The current state of the Namer and how it could improve


So anyway, a weight of 63.5 tons is hardly indicative of anything when it’s on the Nemera. The regular, non-CEV Namer should weigh less as the CEV variant includes additional equipment. But with a turret, the Namer could gain about 1.5 tons over the standard weight, which is often rounded down to 60 tons.

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Looks like a completely different namer chassis than the one getting represented ingame

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Because it is not the Same vehicle, It is the Nemera, Its a the older version that was based of the Mk1 mk2 Merkava’s, The one that eventually made it though was the design of the Namer, Based of the Mk4

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That is definitely not based on the Merkava 1 and 2 regardless of what some sources say.

You could bet your life on that based on looks I understand that, But You can be rest assured it is actually based of the Mk1 and Mk2 , It just just receive a VERY heavy armor package, that made it far more similar to the mk4 in terms of look and protection

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Another Dev Server. Now, And we see another update, The side armor of the Namer looks much better now with some rework, Also the internal armor finally got an armor value (20mm, Still not good but we will see it developing) Also the front plate doesn’t exist anymore whatsoever, Which makes me think they are starting to work on its composition, and have removed it for now to work on its development, I will update you all if I see any other changes.



I am once again asking for Merkavas to get the chains.



I don’t think the game supports such advanced physics and I feel like gaijin doesn’t want to add them as static objects

They could just have a basic swing animation I guess, no need for each chain to have individual simulated physics!

Or simplified physics, like antennas.

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Actually gaijin could use antennas swinging animation asset for those balls. It wont be very realistic, but its something. And according to Mk4M antennas amount - its not a big deal to animate alot of those kind of objects.


They just said on the DEVblog that the Namer has “Decent Protection”. I think this implies they don’t intend to give it composite…


I don’t know about you, but I don’t believe that.

The Namer should be the single most armored vehicle in the entire game.


You are correct, it is the reason i am worried after seeing the devblog, If not most armored in the game it should at least be more armored then any other IFV

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“Decently armoured” + “Crew positioned behind the engine” doesnt fill me with confidence… gaijin will usually say that it has armour if its planned to get it. so i guess its going to have the protection of a mk 1/2, so say hello to most ifvs being able to pen you frontally bois, i may not play israil but you have my condolences.


the funny part is that the armor part behind the engine makes even more spall that will actually just kill the crew

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Guys does anyone have any info on Namer IFV additational spikes in the hull? Just something to make a report based on (the hull part should be similar inb the IFV and RCWS-30 versions). If we dont make it, Namer have all chanses to be relised with just two spikes without damage. And its core Isreali TT vehicle right now.

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Theres no info sadly

Maybe you can make some sort of poll or suggestion for adding 6-8 spikes in the hull? Im not native english speaker and I may have trobles arguing with people in it. We can make a point, that extra spikes will make Namer easier to kill or something.

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