The best WW2 tank ever made by a minor nation: Hungary's 44M Tas

We have already discussed the 80 mm gun a lot on this topic and the old forum and most people agree that it is perfectly fine since that is the actual gun of the Tas, not the 75 mm gun which was just more of a temporary filler. Sure, the 80 mm gun was never mounted to the vehicle, but neither was the 75 mm gun, and besides, the main gun of the Chi-Ri was also never mounted… nor were the guns on the XP-50, or the turret and gun of the E-100, nor was the J6K or R2Y2 or Ho-Ri actually ready in their in-game form, and we could go on forever because half of the prototypes never were fully equipped and ready, yet they still get all of their components in-game.


That’s just completely false. Of this list of Japanese tanks and planes, not a single one was actually ever completed in the form we have in-game:

Ho-Ri Prototype
Ho-Ri Production
R2Y2 Kai V1
R2Y2 Kai V2
R2Y2 Kai V3

And these ones may also belong in the above list, although I’m not entirely sure of these:

Possibly more


Read the comment again, he specifically stated top tier.

This could not be at 5.3 ever, this would be 6.0 - 6.7

this one could be 5.3 tho


Yeah this was made before Br changes, when the tigers and panthers were 5.3-5.7 respectivly so I could see the 80 mm around 6.0. But 6.7 is too much this is not a kingtiger level of tank.


Oh yeah, my bad. But TBF you said:

By that I assume you mean the AJ and nothing else since every other plane and tank was built and tested in the config we have in game.

And because you didn’t specify top tier anywhere I assumed you meant all other planes and tanks from all tiers, rather than all at top tier.

Read what @Csirkespite wrote. That’s pretty much my thinking.

I think now the 44M Tas Prototype (armed with 75 mm 43.M) could go to 5.0, but 5.3 seems a bit too high for a tank with a 3.3-4.0 level gun.

I think now the 44M Tas (armed with 80 mm 29/44.M) could be a 5.3-5.7 if it gets the 156 mm of penetration that @atta26hu calculated and stands by. If it gets more penetration like from 170-175 mm, then it could be a 5.7-6.0, but I don’t think it can be a higher BR than a Tiger E/Panther A/G/F and be the same BR as IS-2s, King Tigers, Jagdpanthers and Jagdtigers because it simply is not that crazy well armed and armoured.


So it wasn’t completed

I re-read and I have to retake my position. It is unclear if the prototype was ever armed as it wasn’t produced until May '45. The gun trials occured half a year earlier. However it is referred to as “completed in May”, and not that it was unfinished at the time of cancellation.

And if my implication was missed. It’s that the gun was installed, but then removed and stuffed into a Chi-To instead.

A clearer source is needed.


Yeah that makes more sense.
Nice clarification!


Well to keep up the parallels with the Chi-Ri, the 44M Tas’ 75 mm gun was certainly completed, and as for the 80 mm gun, all I know is that it was tested but needed some changes and improvements and went back to be further developed, but I have no idea whether they finished or not. Of course we know that neither gun was able to be mounted before the prototype got bombed, whereas with the Chi-Ri the gun may or may not have been installed.

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Either way, I agree with you.

Unfinished prototypes (with all major components built) are already present in game. And thus the 80mm Tas is fine to be added.


Ki-87, Kikka, Ki-200 and J7W1 were completed and did test flights. Only thing possibly missing from few of them were the guns, though that was common with multiple American and Russian prototype planes as well.

Yeah, missing guns and the fact that the Ki-200 (J8M) was only test flown as a glider and not under rocket power as it should have been (iirc).

Imo, the R2Y2s and Ho-Ris should be removed from this list as Gaijin has stated multiple times that their time is limited and they will be removed when suitable replacements are ready. Not saying that you’re wrong. Just that we shouldn’t include vehicles that are confirmed to be removed in the future in a point about a precedent for incomplete vehicles. Again, just my opinion.

Oh I didn’t know that. I’m gonna leave them there anyways because Gaijin did deliberately add these and allowed them to stay for many years.


While true for the R2Y2s, the Ho-Ris are the result of the former Japanese ground consultant manipulating or even fabricating information for the express purpose of getting them added. This means that the additions of the Ho-Ris were not deliberate additions of incomplete vehicles. Rather the result of misinformation provided by a consultant.


True, but either way, my intention was just to list the ones currently in-game, regardless of how they got there.


In principle, it has a chance because, like the weapon, the tank body and turret were separate to some extent, but when Csepel was bombed, the tank engine caught fire and burned a little in the two hulls. However, they could not restart the production of another prototype, and the tower was also waiting for assembly in the hall.
There is a photo of the burnt 44M Tas, but I can’t find it anymore.


How complete was the turret? Was it just about to start being made, or was it already partially built? And I didn’t know there was a photo of the burnt out Tas, if that’s true and you can find this image then that would be amazing as we don’t have any images of the prototype itself, just of the scale mockup.