The current state of the Namer and how it could improve

They just said on the DEVblog that the Namer has “Decent Protection”. I think this implies they don’t intend to give it composite…


I don’t know about you, but I don’t believe that.

The Namer should be the single most armored vehicle in the entire game.


You are correct, it is the reason i am worried after seeing the devblog, If not most armored in the game it should at least be more armored then any other IFV

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“Decently armoured” + “Crew positioned behind the engine” doesnt fill me with confidence… gaijin will usually say that it has armour if its planned to get it. so i guess its going to have the protection of a mk 1/2, so say hello to most ifvs being able to pen you frontally bois, i may not play israil but you have my condolences.


the funny part is that the armor part behind the engine makes even more spall that will actually just kill the crew

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Guys does anyone have any info on Namer IFV additational spikes in the hull? Just something to make a report based on (the hull part should be similar inb the IFV and RCWS-30 versions). If we dont make it, Namer have all chanses to be relised with just two spikes without damage. And its core Isreali TT vehicle right now.

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Theres no info sadly

Maybe you can make some sort of poll or suggestion for adding 6-8 spikes in the hull? Im not native english speaker and I may have trobles arguing with people in it. We can make a point, that extra spikes will make Namer easier to kill or something.

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Helper on a russian forum stated, that Namer probably would have 2 additional Spikes somewhere in the hull.


Will it get more ammunition? At present, 200 30mm and 2 missiles are still too few, considering that he put all the ammunition in a defenceless turret.
Even if there are only 70 30mm ammunition and 2 anti-tank missiles in the car body, it is quite good.

First pic is a bug. There is no NERA there.

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I assume its going to be ERA , But you can never know with gaijin

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they model the merkava’s SLERA as NERA which gives it horrible modifiers


Yup, That’s the snail we love and hate

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Well that’s always something but 4 is nowhere near enough. Freccia does poorly with even 8. So at least 8?

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oke the thread is back with an updated title


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As mentioned above, can continue there

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