Team killing policy - follow up thread

Just get rid of that and tie entire base to a number of tickets… throw more bombs on it, reduce tickets more… for example:

Base health = 10,000 (example) and tied to 300 tickets (again, an example). First 8,000 health cost 200 tickets loss, last 2,000 health cost another 100 tickets (making base destruction important).

Every health reduced is tied to a fixed amount of SL/RP, destroying the base does not give more SL/RP as bonus, it gives the same award as before with added bonus of draining 100 tickets for just 2,000 health reduction (as opposed to 4,000 health for 100 tickets before that).

This way

  1. You need bombers to drop their load on a base, which has more HP so they can share, and has a more direct impact on the battle
  2. Getting base destroyed doesn’t add more bonuses, you get only benefits in tickets
  3. Draining bases to low HP but not destroyed enables even fighters in late game to drain the last bit of HP of a base and get a decent amount of tickets reduced

Sure, this requires a little rework of 2 tasks which have “Destroy X bases”, they could just change that to “Damage bases by X”

I don’t see anything wrong with this tbh.

Maybe @Schindibee can propose/forward something like this along the chain. I dunno, it definitely needs a rework

It would be great if we could focus on team kills. In the last few days in around 15 -20% of my matches i saw teamkills on both sides.

It still boils down to the fact that the threshold for a temp or perma ban is too low and additional punishments are absent.

No matter of plain stupidity or intentional teamkills - i see a need to adjust their “auto-ban friendly-fire counter”.

But there is an excuse when it’s an accident

Accidents do not “happen”. Accidents are caused.

And this often through neglect: Not caring about situational awareness.

If I fire in a situation where a nearby ally could potentially get in the way (be that arty, gunfire, missiles,…), I’m at least partially responsible for the result.

TK’s can “happen” to all of us, but looking back at the TK’s I have on my “conscience”, I can truly say that they were probably all because I wasn’t careful enough to ID my target, take into consideration movement of nearby players, or firing missiles in merged situations.

All avoidable.

I would like to add my two cents as well. And yes, TEAMKILLING is an annoyance.
There is no accident involved if it happens at takeoff! In props, they are approaching a teammate , sawing off their tail, ruining their own prop but this allowing them to glide to base, while the victim is crashing to death. At least this no longer counts as a teamkill for the victim.

And in all fairness, I do not believe that the reports are being investigated or acted upon. If they were, that behaviour would have stopped. It has not.

In the spirit of constructive criticism, I would as well like to offer suggestions.

  1. First and foremost: Dear Gaijin, disregarding the TK reports is perceived as DISRESPECTING YOUR PLAYERS. Do you want that? This is the perception however. Please give us something to show you care!

  2. Accidents happen, yes, and friendly fire happens. How about a really tangible penalty? Crew block for an hour ( The crew being interrogated about the incident, investigations, a court martial … ). SL penalties ten times what they are now. Temporary bans, permanent bans!

  3. Show us the TKs in the player cards we look at. With an expiration, like : “Friendly kills in the past 30 days: X”
    That way we can look at our peers. And judge ourself if that was accidental.

  4. Suggestion: If someone TKs in a match (properly automatically detected) then killing that player gives no penalty to team mates but counts as a kill FOR ANY PLAYER, as the teamkiller just put themselves outside the law. (maybe the player even appears as red to both teams?)

  5. Suggestion: add a “known traitor” icon (a knife? for backstabbing?) to the name of a repeat teamkiller, so people looking at teammates see the name, and can pay attention (not turning their backs to them… take off after them… )

And yes, many of my suggestions include “shaming”. That is necessary I feel…
Because let’s say it loud and clear: Teamkillers are not cool. They are cowards. Because it does not take any courage to shoot a friendly in the back. Teamkillers are cowards, who do not dare to fight the enemies who shoot back.
Teamkillers should be shamed, and be ashamed.

Etaski out.


Two excessive team kill events:

@Schindibee - do you think that the current auto-ban-system for tracking and punishing team killers is sufficient?


Vincent GIF - Vincent GIFs
Where’d my post go?

