Team killing policy - follow up thread

I love the sound of crying teamkillers no matter what time of day it is.


If you intentionally TK, you deserve it. I’m mostly F2P, and I didn’t get banned.

Yes I expect you do, you have liked some of my replies so we must share some commonality with our views of the game.
As for teamkilling, yes not a positive gameplay aspect, same as pushing team members off cliffs or into the open or blocking their movement making them vulnerable. Sometimes it is by mistake though, someone drives in front of you, or drives into your artillery strike or bomb damage area.
Is each case reviewed in its entirety and the context surmised, I very very much doubt it, just an easy lazy way to feed red meat to the masses and clap hands and sing Kum Ba Yay at the magnanimous wonder of the company.

There in lies the nub of the matter, the interpretation of the company of Team killing. Is it just an easy, lazy catch all that gathers up mistakes and potentially innocent players or is it an in depth review of the situation taking in context, I strongly suspect it is the easy, lazy way out.
I would doubt that every incident is even looked at, and it is possible to deliberately get team killed, in this case potentially leading to a ban through someone else’s malicious actions.
All in all the game just seems to get worse and worse after every update.

You belive it is done like that?

No matter that for cheaters that they have banned much more, there is a whole system where things are being checked by proper people mostly?

Belive me I have reported many real cheaters myself (as they got banned) and it is not so easy to get someone banned.

If you’re killing enough friendlies to be banned, you should learn to be more careful and play better.


That is the crux of the matter at this time, it is almost impossible to get people banned. All the reports that must flood in on an hourly let alone daily rate, all investigated no way. It seems that some players are almost given a free pass or at not investigated at all as they continually carry on with no punishment or warnings. When it does happen it is a long time, hopefully that tardiness means a full investigation is being carried out before an outcome is determined.
But now there are a wave of bans, what gives, why now and why the sudden overwhelming interest by the company and how have they had the time to thoroughly investigate each one, did they hire a tranche of new employees to do this, will it continue, will they find in the future they have very little to do?
That appears to be the problem that is causing this storm, people suddenly being banned but not knowing why, seemingly a problem in this digital age called to task over something you posted many many years ago.
Again transparency and information would be nice for these players, knowing when and what they did to deserve this, is there a cut off or are all your actions permanently kept so eventually days, months, weeks or years in the future you will exceed some arbitrary figure and you are banned. Holy crap even criminals get a better and fairer deal than the players of Warthunder.

Then players moan about team mates hanging back and not helping, or as one topic on the forums had in its title taking potshots at the enemy does not help the team.
There is no co ordination, direction or consistency in the game or its management it stumbles and lurches from one crises and bad decision to the next.
It fails to be entertaining or engaging.

yo gaijin yall really out here playing with my emotions huh i’m out here tryna vibe rack up them dubs and next thing i know bammm"! banned for teamkilling like what me teamkill yall must be confusing me with some rookie out there shooting at blue dots cause ya boy stays clean
lemme tell you something i don’t even look at teammates funny i’m like a guardian angel in the skies wings out blessings only and somehow your system said nah we gonna sit this man down for a day fr yall must be using some bootleg ai or something cuz this don’t add up
how you gonna ban me over some friendly fire type shi false flag ahh operation meanwhile folks out here kamikaze-ing into allies like it’s an art form lame ahh be really think its ww2 and getting off scot free gaijin do better yall really making me feel like a villain on cold night in my own hero story run me my flight rights back i’m tryna bomb tanks and get some dubs not my reputation smh

Does the system count teamkills after the round has ended?

The system automatically detects teamkills within X period. Over time they are removed, so if you get banned… it is because you were excessive with it

Can you provide a link to where it states this in Gaijin’s terms/conditions/rules ?
Can we have access to see any black marks on our accounts ? I can on other games I play.
Just as a piece of information I have been muted/banned from chat for many years, so I am very dubious about any claims of punishments being removed over time.
Simply put I do not trust the company and their interactions with the player base, they make it up as thye go along and change it at whim.

