[Updated 03/09] Testing our Proposed APHE Shell Changes on the Dev Server!

It doesn’t anyway, unless the entire crew has somehow teleported into the turret now

Hey guys, would anybody be interested in testing this new feature? Oh sure a lot of you do? Okay let’s trial it then everybody can decide what they think.

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The APHE, because I don’t suffer from skill issue.

It was about 50/50, there is more than enough demand for the test for Gaijin to go through with it


Also like…


Go to google.


“Warthunder APHE unrealistic”

“Warthunder APHE fix.”

Go to “Tools.”

“Any time”, there pick “Custom Range.”

Pick “2013” for start, “2022” for end.

Look at all the pages upon pages of forum and reddit threads complaining about APHE being broken for a literal decade.


but muh 1%

That’s an interesting way to misrepresent the majority of people who did not want that test.


Refer to this.

We’ve a literal decade of players asking for this.


That is a vote for the coming “super-APHE” that we can’t see or test before this update launches, as the original post to this thread explains.

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They weren’t interesting in testing? Okay they don’t have to test, if they don’t like the feature they can vote no on the implementation vote.

Because thats how voting should work, mm yes indeed.

When the voting is so close, just reroll the vote enough times that is goes through. Oh yes


Ever realized how the people that want a change to happen are more vocal than the people that are content with the current system?


The majority of the people that voted against it most likely didn’t even read the whole thing, judging by the fact that Staff went back into the post and vote to make it more apparent what was being voted on


Only way this would maybe not break mid tier, is if barrel sniping was still reliable. Redditors got that removed because of “muh realism” too though so yea

Currently testing this amazing new content and man, it’s cool.

Before they would have likely killed the entire tank, now the other player has a fighter chance no matter where I shoot him!
Good esports have high ttk and very strict aiming requirements. Glad that War Thudner is finally becoming a skill game.


Your bad shots are still gonnna hurt

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I literally can’t imagine how suffering APHE will be able to deal with Tiger if this change makes it through, I’m shaking and crying rn


Didn’t hear anyone of the “NO” voters complain about the buff. Makes me wonder why


To be frank, that is kind of how a few countries voting systems work.

First turn of elections filters out those who wouldn’t get a seat anyway.

Second round votes on those who’d get into the parlaiment to determine their ratio.

Then an attempt is made to form a coalition capable of at least a majority, and if that fails a re-election may be called once more.

Last year, a western european iberian country almost had that outcome due to coalitions being kind of… nearly impossible at first.


Me when I show a 90mm (mostly 6.3 gun) instead of a 76mm