rest of nations without all aspect missiles til very 11.7 lmao
and phantoms everywhere being absolutely useless because not only their flight performance is poor, but also their armament is bad enough to be unable to sustain them. They can’t be the “a10’s” or “su25’s” of top tier because these attackers have busted armament for the BR (and it’s still better than that of multination phantoms)
It hasn’t even been in game a year yet.
What I’m talking about is the idea that people think the MiG-29 is “nimble” without considering other planes. The SMT is not as nimble as the 9.13, and certainly not the F-16A.
And engagement distances are important. In a 1v1 BVR, MiG-29, either variant wins all day. In a 16v16 match BVR, MiG-29 still has a great chance, but SARH gameplay leaves people open to getting hit, and both the Sparrow and the Phoenix are competent enough missiles to be competitve. The ER makes this window of competition small, admittedly.
Coming down into the medium range, the R-27 is still top dog in a 1v1, in 16v16, with enemies closer than before, the R-27 starts to struggle by the sheer volume of missiles that can be presented in the form of what I like to call “Sparrow Spam”. Unlike BVR, you don’t necessarily have the time to patiently acquire someone on radar (at least if you manual radar like I do), so its not as easy to just snap onto a target. You also are closing in on a distance where the Sparrow will trash you if you don’t catch it immediately, you also may be transitioning from BVR and still have a lot of altitude. Sparrow vs R-27 is even here at this distance, if the game is anything more than a pure 1v1.
In the short, not dogfight, distance, the Sparrow excels, F-16 radars are very hard to notch at this distance, and one must find themselves hugging the ground until the 4-6 missiles are fired AND dodged. R-27 works in the short range, but a consideration towards engagement distance is important as the missile is mobile, but not perfectly nimble. R-60M’s really do NOT work well at this distance, which by volume would be the best counter to the AIM-7’s. AIM-9’s also out range you here. This is by far the deadliest space to be in for a MiG-29 driver.
In the dogfight distance, the R-60M is the weapon of choice. The R-27 is theoretically capable of dogfighting, but operates less than ideally in certain distances and approaches.
What I’m talking about is the idea that people think the MiG-29 is “nimble” without considering other planes. The SMT is not as nimble as the 9.13, and certainly not the F-16A.
russian mains now are discovering what is to be a helpless missile bus in a gunfight furball meta. Care not, R27er’s are as good BVR as dogfight missiles. Plus the r73’s off boresight capabilities let you yeet the delet without even changing trajectory. I know a lot of coping CCCP mains are saying that HMD is actually a burden but… it honestly comes in very handy.
And engagement distances are important. In a 1v1 BVR, MiG-29, either variant wins all day. In a 16v16 match BVR, MiG-29 still has a great chance, but SARH gameplay leaves people open to getting hit, and both the Sparrow and the Phoenix are competent enough missiles to be competitve. The ER makes this window of competition small, admittedly.
Sparrows are not competent, even a tornado can snaproll them away. Phoenix is as dodgable as any other radar missile, duck down, but the explosion is big enough to ruin your day. Same happens with the r27er. Reminder both have over 15kg
tnt load.
So not only the Sparrow is the slowest, least pulling and easiest to dodge top tier sarh, it’s also the least damaging. French SARH have less TNT but they connect with the target flawlessly in optimal circumstances (harder pull)
Coming down into the medium range, the R-27 is still top dog in a 1v1, in 16v16, with enemies closer than before, the R-27 starts to struggle by the sheer volume of missiles that can be presented in the form of what I like to call “Sparrow Spam”. Unlike BVR, you don’t necessarily have the time to patiently acquire someone on radar (at least if you manual radar like I do), so its not as easy to just snap onto a target. You also are closing in on a distance where the Sparrow will trash you if you don’t catch it immediately, you also may be transitioning from BVR and still have a lot of altitude. Sparrow vs R-27 is even here at this distance, if the game is anything more than a pure 1v1.
of course below 1km at mach merge the r27er will fail to connect if the target moves the slightest. No, actually no, it does not fail. R27ER’s can be easily comparable to something betwen SRAAM and aim9p in close engagement; the missile will still hit you nonetheless even if you dodge.
