The Black Prince situation

“just angle bro” how about you shut up and actually play it? the only decent thing this thing has is the armour which does nothing against german long guns and then theres the gun and Gaijin THINKING THEY KNOW HOW APDS OR APCR works when they really have no clue

I too think that it should be 5.7 , at 6.0 it’s a chore to play

Sir, if you’d look at my account, I have so graciously provided… you’d see that it’s one of my favorite British Tanks…

In fact, it’s my top earning British vehicle and fourth in kills…

It’s not higher because I don’t play Britain that much…

Russian 85 MM tanks are overtired As hell anyway , same as 76 shermans. No way a T-34-85 should be higher BR than Panther D or same BR as Tiger

No, and of course its high earning its a premium, your stats mean nothing, anyone can do well in a bad tank, that doesnt justify the tank being at 6.0 instead of 5.7, WHY DOES A 0.3 decrease trigger you so much when thats where the tank was naturally at before Wehraboos complained? I merely want to bring the tank back to its true BR.

I am entirely willing to play a damn game right now in that tank and drop 10 kills just to prove you wrong. It’s FINE. Don’t play it like an idiot and you won’t die frequently.

There’s a reason why in 66 matches, I have 114 kills. That’s a consistent two kills each game with that tank alone. I don’t even have that performance in my Top TWO earning vehicles of all time.

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Angling can still save you from 88’s and there is little to no reason to use APDS for the tank, the AP does good damage and pens most things anyways.

Absolutely no reason to act so aggressively.

IDK, IME it rarely takes more than two shots to knock out a tank, even with the 17pndr APDS and its supposedly terrible spalling. 3BM8 OHK opponents 90% of the time. So I’m not sure about your issue with APDS, but it isn’t the shells fault. And I’m not sure if this is the case in AB, but in RB even without a knockout a penetrating shot almost always disables a tank. In that way, penetration is more significant than post-pen.

And in RB, the BP and especially Conq are exceptional tanks. The Conq in particular is probably the single most powerful 7.7 in RB despite “Conq syndrome” in the hands of a player who knows how to aim. It’s just not quite as versatile because of its speed.

The Black Prince is perfectly balanced at 6.0, the old 5.7

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Probably just a skill issue, but the lacking oneshot Potential is quite an issue. I remember being on this small desert City with the central Fountain, shot like 4-5 enemies but all I could do was critical Hits. Needed to bring the Wyvern to get a double kill on two enemies I crit.
In another match my Sabot shattered on a Panther Four Times in a row. Spawned the Ratel with Heatfs after my inevitable death and Just cleaved through enemy armor like a hot knife through Butter.

Sabot just isn’t worth using.

Except when it can’t pen the turret of a Leo 1A5 anywhere because of the spaced armor shatters it.

As i said, and explained multiple times, carbid APDS is worse than alloy APDS. It is a fact.

Yes, exceptionally trash. I have a dedicated thread on the Conq, and people agree with me.
Mind you, people with at least a positive K/D.

The BP is okay-ish, but i would not call it an exceptionally good tank. Average at best. Anybody who knows where to shoot it will eat it for breakfest.

It is expected. You shot the turret? Early APDS will shatter on spaced armor.

Ah yes, use skycancer when you can’t kill an enemy. Balanced…

The Furry shares my opinion on APDS

Here you go buddy. Al tho they have fixed it with the soviet dart, the Conq’s dart is still shit, and has issues penning the turret of a Leo 1A5.
This was a few months ago:

Now, the Conq still can’t reliably pen a Leo 1A5 turret:

And this is VS an Alloy penetrator:

Oh really? Now let’s see!


They are the main ones, who agree with me on the Conq.

Now, let’s see your stat, shall we!

Interesting, innit?
On the first page, there is 6 tank with which you have a positive K/D!
Your average K/D is also in NEGATIVE!

Surely those, who have a positive K/D are the ones who dont know what they are doing, and you, who has barely better stats, than a bot, you surely know what you are doing!

Seeing your stats, yes, i’d expect something like that from you. Average wehraboo. Maybe pull your ass from History Channel…

Yeah, surely i have issues with aiming. Sure buddy, keep on dreaming!

I don’t see what is the issue with that.

Surely i will aim hull on a tank, that is hull down. You know, that means that i can’t see the hull. But no issue, i go to and download some wallhacks, because i clearly need it!

Ah yes, let’s insult the other guy!

Maybe you could learn to play, and until that, you should keep your mouth shut, and know your place little wehraboo!

I never flag posts. Even if they’re bad posts, censorship is still antagonistic to debate. Besides, it takes more than one flag to have a post removed. IIRC, it’s 5. Couldn’t have just been me.

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Then it should be not an issue to prove it!

is this what you want?

Like I said, get some distance. I’ve been heated like you in a discussion on this forum before. I promise, you’re going to be grateful you did :)

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Nope. You could just edit it. A good enough proof would be a video of you scrolling through my posts, uploaded to something like youtube in the next 5 minutes.
You can put the video to link access only and send me the link in private.

Yeah, I ain’t doin all that. I got a family I gotta prepare a thanksgiving dinner for. You can believe me or not, and frankly, I don’t really care which. Have a nice day!

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It would literally take a minute to do, but i guess dishonesty won!

How interesting, that when it comes to debating, you are so energetic, yet when it comes to prove that you are not dishonest, you delay and opt out…
Maybe you should sleep to that…