The blast door abrams and leopard tanks are still missing when will gaijin add them to make the reload times "realistic"

yeah bro phasing through solid objects to achieve that 5/6 second reload is part of basic training, I’m sure about that

Those tanks can reload quite a bit faster than “5/6 seconds” in real life. In fact, the standard for them is to load a round every 6.5 seconds, consistently.

I also have to ask - you’re aware those tanks can only load in 5 - 6 seconds when the crews are aced, right? “Aced crew” in this game is synonymous with “I’ve been out of basic training for 10 years by now”.


1- Blast doors of Abrams and Leopards are present.
1a- They’ve been in the game since or near introduction.
2- Loaders are trained to <5 second standards. With open blast door reloads achieving <4 seconds between shots.


You do not learn that stuff in Basic, Basic training is where you learn how to transition from Civilian to Military Life and act more properly to it.

AIT->Advanced Individual Training is where you learn your MOS aka the job you were given, 19 Kilo->Tank Crew. 91 Bravo->Wheeled Vehicle Repair Man->Mechanic for wheeled vehicles. 91M->Bradley IFV/Tank Crew

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For the M1 Abrams is seems to be around 5.3 seconds, I haven’t seen concrete sources for the 120mm though. Do you have any?



For the Leopard 2 I’ve seen anywhere between 7 - 9 rds/min rate of fire:



Curiously, most of the videos I’ve seen get around 6.5 rds/min:

Not entirely sure why it’s significantly slower here.

There should be one on the old forum, can’t be bothered to go look for it now though, considering I don’t even remember who posted it originally.

I heard from a USMC tanker (before they got rid of tanks) That 6.5 seconds or longer was SUBOPTIMAL for the crew, and they actually aimed for QUICKER.

I think it’s 5 to 6 seconds because maybe the Developers consider normal conditions for the loader like stress, capabilities, physical and mental things that should change its performance during a moment when you know that there’s some enemy tank pointing its cannon to you, which in game it’s not featured. And maybe if the blast door opening-closing action was featured, maybe would add .5 seconds to the full loading speed.

Yep. 6.5 was enough time for the enemy crew to get into a defensive position and potentially hide or fire back while every bit of the crew was trying to figure out where it came from.


I’m saying six points five seconds is enough time for the enemy to fire back, pop smoke, and drive away. It makes sense that Tank crews try to train for faster times since if they can reload faster then they can lob out more than 1 round before the enemy can properly fire back.

No, in game its a solid wall, it does not open or close.

No, again, solid wall that does no periodically open.

Yes, but the doors still need to open at some point for the round to be retrieved.

3- I don’t agree with OP’s point, but your arguments are not true or an answer to this post.

It literally does.

If you strike the bustle ammo rack without striking the blast door as the vehicle is in the process of loading, it’s counted as a total destruction of the vehicle.
There’s no actual animation, but that doesn’t mean it’s not modelled for gameplay purposes.

When first introduced it was overperforming massively because even destroying the blast doors and detonating ammunition still didn’t count as a loss of the vehicle, the bustle rack would vent normally and you could retreat safely.


Or just because its beneficial to load faster.

The same time they fix the abrams turret ring from 50±mm to 200±mm

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If the time to open the blast door is modeled for leopard and abrams, then they should make the russian autoloader realistic aswell, the current way gaijin models it. It is as if the round that your firing next is right beside the one you just fired, no matter if its APFSDS HEATFS ATGM HE etc. Irl the Autoloader will take longer to reload because it needs to spin further to get the right round, which will add seconds to the reload time. The autoloader on T72/90 tanks already takes 7.1 seconds. Do you really want that higher??

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It would also reload sub 6 seconds if you only have 1 type of ammo. T-80,T-64 and T-90s that is

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Let me illustrate to you the general steps of reloading a M256/Rh-120 gun:

  1. Gun fires,you wait for the recoil to settle (it takes a fraction of a second)
  2. There’s a lever on the left of the gun,the loader push it down to open the breech (half a second)
    3.The loader turns approx 90° while pressing a button to open the ammo hatch (the loader always stands looking at the gunner/commander,this also takes a fraction of a second)
    4.The loader takes the shell required by the gunner or the commander (mostly commander) (it takes usually 1/1.2 seconds to do so)
  3. The loader then swings the shell 180° (you take the shell from the back,so you need to swing it in order to put it from the front)
  4. The shell is inserted into the breech,which then is closed (1/1.5 seconds needed)
  5. The loader push up the level he used to open the breech,thus securing it and unlocking the gun from firing
  6. Lastly,the loader yells “UP!” to further notify that the gun was indeed loaded

All of these steps (which you can see on many YouTube videos, since this is not a classified info) only takes 5/5.2 seconds from a regular trained loader,the majority basically. Some of the most trained loaders can push it down even below 5 seconds,so the reload in game is pretty historically accurate.

Not to mention that the reload can go down even below 4 seconds if you leave the ammo hatch open,but this is not done on the battlefield for obvious reasons

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And one can do that at full speed off road as we mostly do in WT? Uphill, downhill, jumping etc

Loaders are trained exactly to do that,so yes.