In the short, not dogfight, distance, the Sparrow excels, F-16 radars are very hard to notch at this distance, and one must find themselves hugging the ground until the 4-6 missiles are fired AND dodged. R-27 works in the short range, but a consideration towards engagement distance is important as the missile is mobile, but not perfectly nimble. R-60M’s really do NOT work well at this distance, which by volume would be the best counter to the AIM-7’s. AIM-9’s also out range you here. This is by far the deadliest space to be in for a MiG-29 driver.
I agree, the f16 radar is hard to notch, but the sparrow will detonate even before totally losing the lock. The R27ER will still track thanks to datalink and mig29 radar is not even as bad as people call it out to be. Just the average russia suffer cope paragraph. Ask the french. Great radars on mirage 2k, absolute boogazooga missile to radar communication; these will as well detonate once the target achieves the perfect notch. R60’s are (i mean were) flareable on dogfight range, the r27er is completely undefeatable.
I was honestly speaking more from my experience in the 9.13, I haven’t flown in the SMT yet.
Also, the R-73 helps close the gap a bit in the Short range, which was needed, as the R-60M was too gimpy to be competitive in high tier.
That just sounds lame, lol.
I’ll have to start paying better attention to sparrows, but I seem to almost always die to them in the descent, at speed, and head-on or to my 9 to 3 o’clock. I’m more than willing to admit that my gameplay may not be representative of how most play. But I can tell you I die most to Sparrows, then AIM-9L’s, and the R-27ER1’s.
I’m not saying that missile for missile, 1 sparrow is as good as 1 R-27ER. I’m saying that 4-6 Sparrows is equal to two R-27ER’s. I haven’t played with the ER since the patch, but all you had to do to dodge the ER was hug the ground and snake a little to throw off the energy of the missile. Nowhere near as hard to dodge as most people complain.
It’s a good combo, no complaints here. MiG-29 radar is certainly serviceable and competitive at 12.0.
I’m not saying that, and I’m not coping. R-73 fixes this issue.
Still are lol.
You make some good points but Sparrows are not some sort of complete potato missile that just sucks and isn’t capable of doing something while the R-27 is some mega-God ultra killer weapon blessed with a 200% kill rate. Both have optimal envelopes, and in the furball meta as you call it, the R-27 just works, it doesn’t excel.
the point is i haven’t died to a single sparrow since i’ve gotten the f16a adf a month ago. Nothing sucks more than dogfightin the last mig29 that decides just to extend at first stage burner where you would need max afterburner to catch up, see it rearm and pack a couple of r27’s on your way forcing you to either crash or stuff them up your plane. Flight performance no longer matters, it’s armament, and f16’s are notorious for lacking thereof.
Nothin sucks more than splashing two dudes from 30km away, having no competent missiles left, and then watching your gimpy little R-60M’s disappear in the ether, only to catch a Sparrow from some vulture as you try to RTB to keep your team in the game.
And then the F-14 splashes the whole team because I let him close the gap.
that’s another skill issue. You cannot trust the ground to deter r27er’s but you can with sparrows and phoenixes, sometimes aim54c can be bullshit but the r27er is always bullshit.
well kinda true but then they still have the:
R-74M (Improved model with ±75° off-boresight)
R-77T, (yes IR variant)
K-77ME (ramjet)
as well as (acc to some sources) an R-77P
You can dodge R-27ERs by using the ground, like any other SARH. L2P
not gonna lie but as MiG-29 players myself (German one) if half of your team die to AIM-54 from F-14 well your team deserve losing because they don’t even know how to defeat it more eaiser than people think they are just fly low and don’t fly straight line (phoenix are big missile with lot of explosive mass it might damage you if too close to the ground) or if you are at high ALT all you had to do just turning 180 degree and run away for a while well that’s it
You’re seething about how R-27ER is “undefeatable” while telling others to “L2P”? Get a clue, man.
Lmao, thats a nice joke.
As soon as someone tells them to stop going low when I launch on them.
LMAO that wasnt me man 😭
no? who then
i have 6 hidden pòsts in the span of a minute.
and nothing was lost