I agree!
There are so many unique designs, these copy-paste ones are really upsetting to see.
I recently discovered the Amx30 Javelot, which is a anti-air unguided (proxy fuse) radar anti-air. How interesting is that? 64 rocket pod, with 8-rocket bursts / salvos.
it’s true, I had forgotten again that France does not have a tank whose gameplay is based on high mobility but which has less armor than certain nations
Agreed, I definitely hope there’s more in the lower tiers. I’d love to see things like the Belgian T.15, armed with just a 13mm MG (not unlike the American M2A2).
There’s a lot of trust in Gaijin that they have consistently failed to fulfill.
With BeNeLux comes a lot of unique vehicles, but a lot of copy-paste as well.
Today, Top tier battle are soviet tank and german tanks at 80%.
Tomorow in name of diversity, it will be soviet and german tank at 100% but with different camo.
Adding Benelux to France is adding Leo to France, Adding Spain and Serbia to Italy it’s adding more Leo and more T72 to Italy, while Ariete is invisible on the battle field.
We can add Poland to Britain so Brit can play leo and T72. Plus we can add Ukrain to USA and Americains can play leo and T80.
There is a lot of real french SPAA can be implemented.
VLRA Mistral used by France
VBL Mistral Albi used by Oman
AMX 13 DCA with the AMX30 DCA turret. This AMX13DCA was used by France, while AMX30DCA is for export.
VAB 20mm used by France
AMX 30 Roland, the true version used by France with the same turret than the American XM975prototype(M975 in service) and the German FlaRakPz1 , not the one edited and downgrade by Gaijin.
Can’t agree more, In addition, we can send Leopard 2 from Singapore to China, Leopard 2 from Indonesia to Japan, Leopard 2 from Canada to the United States, and the Soviet Union should also receive Leopard 2. They are already in Moscow. Gaijin can even add these Leopard 2 as a separate version, The Leave list will only have Leopard 2, I can’t wait to see such an update.
France arm lots of armed vehicles, that depends on Gaijin’s willings, such as Jaugar wheeled combat vehicle, adding German made ones absulotely is not a good idea.
I’m pretty sure it was only a single prototype.
But I would say this is unique enough to ask for.
The only other prototype spaa that seems interesting is the AMX-10 RAA.
It still doesn’t make sense to add Dutch vehicles to the Frensh tree.
BeNeLux wise there are more then enough vehicles to form a full tech tree with a lot of unique vehicles. And not to forget, the Frensh have a lot of unique vehicles that would have been cooler to see in the game.
But for a subtree, it would only make sense to add the Netherlands under the German tree. Reason for this is the Germans and Dutch have worked close toghether in the past. A few years back the Dutch and German army even made a mixed tank squadron with crew from both countries operating in the same vehicles. This coöperation is only getting bigger as time moves forward.
Ground wise adding the Netherlands under Germany would result in getting less copy paste leo’s. And for example more boxer, fennek, cv90 (dutch variant), different (Dutch style) m113 platforms and other unique type vehicles.
Air wise, Germany hasn’t really got a good high tier (ground strike for example). Adding some Dutch rnlaf vehicles could bring that tree back up to speed with the rest.
Still the best option is a seperate BeNeLux tree offcourse.
That’s why I personally hate the idea of tech trees being focused on national rather then technological.
Everyone will be so similar that there’s becoming less and less theme between the tech trees.
Why even bother grinding different tech trees if they have the same vehicles? Likewise, why should I grind for a unique vehicle that is a modification of a vehicle from another tree?
Which everyone is fine with until unique vehicles appear and then start fighting over them.
Subtrees are “supposed” to be used to fill gaps when there isn’t anything else as well. But South Africa was the first and breaks that rule, France will be in a similar situation. We have the vehicles waiting to be added, but there’s still nothing.
So everyone is suspecting that if BeNeLux is added, then it will only serve to add copy-paste because they can’t be bothered to model domestic French vehicles.
No one wants to see Leopard 2’s or F-16’s in France, except for people that want their national representation or additions for the sake of additions, which most of what it does is add a roundel to the game that can be done in a better way.
BeNeLux has plenty of unique vehicles to give France, we don’t know what they’re planning though. Gaijin could be cooking up something that makes France a major nation or make us functionally FUBAR.
The K21-105 and 120 are both great vehicles that I previously didn’t think about for example. Which is why I support OPs suggestion as it has actual thought put into it.