Agreed (mostly). I think the Mirage 5 BA is fine, though I would like to see the Mirage 5 BA (MirSIP). As for the F-16s, the fact that France is getting them is insane. This is not like Italy and Japan which needed copy-paste fighters. France has the Mirage 2000s which are incredibly good fighters and the Mirage 4000 which is also extremely good. The NF-5A is fine. Whatever. It’s a 10.3 premium and I don’t care. I can tolerate it. The Leopard 2 Cockerill 3105 is also great, but I agree that we should also get the K21 (Cockeril 3105). As for the Leopard 2 A4 NL and 2 A6 NL, I really don’t like them. The 2 A4 NL doesn’t even have a lineup and only exists to create a vehicle to run the Leclerc Ares with when that inevitably is added as a premium. The 2 A6 NL is a necessary evil, emphasis on “evil,” but only for as long as it takes for Gaijin to actually fix the Leclercs and I would much rather just fix the damn Leclercs than to give us a 4th nation with Leopard 2s, especially considering Italy will definitely get the Leopard 2 A7 HU at some point (and unlike France, the 2 A7 HU is an actual necessary evil for Italy).
I think this whole thing is indicative of a really dangerous trend. We started with South Africa which had unique stuff at every rank with a single copy-paste vehicle, the Eland 90 Mk. 7, to fill a gap in the tech tree. Then we got Finland which was all copy-paste except for the Vickers Mk. E, T-26E, and BT-42. Then we got Hungarian ground which was slightly better, having 4 unique vehicles with the Csaba, Turan I, Turan III, and Zrinyi II. Then Hungarian air which had literally nothing unique and was all Soviet stuff with a JAS 39 at the top. And now we have BeNeLux with 2 and a half unique things: the Fokker G.I and Leopard 1 (Cockeril 3105) which are actually unique, and the Mirage 5 BA which isn’t unique, but is acceptable because France made the Mirage anyway.
The leopards aren’t even a necessary evil. They’re just being added because it is easier than doing shit properly.
Could add some French light tanks, and then Leclercs would be workable until fixed because at least you have something that isn’t a Leclerc. Still fix Leclercs, but this would make it workable even without leopards. Alongside actually giving us shit we’ve been asking to receive for a fair while.
I agree, I think the sub-tech tree should be added with a new experience rather than a rough copy, for me I have already experienced F16a and Leopard 2, and it would be a disaster for me to roughly copy these vehicles into the French sub-tech tree, and there are not a few players who are in the same situation as me
No, separate benelux tree would be over 80% copy-paste, of which no tree currently is.
The most copy-paste in any tech tree is likely China, and that’s slowly expanding into largely unique.
Even Israel is more than 60% unique.
I agree that China is a huge copy paste. With the air tree having roughly 61 copy pastes and only around 6 to 7 unique planes and ground being a big copy paste until around the 5th rank.
But It’s far from being close to largely unique since the majority is still recycled content.
Isreal wise i’m not sure what to think of it.
Air is again moslty a copy paste from what we already have. 22 existing against 6 somewhat unique.
But ground this time being a largely copy paste (not all) in the first 2 out of only 5 ranks.
(but lets be honest a bunch of look alike m60’s and merkava’s isn’t diverse or new either)
BeNeLux wise yea, if you only think about the leo’s they’ve had a few.
But for a ground tree there are more then 47 unique vehicles they can add until rank 4 before they would encounter the first possible copy paste (think about a possible leo 1 or centurion mk5 for example). But after that there would still be a large amount of unseen and unique vehicles to fill the higher tier. Ground wise it would be possible to add a 85 to 90% unique tree. Therefore a Benelux tree looking at it ground wise would be more unique then China and Isreal combined as they are now in game.
Air wise the first 2 to 3 ranks could be filled with unique planes (think about the fokker models for example). After those ranks we would indeed see some familiar faces, with france, bratain and american models making an appearance. But those still wouldn’t make it reach anywhere near the 80% copy paste you claim it to be.
I’ll include some forum links where you can read and see more examples of a possible BeNeLux tree.
(offcourse there are many more you can find by going to the search bar)
If you have some spare time, i’d also suggest looking into some of the older vehicle information you can find online. (what vehicles Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg used in the past 100 maybe more years) and you’ll see for yourself that there are plenty of unique ones out there!
unfortunately, we are talking about Gaijin, Hungary also has original concepts but has not received them (for the moment, I remain hopeful). I’m afraid that if the Benelux is really added to France there will only be copy and paste
What? Ground is over 90% unique vehicles for Israel.
2 copy-paste Magachs, one of which is premium.
And air has copy-paste, but there’s also less air than ground.
So air being 60 - 70% copy-paste translates to Israel still being mostly unique.
And China’s almost mostly unique as well.
The leaks have at least half of Benelux being unique.
The Mirage 5 will be a mix between the French version and a Kfir (depending on the version that is added, it is clearly not a new one, at most the HUD will be different), the Leopard 2A4 will surely be the same as that of the German tree, therefore not a unique vehicle
For high tier air standards it is.
The Mirage has new avionics, different missiles, countermeasures and a radar jammer, and the NF-5A is a modified modified F-5A with a more powerful engine, AIM-9Js, maneuvering flaps, and they could even add an experimental rack that would give it an additional 2 missiles
You circled so many unique vehicles with red… what the?
Magach, Chaparral, all the tech tree Magachs except 1, Sho’t Kal Alef and Gimel, Tiran 4S, Machbet, Giraf, Rochev, M109 [was added with the other 109s], M51W, M51, Magach 6B Gal… are all unique tanks.
And you didn’t circle one of the copy-paste: Merkava Mk2B.
So of the tech tree the following are copy-paste:
Merkava Mk2B, Magach 3ERA, Magach 1, Sho’t, Tiran 4, AML-90, AMX-13, ZSU-57-2, Hovet, ZSU-23-4…
10 tanks out of 44 tanks. Not over 90% unique, but over 75%.
Chaparral, M109 were added at the same time as others so they can’t be counted.
Variants and unique planes are not mutually exclusive terms. You can have copy-paste variants such as the French F8F, modified variants that perform differently, sometimes even warranting a change in BR such as the S-199, and you also have completely unique variants that are sometimes almost unrecognisable from the plane they’re based on, like the Swiss Doflug planes based on the Morane-Saulnier
109 was made by americans, chaparral was also made by americans, its literally an american chassis mouting american missiles (Aim-9s with improved seekers)