The 2S38 should be reclassified from a light tank to an air defense system vehicle,as it was actually developed in reality to replace the Tunguska air defense weapon!

The in-game classification of the 2S38 as a light tank does not reflect reality.It is actually a weapon designed to replace the Tunguska and Argun River air defense systems and is a vehicle equipped by air defense units.It should not be classified as a light tank;instead,it should be reclassified as an air defense vehicle and have its number of armor-piercing shells reduced.Its role should be similar to that of Italy’s Oto air defense system!


Na, cus then it would get an even cheaper sp cost, it needs nerfs and not buffs (even small ones like this) as it is.


Actually,the intention is to reduce its effectiveness in top-tier rooms.You should understand that because it’s a light tank,it can quickly spot and activate the Su-34 and Su-30,which affects game balance!


And changing it to SPAA per game logic (thus making it cost unaffected by loosing MBTs) prevent this scenario how exactly?.. Or you never saw SPAA with “Recon” button, lol

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spaa can get recon capabilities, most top tier aa have it actually

No problem,just reduce the number of its armor-piercing shells and make it have no more than 30 rounds,just like the Cheetah and the Oto.


No particular reason to, ingame classifications are always how they play ingame.

These sorts of AA’s are designed to operate in batteries datalinked to search radars, but lacking all of that and outranged by most planes/helis at its BR, it plays much more like a light tank.

So the BP should be reduced to 10.0,and the number of armor-piercing shells should be limited to 30 rounds,allowing it to perform air defense missions that are in line with reality!Instead of creating chaos in the game,which is not realistic!

It would still play like a light tank, but now with ammo crates for more shells.


According to your understanding,the German Cheetah could also be equipped with more armor-piercing rounds.

The Gepard? People already play it as a light tank, more APDS would definitely entrench it as one and move it up in BR where its less effective as an AA.

But then there’s also an actual restriction there where the APDS is stored in the short 40 round auxiliary belts.

Look at the Falcon for example, has 155 APDS shells mixed with SAPHE and HE in the belts, and ended up at a higher BR. Because people used it as a light tank. Not particularly effective AA anymore, but a great light tank.

as was discussed on your last post about this topic: The 2S38 should be reclassified from a light tank to an air defense system vehicle,as it was actually developed in reality to replace the Tunguska air defense weapon!

Turning 2S38 is a buff, and the turret system literally has no restriction on load, otherwise you would force all tanks to load majority HE (because that’s IRL loadout)

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Another topic for someone begging that the 2S38 get buffed.

2S38 cannot have limited AP rounds, that would be unrealistic; SPAA status doesn’t limit AP rounds and never will, and you know this.

As I said, you just want to buff 2S38 to make it easier to spawn.

Just get good, dude.

2S25M does that better, and 2S38 is bad at top BR.


reclassify as a SPAA and take away the APFSDS.

this is needed


Only if its anti-tank ability gets massively nerfed. 70 SP to spawn in the best IFV in the game, would just be BS.

Especially given how under BRed it is already

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There is no need to buff 2s38 at this moment, so no, it should not be reclassified as SPAA

It is not under BRed at all

It is not needed


It is universally and consistantly the most requested vehicle to move up in BR every single BR change. It could easily be 10.7/11.0 without harm.


No. While yes IRL it is classified as SPAA for game balancing purposes the Light Tank classification and SP cost is more suitable.

Unless they unfuck the bmp-3 transmission or somehow pull more protection out of their asses for it thats likely not going to happen.

Ad populum is a logical fallacy

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