The decline of the naval


I’m sorry to say this, but I feel like naval battles have really changed for the worse since the major update.

Now, it seems that only the best-armored ships with fast reload times can win (Scharnhorst, for example). The addition of Rodney was supposed to bring a powerful new ship, but in reality, it feels like it barely does any damage at all. Despite being a big and impressive ship, it just doesn’t seem to have the impact it should have in battles.

Even Italian ships, which used to be powerful with some skill to hit under the waterline, have lost their effectiveness. It feels like there’s no real way to pierce under the waterline anymore. Remember when ammo racks were a thing in naval combat? That seems to be forgotten now.

I had a conversation with a streamer (Windsurfer) who also said that naval battles have lost their appeal, and I have to agree. It doesn’t feel fun anymore. A lot of this comes from casual players who don’t have the experience with the mechanics, and it’s disappointing to see that the game is being shaped around that.

I’ve been a big fan of naval gameplay and have unlocked ships from every tech tree. I used to recommend the mode to other players, but now, I can’t help but feel like it’s no longer worth it.

I truly hope Gaijin takes the time to listen to experienced players, rather than just catering to casual feedback. I’m slowly starting to lose interest in the game, and I’m sad to see the direction it’s taking.

Thank you for reading.


Only way I find naval tolerable enough to do events/battlepass in is coastal vessels. And I’m someone that played Navyfield and WOWS extensively back in the day. My rule of thumb is when I start seeing people just sitting in spawn all game instead of even trying for the objectives, I’ve gone too high in naval BR.

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I came from NF too ! A friend make me reinstal it again and i had back my account !
But yeah, players are boring to stay onto spawns.
That why enduring confrontation are better

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My username was Pepsi in there and I was in Jedi clan. I still have my Navyfield crystal trophy from the tournament back in the day. I haven’t touched it since the beginning of 2009, though.

I bumped this topic earlier, btw: Do we still matter? - #28 by TheDudesRug

I’m mainly grinding the event using lower-BR ships so my frustrations are a bit different than yours.

I’m done with coastal grind cause of russian ships and costal facing destroyers without have a chance.
for exemple, why saetta is 4.7 but SKR is in 4.3 ?
Its a non sense

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I don’t use SKR, but they’ve farmed me plenty of times. And now in the Pr.206 the survivability is for nothing when you meet an SKR-7 and they’ll take you out with a couple of hits. That’s why I always carry the rocket-boi. BM-21 - doesn’t forget and doesn’t forgive. Nothing feels as good as nuking an SKR with rockets, after they’ve been farming you and other coastal vessels.

You’re right though. Lots of decompression, map changes, all of that required.

The scharnhorst is by far the best BC in the game. Eating every shell you throw at it, and being able to cripple you at the same time.

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The SKR is always dangerous to lighter vehicles as is most destroyers.
The SKr is less powerful at range, and great at cqc

All other nation should have things like russian boats.
PR183 in 3.3 kills everything. They face only wooden boats

There is jaguar in 4.0. hugin is less good boat but its in 4.3.
PG02 was good in the past, nerfed, now its really bad.
They just added french coastal, they are impossible to grind cause of the actual MM

Don’t forget this mad-lad and its tech-tree counterpart.

And you got annoying boats like the Douglas with its anti-ship missile. I think part of the problem is just the sheer-numbers of SKR that you’ll see compared to other vessels.


Douglas is premium.
Akebono is really not good at all.
If you havent reached late tech tree, its painful to grind.

I have italian new coastal ship to grind, but i do not want to do this cause italian boats are not balanced at all

How so? It has rapid reload, quite survivable, has good shell options including APHE/HE-VT. I’ve enjoyed my time in it so far. For 3.3 you can’t ask for much more out of it. Has been well worth it.

each time i play it, i’m uptiered so…

I agree with this

You could try the Rosomacha and its Tt counterpart. Easily one of the worst ships in the game. It sees destroyers that annihilate it, and costal boats will as well.

I wonder if they should have a coastal only mode and then a combined bluewater/coastal mode like it is now.
I stopped playing naval a while ago when crew deaths became absurd with 20km sniping matches. It just became so darn repetitive in large ships I lost interest. And coastal vehicles being soft locked to one part of the map made me lose interest in them as well. (But I do remember really enjoying the coastal chaos)

I’m usually all-in for combined battles, but I’d have segregated naval modes if we could encourage more coastal chaos. But a good point I saw on this forum earlier is that it isn’t just about people not wanting to use coastal ships, but that the grind for them often leaves people just bringing a destroyer instead. And it’s pretty true when you think about it. 200-300k RP range for a 4.3-4.7 coastal vessel, is quite prohibitive, especially when you’re up against it when playing these coastal vessels. On some maps you’ll just be nuked by your nearest 9-10k rp requiring DD as soon as you spawn due to little to no cover. Maybe we could have our coastal chaos back if they made the higher tiered coastal vessels more accessible.

The bluewater just seem to be an American action movie where it just turns in to a slugfest trading blows and no-one really moving. You can start shooting each other right at spawn and that’s how it ends. There also really isn’t any chance to do any sort of maneuvering. (and I’m only up to cruisers, I don’t know how Battleship battles go).

And we’re missing a big part of the ship visuals. I seem to spend most of time in targeting / zoom view, especially when firing (which for blues is nearly all the time), and you miss the awesomeness of the main guns (and lots of secondaries) firing, especially in full broadsides. I don’t see any part of my ship for most of the game. (Or am I doing this bit wrong?)

They are closing ticket even before asking how or why.

Oh hey, I was in Jedi for a bit.

Left a while ago though. I didn’t like the changes with subs and CVs on top of the constant big money grabs War Gaming did.