The Death of Viable Bombing (

With Update, the viability of rocket bombing has been - more or less - slaughtered.

On one hand, I understand the reasoning. It took 84-90 Might Mouse FFAR (or other similar rockets) to destroy a base, while it took 6x 1000# bombs to do the same. It also incentivized players to avoid rocket bombing and to play fighters as they was intended, to fight. And I understand that it made a lot of players become reliant on bombing bases to achieve RP, making them dead weight to a team’s composition.

Now, I’ve always played aircraft in the way they were meant to be played. Bombers bomb bases, attackers destroy ground targets, and fighters fight. But I came to an epiphany of thought a couple of days ago. I loaded up 3 rocket pods on a Mirage F1C-200 (enough to kill a base) and decided to destroy a base and then turn into the enemy team to engage them.

I set up a little experiment of sorts. In a three kill game with one base destroyed in a 10 minute match, using the Mirage F1C-200 with a premium account, I was able to get a whopping 33,674 RP and 110,112 SL. Then, I compared that to a five kill game with no bases destroyed in a 12 minute match (with an airfield rearmament/repair, if that matters), again using the Mirage F1C-200 with a premium account. Even with all of the additional in game RP/SL increases for killing more than 4 enemy players, I had 17,064 RP and 92,802 SL. There is a 16,610 RP and 17,310 SL difference between that base and those two players.

If bombing a single base and getting two less kills got me more than twice the RP reward, no wonder people use fighters for bombing. It’s easy RP. Of course, I know that the bombing fighters most people talk about are the F-4S Phantom IIs, who only bomb bases and nothing else. They take off, beeline for a base, usually get shot down by the egregious amount of AIM-54s spammed by the five “John ‘Maverick’ Top Gun” pilots (which is an issue in on of itself), or get killed mere moments after taking out a base.

Killing the rewards for bombing bases does nothing but hurt the player base, and the less toxic people are to think about the game and the people who play it, the more they’ll realize it. Gaijin was responsible for making the PvE aspect (bombing bases) so much more lucrative than and making PvP so grind-worthy. Don’t blame players for taking the easy route and bombing bases and getting easy RP whilst making killing enemy aircraft so unrewarding.


Did you even read the post? Unless you have the world’s quickest reading sense, you didn’t read my post whatsoever.


Please keep your posts amicable, as that’s what I’m trying to do.

The AIM-54 is not overpowered, but for many players who have seen it for the first time, they may be confused as to how to properly defend against one. While I know that it’s easy to do so, the multipath changes have made it somewhat difficult to use terrain against it, especially on maps that do not have flat geographic features (such as Mysterious Spaceport, Golan Heights, Pyrenees).

But I digress. This post is not about the AIM-54, it’s about how rocket bombing and easy RP has suffered as a result of the most recent update.

If your issue is with allowing players to achieve easy RP, then I’m not entirely sure if you’re on the community’s side.


Rocket farming nerf only get benefits for game, at least for SB.
Rocket farmers is reason, why Gaijin ripped sim economy, jsut because of F-4 attacking airfield gived a lot of RP and SL. In result of what they added “timed” economy, which ruined rocket farm, BUT ALSO NORMAL GAMEPLAY.

And lol, 0skillbombers still have access to bombs.


I’m not talking about simulator battles, though. The tags on the post read Realistic battles, Air.

I don’t have nearly enough experience in Simulator battles to talk about how it’s like, the tactics that are most often used, and what not. But I do know that the most common game mode, Realistic battles, has suffered from the update.

And yes, they still have access to bombs. But rocket bombing was a significantly easier and much less risky process than conventional bombing. It was simple to aim the rocket CCIP reticle on a base, hold rocket salvo for two or three seconds from 5-6km away, and fly off to evade missiles or turn into the enemy team while the rockets struck. This is opposed to getting in close (because bomb lofting rarely ever works because of greedy players, unfortunately), waiting until you’re 2km or closer to bomb, and having much less time to react.

