:

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Accuracy is a bit worse with beam riding in War Thunder.
What’s strongest is just the mouse input that partially normalizes all weapon systems.

I’ve had zero accuracy issues with AGM-114 for the last 4 - 5 years, and Mokopa since whenever Rooivalk released.
Granted, I also trained for hours in test drives on laser guidance before purchase of the Peten.
At some point I just used laser weapons far more than any other guidance type.
I use LGBs in ground battles against Pantsir teams since Pantsir was introduced with perfect accuracy when I didn’t fat finger my bomb drop.

You may have a different experience and that’s okay.

Please stop opposing improvements to Brimstone’s implementation. Brimstone being incorrect is not a lie no matter how much you claim otherwise.
Please stop attacking everyone that isn’t Russian.

Brimstone needs to be fixed no matter what.
Britain needs its weapons to be as correct as possible.

I don’t know if you’re doing it intentionally or not, but scroll up for a while, it’s nothing but people getting mad and arguing with you. I know you have a lot of time, but you’re not a Jesus Christ himself to even think that you’re the only right one in this pool of sinners. Just come on.


I don’t understand why people are mad at me for wanting Brimstone to be fixed… I really don’t.

This is just not true. Where ever you point your mouse the missile will follow it. That is in a sense what beam riding is. Laser guided agms don’t work like that. It needs a point lock for it to work, otherwise it will be using it’s IOG. The issue with that is point lock gets interfered with terrain features (trees, bushes, debris,etc) frequently. Again this is a known fact by the majority of the community.

laser guided bombs are different because you’ll be firing from an altitude where terrain features don’t become an issue. Those are two completely different things

Just out of curiosity what gamemode did you play when using helicopters?


Me: “Brimstones will be as OP as everything else if implemented correctly, even if we have to compromise on no ARH. They should be as correct as possible.”
Also me: “Su-34 due to being the heaviest afterburning jet coming to War Thunder will see an airframe slightly worse than Tornado IDSs due to its weight and design. Will it matter? Probably not.”
People: “BLOCK HIM!”
Me: “Why are they mad after I said basic facts every single British player said?”

So because I like China and Britain I’m bad?
Wow… just wow… Well, keep thinking I’m biased in favor of China and Britain all you want I guess.

Ground RB, assault arcade, and heli PVE [heli PVE and assault arcade use player-detail vehicles with real damage models, good place to practice against MBTs with composite if you need it].

I played A LOT of assault arcade fragging T-80s, Challenger 2s, Abrams, Leopard 2s using Apache from various altitudes. Very good practice, translated well when I played ground RB with helicopters a lot.
And of course ground RB where I fragged more variety.
And heli PVE where there’s just a select few MBTs.

And that’s where the issue lies. You rarely play GRB from the looks of it. Yeah obviously you will say you have no issues with the hellfire. Saying that you practice only means something if you play GRB.

I don’t like stat peaking but it makes a lot more sense with the takes you have on helicopters

**for transparency, I filtered out low tier helicopters

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wait??? Harrier Gr7 out ranges pantsir are u serious??

Thanks for proving I have played ground RB with helicopters a lot.
Oh, and my performance is usually 4 frags for thermal equipped helicopters, and 0 for a number of misjudged positioning and got correctly yeeted by SPAA, along with dumb rocket rushes that ended up with the helicopter dead usually without frags. Once I saw a good YouTuber I stopped the rocket rushes, but of course the deaths are permanently there… I don’t care but others might.
I played more G-Lynx than I remember.

I’ve outranged Pantsir with my Harrier GR7 at least 3 times in random battles, and more times in custom battles when I was learning Pantsir’s weaknesses.

Learning Pantsir’s weaknesses the first week it was added was the best thing for me to do, cause it allowed me to adjust my CAS playstyle to never die to it.

I would’ve hopped into a sim ground match with a jet for a proof, but sadly no Pantsir available on the enemy team.

this is the real truth. brilliant conclusion!! :D

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wow!! 3 times!! wow!! impresive!! give u an award Pantsir Killer ok?

stupid pantsir could even be destoried by a single 250lb dropped from a bf109. and then i could say now bf109 is outranged pantsir right?

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Not sure if you’re sarcastic or not but 52 battles in the apache with a kd of little over 1 doesn’t scream being skilled in that heli. Practicing in pve doesn’t translate over to GRB.

I just realized how much time I wasted on you. I assumed that you had a decent amount of helicopter games when you made your claims. But really man, 52 battles for a helicopter that you claim to do so well in? For a helicopter that you claimed that is on par with the KA52

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I play all ten tech trees, I have over 20 guided CAS playforms, and play naval, air, heli, and ground. 2 hours a day average.

Which includes at least 15 rocket rushes…
I’ve done over 30 rocket rushes in Ka-50.
Both are conservative estimates, as it’s likely far more than that; almost all of my kills in both are from their AGMs, and at least a large minority of my deaths are from the rocket rushes.
Also you forgot the 12 aircraft I fragged with Apache…
Zero in G-Lynx obviously.

Also how did I get 10 aircraft fragged in Mi-28A? I cannot remember any of those matches.

we are talking brimstone mav and KH38. Lets get back. why do u think mav and brimstone is better tha KH38 tell me