They even nerfed the multipliers for bombers that don’t even have any other weapons

No, you always can and should blame players for playing video games with hyper min-max “efficiency” over fun; it’s an awful attitude, and inevitably leads to frustration. Both inherently, and if said “efficient” methods get adjusted/fixed/etc.
Also, rockets are not bombs, and no reasonable argument can be made that they were ever intended to be anti-base weapons. They’re for engaging vehicles/units.
I’m so old that i remember time when bomber could make 500 k /40 k (TT Bomber/no premium/no booster) rp per match
Compared to pre 1.29 ,all gamemodes are crap
So really this is just another post about someone being upset that they are not making the same RP and SL after a change. The community figured out how to make extra sl and rp using rockets on bases. The rockets were doing more damage than they should, and the rewards given were more than what they should have been. Unfortunately they let that go for an extended period of time, but have now corrected the issue.
Now everyone is crying that their cash cow has turned into a cash pig. The change has been made, no amount of whining and crying is going to revert the change. enjoy your earnings and the progress you made while it was available and lets move on.
No explanation,only “it’s a bug,and fixed.”, that’s what annoy me. You never know what’s on their mind. Next time they may reduce bomb base avenue and say that’s another bug fixed. Since fighter should fight against enemy plane and player must learn to “decent fight” rather than bombing, isn’t it? Just keep instruct player how to play and shape the game how they want, typically blizzard style.
LoL … What about the stock heli now grind against PVE AI gepard after neff since rocket bombing is not a option,is those players’ suffer a bug too?
They do it all the time. They fool around with server settings for all kinds of things from AAA performance to rewards, with no notification at all.
Kinda like how they will delete whole sections of forum discussion threads like they never happened… hummmmm?
Base kills should be worth less than a player kill.
Simple as.
I agree, but that should go in the direction of increasing the player kill reward, not the way to reduce the base kill reward.
how about player kill reward higher than base kill reward? let’s try more plus rather than minus.
I like lower player counter matches. I get alot more rewards in them bc the center of the map isn’t just a tornado of 8 enemy planes that are completely untouchable.
They could just buff PvP rewards so people would stop feeling it necessary to bomb bases to get anything done.
Not to mention aircraft like the F-4 Phantom were somewhat designed to do that.
They did.
But instead of decreasing they increased RP multipliers for these bombs:
No other changes in your Ju-288.
Irrelevant to WT. Bases exist to be bombed, that’s their gameplay purpose. Rockets exist for AI ground units.
As the title states I agree. The issue is players are still under the delusion Air RB should cater to bombing. Bombing has long been outdated for high tier games (even at low tier it’s poorly implemented but you have more justification there) and should have been removed past ~7.0 where the last prop bombers sit.
It’s time to end the charade and properly balance the game.
Yes I agree to the WT part ;)
*second most common, but I digress
Sad B-29 and Tu-4 noise kicks in
alternatively gaijin could revert those changes, so bombers get their RP (because that’s what they want) and actual players can in turn farm bombers, while doing fighter things as well.
literally Gaijin is being greedy by making the grind unnecessarily harder and is trying to instead make the community fight itself over the issue.
instead of doing the sane and sensible thing and increasing rewards for A/A kills
Chinese farmers already killed SB economy, no reason to kill second mode…