The airfield repair zone needs to be much bigger

Currently, the meta way to land one’s plane is to belly land or use the gear to absorb some of the slamming energy and belly land, OR land normally then turn and break the landing gears.

The landing brake is too slow, and some planes like F-15 does not have a drag chute.

It makes no sense whatsoever that a highly advanced airfield capable of repairing literally deformed/burned planes, would have no logistics/recovery team on standby. Tow trucks, Recovery vehicles, Crane trucks etc.


Belly landing is more reliable than using the landing gears, even in simulator battles I see people straight up throwing the plane into the ground than waiting until the plane fully stops with the landing gears.

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It makes no sense whatsoever that highly capable fighter pilots should not be able to land their aircraft.

Frankly, what I observe on a daily basis as what is generally considered a “landing” as per WT standards, is hair-rising…


I belly land exclusive.

Some planes brakes seems to have been stolen from electric scooters or bicycles.

even if you try and approach slow, fire all you guns and stick your arms out, you will still end up in the bushes beyond the runway.

So ive just given up now due to crappy landing mechanics.


Sorry, I’m not buying it. I don’t fly a single aircraft in WT where ‘landing mechanics’ are an issue.

Whit proper approach technique and reasonable speeds you can land any aircraft in WT with no problems.

But if I - again, as I observe regularly - approach at high speed, then kick out the landing gear barely below max. allowed speed, then slam onto the second half of the runway (or its close vicinity often, as actually landing on the runway also seems not to be in the interest of our pilots…) at 250 knots, and then still expect to come to a stop before the concrete makes way to pasture…


Is this not your second post today complaining that the game does not match your exact play or needs? That the game is in a way not “easy” enough?


Guilty as charged. I am in fact one of those that come in about double the speed recommendation, flare, belly smack and slide to stand in about 20m. Thank Gaijilla for max level crew.

My old flight instructor would cry.

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Kinda sounds like a skill issue tbh.
How hard is it to land properly?
Even belly landings is a valid option in the game

It`s what he is know for

good for you!

I think it’s crappy, so just Ill continue to do what i do because it’s way faster and i don’t have to rely on stuff that hardly can’t brake.

each to each own.

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Perhaps we need a repair wall, into which you can fly?

Seriously, I haven’t landed all planes yet, but all I have tried can be landed.

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yeah this is a massive skill issue. drop your airspeed way before the runway and land with flaps down. youll not even make it half way on the bigger runways, and the small ones are still plenty of room if you do it propperly.

Skill. Issue.

You claim a game mechanic is wrong, when everybody else is having no issues with said mechanic.

I’ve accumulated tens of thousands of landings in quite a handfull of flight sims in the last 25 years, and see zero issue with landing in WT compared to those other sims.

So how or why should a mechanic that works be changed?!?

Weird how I can land a F-15 on a runway and still leave over half of it ahead of me, but you can’t seem to stop in time.

It’s almost as though it’s user error on that front.

Dawg, just land your plane better. It’s not that hard. Like really. Burning speed in a plane like F-15 is piss easy. This is just dumb…

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I always wondered why Gaijin put so much effort into modeling airports…
Sometimes there is airspawn in the game, but mostly it’s a “game” takeoff with the collision system between planes removed, instead of pilots taking off in pairs, it’s a race to see who gets there first. Some shorten their takeoff outside the runway, someone drops a bomb here and there to enjoy a teamkill, etc.

And landing… let’s take it as a game, because otherwise it’s terrible, for many players things like landing approach, landing speed, landing flaps, landing gear, are downright annoying things… but the game allows it, so, that’s it.

I could probably imagine this mechanic…

  • takeoff in pairs
  • active collision mechanics
  • lower level players would take off first, then the highest ones
  • in case of repair-rearming, respawn in front of the hangar and drive around taxiways…

But that would be a shame, how tedious and boring it is and there would be a lot of players who would gleefully abuse it…

For those who are interested, you need to find out what the landing speed of a particular aircraft is, the speed for extending the landing flaps, the speed for extending the landing gear… and for your interest I am attaching a few pictures of what a real landing looks like…




Have you considered slowing down

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Yeah, I was so upset when I realized the new high tier airport in “Firebirds” with - as was teasered “a reliable light signaling system” - didn’t have any of what one would expect under that name, like a working PAPI or VASI system.

Or even a GCA system? After all the new airports have those modelled quite prominently…

But pilots, prepare yourself! Knowing your aircraft and how it behaves is crucial. How do you expect to be able to conquer your opponent in your aircraft, if you do not even master the Fundamentals of Flying - Take off andLanding?!?

I prepare by looking up and flying by the relevant limits every time I “transition” to a new type:


And admittedly I go even a step further, and usually make a custom speed gauge with the destruction speed limits marked for each aircraft. There are a lot of types with different speed limits, and I’m not good at knowing the many numbers by heart…



Yeah no. Just approach 50km/h above stall speed and you will land with full flaps and gears

the op is literally talking about weak brakes dude, hense why i answered

and as i wrote, i find quite a lot of brakes insanely weak.

but does it matter if i belly land or not?

to me, the more time i spend on trying to land correct, the less time i can support my team, the rearm/refuel time is the same.

But again, you do you and i do me.