The current air defenses of the airport can no longer protect the aircraft parked on the airport

The current air defenses of the airport can no longer protect the aircraft parked on the airport
During the course of the game, I was often attacked by missiles from the air on the airport


Don’t spawn on an airfield if the runway is flashing…

The AA is a deterence only… and a A-10C can kill them all in a minute.

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Well, sure. But any military airport is going to have some layered defenses. And more modern ones at that too given the era we are in. If we are looking at say a US airbase, you’re going to see various “bubbles” of defense from Patriots and beyond down to C-RAMs for point defense. The AI defenses of top tier are still set relatively to the Cold War.

@Stona_WT and @Smin1080p_WT

I know you guys have a lot on your plate with the update and most likely more, but are either of you able to comment if airbase defenses are on the docket for a not-to-distant rework/update? Or at the very least, have been discussed?

There are some considerations. However sadly nothing we can really detail at the moment as it is only considerations and not something confirmed at the moment.

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Might as well just a make suggestion thread and propose better defense of the airfield (including it being layered). Chances are tho something like this is in the plans (considering the proliferation of long range A2G ammunition, specifically the gliding bombs), but too early to tell about them

Better off just leaving the game than to give the enemy team a free kill at this point.

I figured as much. Thank you for the response.