War Thunder community is one of the worst, full of “garbage people”. They join in the game as 100% newbies, they don’t progress by practice and grinding, they buy their way into top tiers. Then they get killed a lot, they started messing around with teammates, or buy esp to cheat(very very common met multiple low level rage hackers in last 3 days, some of them are banned cheaters, they come back again). As American non premium main I really hate some of those “premium” players. They have op jets, get full downtier, but barely contribute anything to the team. I have to dog fight mig jets with my non premium a10 attacker, get 1-2 kills, while my “premium” teammates get wiped out in seconds. 7 F5C with 0kill 200 points, 3 f4s bots. Every time I had to do air to air combat by a10, get into front row on scoreboard, that game is lost for sure. TK was very common in low tier, now they can bypass grinding by “premium” purchasing, just made things worse in top tier.
Lots of the team killers are real “garbage people”, they cheat in game too. I was team killed by a guy in 11.0 ground rb by drone, I check his replay, he’s a cheater, turns on thermal in 3rd person view, in a tank without thermal device, he tracks people behind terrains and buildings too. It’s been a year now, that cheater is still playing. The cheaters cheat, game became too easy and boring for them, they are too pathetic to understand why the games are meat to be played fair and fun, they get “happiness” through making others suffer.
Beside, there are more problems in this game.:
Cheaters. They are out of control, I have met more than 10 rage hackers in 3 days of game play in top tier. One of my teammate even gets 11k1a0d before timer hits 21:30. He gets nuke jet bomber in less than 3 minutes, must be a record even for rage hackers(ps: he crashed, he’s newbie). New players started the game by cheating, this game is dead already. Gaijin loves cheaters, cheaters are big spender, esp isn’t free. Every year, Gaijin launches ban wave during store discount, so the cheaters will be back, buy more premium items.
Pay to win and biassed game design are really getting my nerves. As American non premium main, it used to be bad, now it’s way worse! mig and su jets take full blast from my a10 cannons and one 9l hit, still flying and turning, trying to get my teammate. I have to blow them into pieces, finish them off for good. But my a10 gets one 20mm hit, structure turns yellow, lose most maneuverability. situation is worse in ground mode, can’t penetrate t80 t90, m1 shells bounce off premium 2s and leo constantly.(2s38 driver stopped 598 penetration shell, finest display of pay to win and russian bias). American missiles are useless now. 9l can’t hit targets. i shot down mig29 with a10 cannon, but 2 seconds later, its ir missile gets me. This bug or nerf didn’t apply to russian.
I have huge disadvantage with network issue due to isp reroute logic, my ping to every server is equally 300ms, I can still get the hang of it. But cheating, p2w, and biassed game design that forcd players to grind and pay more money, are not tolerable.
I used to purchase premium account and store item at full price from time to time, but I stopped paying long time ago: not worth it. It’s the best decision ever, progressing is still tedious and prolonged, I just don’t care anymore. Saved some money, got brand new computer with 64gb ram, newest high end graphic cards with 24gb memory, several big 4k monitors, get some animals, get some books…
No paying, no extra suffering.

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War Thunder community is one of the worst, full of “garbage people”

I stopped reading at this point because the author lacks the insight to recognise that he is part of the community.

Imho there is a large difference between “full of” and “consisting entirely of”. The first part does not include all players. The majority wants to have a decent time, fun and wants to enjoy the game, but the number of players having fun by ruining the game play of others is higher than i have seen anywhere else.

You provided a perfect example of such “players” in your post # 28.

I found the post of the fellow player rather interesting, despite he could have used paragraphs to make the content more “readable”.

I fully agree, all shooters have issues with such players. I just came out of a match of a “real” FPS - there is always a strong connection between toxic game play and the usage of cheats/glitches.

For a BBQ? Just kidding, was too tempting :-)

I thought his statement was a bit too generalised and that always makes me a bit angry. Every now and then I get a bit carried away.
I then thought again about my post that you showed me.
It’s almost a month old now and I’ve been working hard on my inner calm and since then I’ve only seen an incident like this once with someone else. I then helped to get the poor devil free.
So I have to admit that my posting from back then is a bit generalised and I let my emotions get the better of me a bit too much.
And so I have to admit that my reaction to his posting wasn’t exactly the most glorious either.

