The correct way to add subtrees for the upcoming FRANCE-BENELUX


But : if you have the money/hardware, you don’t have the diplomatic agreement to import/export from/to every body.

And players will grind the best of the best techtree.

One secret of the mechanic gaming is frustration. Every techtree must have some fails and must be imperfect.

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Eh, the Leopard 3105 pairs a Leopard 1BE with a Franco-Belgian (sort of) turret:


So it should go to France in lieu of any independent Belgian tree. That said, I’m struggling to see the common theme between Netherlands and France which @BleedingUranium keeps waffling on about.


The Netherlands purely standalone is pretty much 50/50 for France/Germany outside of that military connection, and even that is very specifically a modern thing. And if we look at past eras (especially WWII) then not so much.

But with the topic being the Benelux trio as a single “item”, Belgium very strongly pulls the group to France.

Then add Belgium and leave the Netherlands for Germany. Not as if France would be missing anything without Netherlands. No one wants Leopard 2s in the French tree, would only taint the French tree.


With what, a single plane ?
While they use differents versions of the Leopards, British and Americans Planes ?

They would be missing all the Dutch vehicles.

Some vocal people. Trying to speak for “everyone” on the internet always makes an argument sound weaker, and silly.

How wonderfully melodramatic.

Germany can have Austria and Switzerland.

So they don’t miss anything. When there are equivalents for each of the vehicles offered, adding them is useless.

I personally don’t see a problem here.


Or, add both. It’s never either/or.

Ironic. You’re clearly so out of touch with what French mains want it’s laughable.

Anything worthwhile? Nope. Next question.


Gaijin has proven that it’s “either/or”

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Find me a dev statement on this, I’ll wait.

This entire thread is pointless, as the subtree is already coming. If you want to ask for other vehicles in the future, do that.

With developers nothing is ever certain, on the other hand with the experience of the latest additions of subtrees we must realize that this is the case

Find me a dev statement on this, I’ll wait
As long as the tree is not added I intend to fight to make it as little worse as possible

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Misread on the comment. I read it as Dutch vehicles in France means no Dutch vehicles elsewhere.
The UK has just been slowly getting vehicles that South Africa took the place of. They still don’t have a domestic Howitzer for example.

Otherwise, I disagree. This thread is still very useful. It just devolved into nonsensical arguing. While I don’t like people telling me that I should like something when I don’t.

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That wasn’t the official line by Smin? People are saying that Smin said subtrees are there to fill the gaps. I don’t have screenshots of him saying this, hence my question


Hmm? Your post makes no sense since you quoted me not mentioning Smin; and you quoted me quoting “that shouldn’t be there” but don’t address that part of the quote…

“fill gaps that can’t be filled otherwise” =/= “fill gaps that shouldn’t be there”.

No it does not. Leopard in every tree does not bring “diversity and flavour” to the game. Top tier is already infested with Leopard tanks, more Leclercs is needed.

You’re looking in a very narrow “France doesn’t have any leopard tanks” and forget the bigger view “Leopards outnumber Leclercs in the game”


Nah, us swedes got austria first-
They also have a cool draken variant I would like to see added.

The game overall has few Leclercs and tons of Leos. This is decreasing diversity. Not to mention that we have zero Leclerc prototypes in the game.