There ya go

So far as your perma chat ban… that means you were punished enough times that it IS permanent, which you will find in section two of the link

Thanks for the link, interesting with the teamkill information at bit like the computer in Wargames stating that the best way to win the game is not to play.
Seems that not firing any shots/bombs or artillery is the best way to avoid having teamkills and potentially being banned. But it does happen in real life with blue-on-blue incidents but apparently not in video games where it could actually be programmed in to avoid as it is in Ground Arcade (but not bombs or artillery) but funnily enough in Air Arcade it does no damage but can get you kicked from the game.
Weird inconsistences in the game and I expect in realistic and simulator it is even worse.

I will never ever try to help my teammates again, because if I try and I accidently hit them, next time I get perma ban. No thanks. I rather play this team game solo.

Somehow in ground I have never ever teamkilled anyone except few cases when ppl decides to drive into my orange smoke.

Air battles? Well IR missiles can be tricky, if friendly passed in the path of missile, missile might change the path and follow other plane. But have you tried playing aim 7F? Lock one target, friendly is on opposite side of the screen and guess what, that missile goes after friendly. Ok, cancel lock, lock enemy again, fire, it still goes after friendly, which is NOT EVEN CLOSE to the enemy. Okay, radar off, missile still tracks. boom, teamkill. The game itself isn’t working properly, how can I be accountable for killing someone with radar missile, which should be canceled if I turn radar off, but it still tracks? And it tracks absolutely wrong target, which isn’t even locked??? IT’s just against the logic how it should work. I had MANY of those. Randomly killing some random enemy or friendly planes.

Just be more careful when launching missiles. You also have guns that you can use to take down enemy planes too.

Severe cases, exactly. Which comprises anything xenophobic, racist, hate speech.

I fly head-first into furballs on A points in air sim and have no issues with blue-on-blue. Sure, I do sometimes mistake a bomber for the enemy but even that’s been rare enough that I havn’t gotten any punishment.

Don’t shoot if friendly is close to the enemy, keep wing clearance when flying and don’t all chase the same guy. Multiple planes chasing 1 enemy is wasteful anyway - break off and approach from another angle or cover your friendly against a reversal, don’t greed. Two planes flying smart makes reversals almost impossible while two planes fighting for the same position means you can force them to shoot each other or collide.

In air RB, you even got name tags from a good distance so not there’s not even a chinese p-38 to throw you off (I specifically mention p-38 as it’s a very unique and recognizable silhouette).

To be fair - I am not sure if there are easy answers to rather complex questions.

  • Even tap water and other non-alcoholic beverages are prone to have a variety of known and assumed / controversial & disputed side effects - either from the water / beverage itself or from the plastic bottles.

  • Just remember the claim that water pollution would turn frogs gay. Was actually true. Same as drinking from water bottles when they were exposed to UV / sunlight - connected to killing your fertility…

  • Sure you find paid studies that dismiss this as nonsense. A short reminder: The same kind of studies said smoking does not harm your body - or vaccinations vs the latest pandemic virus are absolute harmless…

  • In other words: God knows from where these crazy idea come…

My own theory is that gaijin:

  1. Wants to reduce toxicity within the player base
  2. Wants to protect rookies at high tiers doing base bombing in Air RB
  3. Sees team killing as a problem (after years of ignoring it)
  4. Wants to close a minor legal risk (GE paid boosters lost when tkd)

This means:

  • From a pure marketing perspective it is quite easy to understand that unpunished team killing is not supporting the sale of high priced jets. If those jets can be used without any advanced skill sets just for bombing bases in Air RB they are perfectly tailored to satisfy new players.

  • If the lack of deterrence for committing team kills in the past encouraged low skill pilots to kill each other on their race to bases, they lost SL for the team kill, but they kept the RP. So how will you support your jet sales or ensure that your customers are happy if you don’t protect them?

  • Less team kills means less toxicity - and reduced frustration levels for all.