I don’t entirely understand why you’re opposing players earning easy RP in a game that is notoriously difficult to grind in. Could you enlighten me as to why?


Rocket spam was in all gamemodes and that was a bug, so, you cant fix bug like that only for one gamemode.

Do you know about CCRP and that in wt you can loft and they will hit close enough? That will give you more range, than rockets, at least in case of actual range, but thats not deckhug

Im opposing, while it ruins gameplay.
0 interest of killing bots, at least until they trying to be toxic in DM


Viable bombing hasn’t changed in War Thunder.
Rockets aren’t bombs, thus you’re not “bombing” with them.

Mirage F-1C has enough bombs to bomb a base.

The didn’t do this.
Ju-288 is giving as much RP as it always gives.
PVP is the slowest research method still.

Due to the greed of players, bomb lofting rarely works in my experiences. Through the air, the bombs lose a lot of velocity, and that leaves a gap for other players to take advantage of a longer drop time to come in and swoop a base.

I have no doubt that in simulator battles, bomb lofting is a legitimate and useful strategy; but in Realistic, it’s not quite as reliable for achieving a base kill near the start of a game. When it’s later in the game and there are fewer players to come in and steal a base, it’s more viable. But early game, not so much.

Don’t blame players for taking advantage of something that lightens the grind.


As I said in the post, rocket bombing has been made unviable. Loading up two or three hardpoints of rocket pods and using them in lieu of bombs for a quicker engagement is no longer the easiest way to bomb a base.

I know that a lot of aircraft still retain their conventional bombing capabilities. But rocket bombing was a quicker and easier way of killing bases than conventional capabilities.

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You stated that rockets less risky, than bombs. But lofting bombs it still bombs. So, you can drop bomb with far more range, than rocket ccip working.

In RB it usefull in toptier more than, last time i played wt at all - was grinding by bomb lofting. Survived a lot of times.

Why i cant blame ppl, when they ruining gameplay and economy?

But if i take 3 bombs, i can carry only 2xMM2, and 1xIR chonker.

While, with rockets i can take 1 bomb, 2 rocket pods, 2xMM2, and 2x530F.

And this is the whole problem of AirRB.
There is not a single reason giving a player double the reward of a player kill for something with zero effect to the battle. Base bombing in higher tiers is exclusive gaining personal ressources.


Gaijin simply needs to buff the rewards you get for killing players, rather than nerfing other rewards.


It’s why lower player count matches reduce RP potential and why many people oppose them.

This is what actual RIP bozo situation for Chinese botters in SBEC lmfao


Base bombing isn’t PVE. Its PVP. The human attacker (bomber) vs human defender (fighter interceptors). And I guess all the other “bombers” you are racing to the bases.

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rockets ain’t bombs - so it isn’t the death of any sort of bombing at all.

What you mean is the death of base rocketing for fun and profit.

They are still perfectly good vs AI ground targets, which is exactly as it should be.


Idk why people cant just use bombs to bomb bases again?

The sheer masses of casual (=untrained) players which flooded the game mode Air RB since 2020-2022 needed a tool to grind - and the introduction of the F-4E in March 2020 together with the introduction of respawning bases in May 2020 created the opportunity to sell high price premium aircraft together with a low skill tool to grind - it’s called base bombing.

So instead of dedicated pilots willing to learn and to enjoy the mode right now - the lobbies are dominatdd by “grinders” - without patience to learn ACM, but willing to buy over priced premium aircraft to bomb bases.

That gaijin would sooner or later kill the option to use rocket pods with highly inflated damage output was obvious - i wonder why i happened that late, i mean the rocket issue was there for ages.

So imho the death of base bombing was in May 2020 as gaijin deleted the win condition “enemy airfield destroyed” as they were unable to balance base and airfield HPs with ever increasing payloads of multi-role jets…

Because they decreased the rp by bombs aswell