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Suggestion 1: in Air RB: Someone killing a friendly (by ramming so he crashes or shooting them so it shows up in the battle log as blue shot down blue) is immediately red to both teams for the remainder of the game, and can be killed by anyone without any negative consequences. While they themselves would still get the penalty for killing more teammates. Would create some fun dynamics, no?

Suggestion 2: in AirRB, the crew of a teamkiller is locked for 24 hours

Suggestion 3: each confirmed TKs on the account is like “a third of a ban” (or maybe “half of a ban”) for a week (expires after 7x24 hours). As long as the sum of those bans exceeds one, before they expire, the account is on hold. Once that threshold is no longer reached, the account is active again. But it is recalculated AFTER EACH BATTLE.

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Im tired of this in here, cause is incredible the ammount of players with lower levels who purchased premium stuff and they get into RB and SB start to kill temamates with not remorse

Gaijin have to do something about this very quick, cause this usually lower your battle rating and had a bad taste in you gamepaly

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The real question, is why are we allowing for Teamkilling in the first place? You can’t kill other friendly tanks in Ground RB, so why should you be able to in air?

How do you automatically determine whether or not a teamkill was intentional? People can and do fly in front of their teammates guns in attempt to get a kill. How about missiles? How do you determine whether or not the missile was intended for a teammate?
Why are we worried about penalties for TKing when the solution is right in front of us? Just disable it.


Sometimes happen when people fired their guns during take off, they do a cosmetic damage but just that, but after you gear is off ground any damaged done to you can be deadly, the players knows and they keep doing it, …so it’s intentionally

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Coming out of 2 matches in a row with multiple teamkills - i am tired that match results in prop tier games tend to depend more and more to the random factor how many players (with severe disorders) on which side are going for friendlies; in the majority of cases the outcome of games are massively altered.

The last match was a prime example - i played 1 vs 3 after 9 minutes on Frontline Mozdok. The enemy had a ticket disadvantage, but a T-18B (57mm), an ITP with a 37mm and a Spit Mk IX.

  • All they had to do was to kill a few tanks, stick together and keep me busy. But the T-18B killed his squadmate in a Spit and got kicked as this was his second teamkill, and now the poor guy in an ITP had the option trying to outclimb me or to kill ground and get jumped; he went for ground and got killed.

  • This was a totally undeserved win - just due to the enemy team killer. This simply de-validates every fair and square victory. If you watch the replay right from the start of the match with the option 2 (player view) you see that the team kills of the T-18B were no accident; they were fully intended.

How shall we enjoy a game if such behaviour is not severely punished?

In arcade tank battles they removed friendly fire from bombs, but you can still team kill with artillery which doesn’t make sense.


GRB … followed me with smoke on … thought he wanted to look cool …


The moment I realized something is wrong and pulled up.

a second later …


So when I don’t report him he can keep up with this or? Because the system cannot see that this wasn’t an accident?
And as a small bonus …


Btw … first time I didn’t get mad about this ^^ Watch the replay. We won this epic ^^

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Stealing kills, ain’t my big problem now.

My problem are Noobs. Who drive into an area where artillery is about to be dropped. The smoke gives it away, ain’t it.

Same after i drop a bomb. The screen regular says (do not stand next to the bomb). That also means do not drive towards it.

But i get the penalty and the warning. And a kick.

Another blatant runway TK:

P-47 fired at some team mate at spawn, attacked me at 0:57 and 1:18, attacked another player at 1:39 and 1:45, attacked a FOURTH player at 2:16, so I finally stopped him at 2:24 for good.

Teamkillers are cowards who do not have the spine to attack enemies who shoot back, but instead shoot friendlies in the back.

And yes, with three fighters (2 dead victims, and the TK’er himself) out of the picture, the match was a lost cause. This TK has to incur MUCH MORE SEVERE penalties.

And friendly killing the TK’er should not be punished in my eyes.

– Etaski