Heres the Thing

2 Pounder AP (40mm, 1.08kg penetrator at 792m/s)
Could penetrate 90mm of armour when the round didnt deform at all

If Tokku Kou AP at 850m/s didnt deform at all, it would penetrate 185mm of RHA armour.
Literally penetration power on par with the panther and 17 pounder apcbc rounds at point blank range.

According to Japan’s national archives, the round could defeat 200mm of soft cast armour
However 161mm @ 0m is when the Tokku Kou round does deform against RHA but its always random how much a shell will deform. So I used the known fact that the round from Type 3 75mm at 500 yards had 100mm of penetration after deforming and calculated the penetration at 850m/s.
Tokku Kou defeats 185mm at 0 degrees when it doesnt deform, and 161mm when it does deform (but they do most of the time)
As the angle increases deformation doesnt occur since the tip doesnt take the main blunt of the force but rather the side structure and we can see this on T33 APBC penetration graph where the round has abysmal 0 degree performance but phenomenal performance at 55 degrees.

AP Slope Modifiers from WWII ballistics
Since AP doesnt deform at 60 degrees, we will use the 0 value when the round doesnt deform as well to calculate its sloped penetration.
70mm thick armour / 75mm diameter shell = 0.933 T/D ratio
0.933 T/D Ratio at 60 degrees = 2.66 Slope Modifier
When 75mm AP defeats 69.6mm at 60 degrees of armour, the penetration at 0 degrees is 185mm
So Tokku Kou AP on Chi-Nu II would defeat 70mm (rounded up) of armour at 60 degrees at point blank range.
Panther has 80mm at 55 degrees upper plate.
80mm thick plate / 75mm diameter shell = 1.0666 T/D ratio
1.06666 T/D ratio at 55 degrees = 2.18 Slope Modiier
80mm x 2.18 = 174mm
75mm Tokku Kou AP would only need 174mm penetration at 0 degrees to penetrate Panther Upper plate and as you saw, it has 185mm at 0 degrees when it doesnt deform and at 55 degrees, AP rounds dont deform. So fixed Chi-Nu II should be able to clap Panther upper plate armour under ideal angle conditions at close distances.
So instead of reducing BR of a tank that should have enough penetration to clap panther upper plate to 4.0, why not fix the tank instead.