Team mates making game impossible to enjoy

It’s not about the games or their mechanic, it’s about the behavior of the players and the system of the servers.

He was talking about wrong choices and your are talking about wrong behavior which are different things, I think you have the possibility to report players for team killing etc but it was not the subject of this topic.

They are already struggling to comprehend and you want to ban them! I would not like to have you as a teacher or coach!

There are simple leverages to help people improve their skills in general like trainings, practice, have clear objectives that leads to a final goal… These apply to anything.

I am with you with your “no clue” assessment - but not entirely with the “to guide” part.

Yes, this game lacks of tutorials embedded in the UI - but how far you want to go with this?

Everybody who is able to download wt is able to educate himself about the game modes, vehicles, tactics and strategy within wt and aerial warfare in general.

But it seems to me that this is too much effort for the overwhelming majority of players - so the OP is fully right that the quality of the players in general is killing any serious attempts of long-time players to enjoy Air RB.

If you are out of any grinding goals and want to play for fun only, this mess forces you to find niches which will allow you to circumvent the massive obstacles of clueless players, 16 vs 16, bots, op premiums etc.

My goal whilst playing Air RB is quite simple: Playing for the perfect match.

This means to have tight matches with equally skilled opponents and maybe winning with a mix of skill, luck and right decision making.

Nothing better than taking off in a hopeless ticket disadvantage, playing 1 vs 3 in my B7A2 outclimbing/evading a Spit on my way to the last base, killing it to turn the tickets, leaving an I-185 in the dust and secure a last minute victory…


People are there for their own game how they enjoy it, not for your game. Play for yourself. You play this game as if it’s you vs 16.

Sing it with me ‘S Q U A D, you ain’t got no alibi!’…

Honestly though, squading removes a lot of the issue. Full squad, 2 and 2 makes for 2 objectives to cover.

  • Edit -

Also, calling for the team to do things, like, as silly as it is, calling for players to attack the D point and stuff get a team ‘functional’ or at least meldable.

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Yeah my 3rd game in the mig29SMT someone very purposely rammed the back of my jet right after takeoff, sent me straight into the ground and gave me the TK. I’m now 22k poorer and I got my first death in the plane

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Should highlight that to someone, either through a bug report, or a report to the GMs about it.

That’s pretty significant.

I absolutely refuse to play anything resembling “proper” in ARB. Most games your team is 90% base runners grinding the arduous RP/SL grind in this game and I don’t blame them for picking the easiest thing in the game to progress while watching TV or something else. Gaijin structured the game this way because they wanted you to buy things, not play until they’re free, so the game is painful by design in that regard.

On top of that, the fighters are all out for themselves, as they should be, and as likely to cooperate with you are they are to sell your soul to the devil for a single GE. Anything resembling cooperating in WT is actually just two pianos falling down the stairs, creating harmony entirely by random chance and on few occasions.

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I don’t say you are wrong, I think people who want to play for themselves should not be forced to coop.

Gaijin should copy what is working well out there, like having a deathmatch all-vs-all mode without teams/nations like in most shooting games. When you want to shoot at everything, you choose that.

And then a coop mode with teams/nations and coop objectives.

There are plenty of players now to do this kind of things.

Edit : someone has raised an interesting idea of a coop mode in the suggestions yesterday, something like 4vs4, which would lower wait time also.

Because some players dont have enough attention span to climb into 5000m just to protect bomber that will get killed in head on by Pfeil or other cannon interceptor. Not to mention games are not long enough to make this worth.

If you want to protect bombers you can try in simulator battles.

I will try sim next time, thanks for the advice. I do not have any joystick, is it okay to play mouse-js?



Good luck preaching the good practice to all the players of the community!

Just trying to provide a perspective outside of their narrow one.


Personally, i agree. It is pretty much dogass, for a community. I was in a match right before getting on war thunder forums, and in that match the first thing that happens is an OF-40 spawn camps. Why can’t we just enjoy the game instead of tryharding to get the most kills? Like, play fairly. There’s instances like godmode, which everyone 'BUT the target can enjoy.

Very old topic - ramming on purpose is a real pain in Air RB due to broken collision model. Just check the old forum - TK policy thread…

Forget bug reports about ramming - i counted at least 8 reports dealing with this issue - all are open, nobody cares. Btw the search function of the bug report site is still useless…

Server replay reports have usually the same effect - severe actions regarding bans or even complete disabling of whole accounts were handled by regular staff. GMs don’t even know them as they are players like you and me - and are busy with chat violation issues.

its the unfortunate compromise of online gaming sadly.

even for me, most of my absolute favourite GRB maps are apparently some of the general communities least favourites, and thus the most common maps where both teams just 1 death leave as quickly as possible thus making the games on those maps short and boring.

there’s nothing you can really do about it other than just accept it and move on.

