The 2S38 should be reclassified from a light tank to an air defense system vehicle,as it was actually developed in reality to replace the Tunguska air defense weapon!

So you want the 2S38 to be moved to 9.3?
Cause that’s what you get with the buff of SPAA classification and removal of APFSDS.

It’s already balanced now that it’s been nerfed in BR to 10.3.
Sadly Strf 9040C was over-nerfed to 10.3 and should be made 10.0 again.

It’s not under-BR’d at all currently. Strf 9040C is slightly over-BR’d, but that’s about it.

Okay, move HSTVL up to 12.0 - 12.3, Begleit to 9.7 - 10.0, Strf 9040C to 10.3 - 10.7, etc.
2S38 is just used more, nothing else.

Why compare Stridsforden 9040C to the 2S38 when they are asking for SPAA when you could Argue the LVKV 9040C which is an SPAA is the same BR because it doesn’t get the /01 APFSDS like the Strids does. Seems if people want the 2S38 to go down in BR in needs to have its anti ground ammo nerfed for balance.

Also were you not the one prior who stated the 2S38 is equal to the Stridsforden 9040C so why is it now over BR’ed? I assume this is since they moved up to 10.3 yeah?

The Lvkv 9040C has a search radar, it’s objectively superior to 2S38 in SPAA capability.

You mean when the 2S38 was 10.0…
When information changes so do stances.

I would maybe agree if they give it its actual apfsds(delta 3-not 6 anymore xddd, still good cuz delta 3= ±m774)
and fix the turret basket and maybe give it full load of 32 rounds(debatable)
2s38 still need to be move up to like 11.0 or 11.3 then

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I haven’t touched ground on sweden or Russia in months so i have no idea what their BR’s are 100%

Are both the 2S38 and the 9040’s 10.3?

If HSTVL got that round it’d have to be 12.3 with no other auto-lights moving up.
2S38 is already inferior to HSTVL in all ways except thermal generation. They should never be anywhere close to the same BR.

2S38 and Strf 9040C are 10.3 at this time.

So they are balanced

HSTVL is universally requested to go down in BR not up. So I’m not sure what you are talking about here

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but it would be actually usable but not a glimpse of its actual capability rn
also i could argue that hstvl or rdflt gets gen 2 thermal because they have different variant but eh whatever, gaijin would also need to buff m735 and xm578e1 if they buff the xm885 becaus they are closely related to eachother

Yes, I’m aware that the standard HSTVL player lacks understanding on how to use the platform.
There’s a reason I perform at least as well in HSTVL as I do 2S38, Begleit [ignore Begleit’s current record, it’s the platform I learned how to auto-light with], and VCC-80/60.

HSTVL is already the 2nd best light tank in the game, flat out. Like better than VT5 and VT5 is the 3rd best.

Nope. You would ruin already medicore vehicle

Thankfully, gaijin do not listen to such ridiculous requests


Man literally ask gaijin to buff Russians 🙏, 70 sp 2S38 would even buff more that thing, it’s already broken at 10.3.

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they finna add the T-14 Armata a
2s38 is a prototype of light spaa recon vehicle based on the bmp-4 chasis, too expensive to produce, so it was canned(and suspect government corruption which is common, no comment)
same with the T-14 Armata, prototype man-less turret to replace T-xx, turns out also too expensive, canned(insert)
this tell you how much the US spend on their army vs any other country

Wouldn’t surprise me one bit if they did in the next year or two. Not that the Bias nation even needs it in the first place.

How bout Gaijin cut out the bogus code first, then we can have a serious conversation about it.

would be an entire new game if they spend time fixing spaghetti o’s codes

it would reduce the SP Cost but changing it to a spaa would limit the amount of APFDS it can carry exactly like they limit GEPARD AP Rounds and other anti-airs

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Needed, frankly speaking. Though knowing them they’d botch a whole new deal, too.

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What rule?

2S38 is mediocre? That thing one shots top tier MBTs and tanks top tier APFSDS rounds all the time…