Please, please, please… For the love of God. Make targets on ground specifically for BOMBERS ONLY. It is extremely cancerous to get into a game knowing you have attackers who are going to reach the target before you, and then you become free meat for fighters bomber hunting while you are flying in circles for 20 minutes waiting for another bombing point to spawn.
For example, in a B-29 Superfortress, at 7.0, you are forced to play with the A2D who is DEFINITELY on a run to bomb the points before you can get to them, or leaves at least 1 point with 25% HP, still screwing you over.
Even if they just make the Airfield an unkillable or extremely hard to kill target that still rewarded score/SL/RP when bombed would probably just about do.
Last time I tried the Lancaster, first 2 matches I got shot down long before reaching the bases and 3rd, none were alive when I did make it, was shot down before they respawned. Gave up after that
Definetly need to do something and it would be a good boost all the way up the tree. I know aircraft like the Tornado and Buc rarely get to make use of their max bomb loads