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Commonly whenever I join a match, I call on people to play the long game, or call for tactics unless I throw out my own.

Attack the D point, leading for landing, and be out there doing stupid nonsense… There’s a lot to do, and people aren’t closed off entirely, they just think no-ones going to do anything so why bother.

100% yes - and btw an extreme nice description.

But from time to time you have these moments - a perfect cooperation without any communication. Turning an almost lost match with such random players is simply great.

And i met a hell of great pilots on the enemy side too - very long and undisturbed 1 vs 1s without interference and sometimes ending in a draw as one needs to rtb for ammo or fuel - this 25 minute timer, auto ticket bleed and 16 vs 16 nonsense killed most of those fights…

Yes and no. It depends in Air RB on the used bomber type, the bomber pilot and how he is positioned. So staying near a high flying bomber after 8-12 minutes has some benefits as you can often get tunnel visioning fighters looking for cheap kills.

The problem is that additional rewards besides the kill (“Bomber rescuer”) require that the bomber needs to get damaged by the enemy upfront and only a few bomber pilots manage to survive that long.

Seeing the overall quality of bomber pilots you are correct in most cases.

The fellow player above is mostly right - most of them are dead when fighters caught up with them. As an expat in Sweden - the Swedish B-18B is imho the best TT bomber you can fly if you are able to use it as support fighter.

Successful prop bomber game play >BR 3.7 and why i stopped playing B-18B

Imho successful bomber game play above BR 3.7 in Air RB is way more demanding than fighter game play regarding tactic and overall strategy as every mistake regarding route or positioning has severe consequences, whilst a fighter that messed up can always dive out. A bomber has to fight until the bitter end.

In addition a bomber has usually just one run - reloads and 2nd runs are death sentences in 95% of the cases.

But successful bomber game play is not about bombing bases to gain personal SL/RP income - it is to actually contribute to your team by killing tickets and enemies. Even if you are not getting kills most fighters simply underestimate the benefits of a good flown bomber able to pull 2-3 enemy fighters with interceptor spawn out of the center.

Even if outside tasks (kill x bombers) only rather mediocre pilots go for bombers first (as they are usually no threat) the effect of dragging out enemies of the fighter vs fighter combat in props is significant. So i was always happy when i flew my B-18B if 1-3 XP-50s started chasing me.

The problems kick in when own fighters start to interrupt their climbs in order to dive on enemy bombers (imho preferred on bot B-25s) instead of trying to gain advantages vs enemy fighters (see the title of this thread), so your efforts to influence the team fight got nullified by decisions of your team.

Depending on your alt and speed a B-18B can survive very long as your defensive guns outrange US 0.50 cals (max 1.8 Km crit range if they tailchase you at high speed) as the 13.2 mm reliably scored (until the end of 2022) one shot kills up to 2.7 km.

So the key to survive vs multiple enemies in a B-18B is to keep them as long as possible inside your, but outside their gun range - and try to create a 1 vs 1 as the B-18B outturns most enemies. Btw you outrun J2M2s above 8 km and the speed gap vs faster fighters is not that great at higher alt.

But i stopped playing it due to the 50-60% full uptier ratio (u can’t kill a base at 5.0 due to base health increase) and the nerf of damage output of the defensive cannon (13.2 is technically a cannon) and the artificial spread of your shots. I mean if i score 5 hits and a crit on a tailchasing XP-50 at around 2 km distance and he keeps his speed, i am out…

And even if you manage to beat the odds and turn tickets very late game - this game is actually deducting tickets after the timer ran out - turning a 180 point ticket lead into a 20 points ticker loss after the remaining time was at 0:00…

I was actually laughing…

I understand your frustration, my advise is this, just take it as what it is. An online game, you may find some good people willing to cooperate, but there are a ton that want to screw everyone even their own team. I just found a dude Dragon something… helping the enemy team by pushing me around while I was trying to kill an enemy TD he was sitting next to. So my guess is he was using an alt to farm on his main or helping a friend. We lost that match and I reported the dude for cheating after informing my team, while he cursed on chat xD. Sadly the quality of an online game has a lot to do with the community that plays said game. So shitty communities make for shitty games. But you may find one or two redeeming matches here and there where your team mates are able to think and cooperate towards a common goal. Just keep in mind, it’s not the norm with war thunder however.