Do we still matter?

Yeah, using up one of your limited spawns just to be ganged up on and blown up by much bigger ships. All for the sake of some rando’s win rate. What fun!

No one plays naval. Gaijin simply doesn’t know how to do Naval properly. So right now it’s gonna remain in a dead state. It’s a similar case to why no one plays Air Sim. Both were altered to the point that it was not enjoyable.

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I’d rather that than to be sitting in spawn like a brainless zombie. And coastal is as fun as people make it. When multiple people spawn coastal on both sides it is a blast. People that spawn DD and CL when the map calls for coastal are the ones ruining it. If you want people to stick around and play naval after events/battlepass, do better. Also, spawn cost is never an issue in naval - you can die in your coastal and either bring a DD or another coastal. It’s never one and done. So your point is worthless. And just to elaborate, I’m talking about high-tier coastal BRs, so 4.3-4.7. The people sitting in spawn are not battleships with no mobility and 30-50 second reloads. They’re highly mobile destroyers who just sit there ignoring the caps.


You dont play naval…


The problem is maps ( domination ones) are usually made up of caps for coastal, destroyers, and heavy fleet!
I dont like coastal much, and when i play heavy cruisers or a battleship, i want to spend my time in those rather than a coastal boat just to win a game!

I enjoy naval, at least a lot of aspects about it! Unfortunately, everything is mixed into a bag of mess!
Gaijin has made naval battles based on the arcade template, and that screws it up imo.

EC is the best to play, but it’s only during weekends and at least used to have major connection issues.

Will try it again after the event grund is done.

As for SL, naval is the best place to get loads, especially in a premium bluewater ship.

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Problem is when you have maps where it is best to spawn coastal because the caps are coastal and the whole team just fights over the one destroyer/cruiser cap. And when I say fight, I mean they’ll sit in spawn and it’ll just sit there uncapped until either one side eventually uses their brain-cells to leave spawn or a coastal vessel will come and cap it for them. This map being the prime example:

Although, thankfully in the above screenshot other people have spawned coastal and it was a fulfilling fight. You have plenty of matches where it’s just destroyers and one or two coastal.

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It’s unrealistic to expect players to even have such vessels in their lineup when a 4.3 destroyer costs somewhere between 8-20k RP while a 4.3 coastal vessel costs 200-300k. Not to mention how much of a pain it is to grind coastal after 3.0.

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They do need to sort the grind out in coastal, I’ll give you that.

I do not a lot none the less. I saw its decline. Naval is simply neglected.

No shit you have fun playing coastal when you’re using overpowered Pr206 and other high BR soviet premiums. Try playing some british or italian coastal, especially tech tree stuff BR 2.3 and higher, and tell me how much fun it is to get sodomized without end or counterplay by all the overpowered premiums and soviet boats, and earning absolutely nothing for your time and effort because of it. Coastal balance is by far the worst in the game, that’s why it’s dead. Bluewater is hardly any better.


Yeah you really dont play naval…

Coastal isnt dead lmao. Queue times are great…


Exactly my point, and this map is also the worst offender in regards to this issue!

Spawn a BB on this map and you can hardly influence the outcome of the battle at all!

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Once Britain, Japan and USA get some competitive 4.3 ish br Coastal boats then ill start using one of my 3 spawns to contest the coastal cap zones. What the fuck am I supposed to do against a PR-206 in Brave Borderer / PT-810 or PT-15?

Coastal is a complete mess and the imbalance between nations is just one aspect of that.


simply, not enough people play naval. I remember having to do naval for battle pass challenges and not only was it not fun, queue times were tortuous. I don’t agree with gaijin’s decision to not support the naval players but it is hard to make it fun, especially whenever I play it, I am shot off spawn or I simply have to take 3 minutes to kill my opponents

Nothing you can do with a coastal ship. I’d recommend adding a good destroyer to your lineup even in high tier matches. For instance, the Mitscher/Wilkinson is great for absolutely wrecking the SKRs and Pr206s.

Depending on the map though, you cant reach the coastal cap zones from the Destroyer spawn without being obliterated by enemy cruisers. Every nation needs a competitive 4.3ish br PT boat that can contest the coastal cap points.

Honestly, i think its stupid that a Battleship br match can be decided by someone spawning a PT boat and capturing 2 circles in a lagoon off to the side the battle.

They do, but until then, bringing a destroyer is the best you can do. You can usually get in range of the PT boat caps pretty easily with the speed of a a destroyer, and you can outrange the PT boats. I eat those for breakfast with American destroyers. It’s really fun, and even better when they start complaining.

Tbh, I literally only play RB EC and it is alot better imo

I only complain when I get a team full of people like yourself spawning in destroyers while the enemy team has full control of two cap points that are in the coastal area. But at least it sounds like you actually move in your destroyer, unlike those who just sit in spawn, so bravo. Compared to ground battles, naval just has an issue where people ignore the objectives and just sit around shooting at what their range finder tells them to. I had one guy earlier, his reasoning for the team losing the battle is that he couldn’t kill enough of them (while static in spawn all game) - while the enemy had control of the deciding cap point not even 1KM away from him. It’s quite pathetic.

Yeah, with the imbalances of what nations are prepared to bring coastal at those BRs, it just throws the balance out having it that way. They either need to promote coastal and make it more accessible, or just change the maps altogether.

Survivability of Pr.206 is quite shit, I’m finding. Yeah, it melts pt boats and the like, but if you take damage and catch on fire, good luck putting it out even with the fire extinguishers. So you can do a great lot to a Pr.206, the question is can you do it without getting melted first? Lets not act like the Pr.206 is a Yamato. I don’t blame you for feeling that way, I also had an image of the Pr.206 before finally grinding it. I knew it had downsides, but I didn’t know the extent. It’s a beast, but it makes me appreciate how good Germany is in coastal, tbh.