Tank vs Tank only game mode

Which are redundant to the conversation here, respectfully. People have left for many reasons. And are these people worth listening to? New players realising WT is not currently for them is a good thing, not so much long term players who took years to work it out and have a nasty habit of belittling WT players.

See my hypotheticals are this, after accepting I am not against it per se but never convinced by arguments for it either (so much has been covered I am not going to be specific):

Splitting of a mode by creation of an almost identical one will split populations.
One of said modes might not survive, hypothetically. If it was current GFRB then “up yours” to all the those who ruined it for those who enjoyed WT. Difference being in this hypothetical you added something that then removed what people enjoyed, not just playing a game without the option that had been promised.
And queue times: it would work better in AB as no nation locks. But imagine the possibility of black holes appearing for various nations at various BRs if either mode did not have the required

Problem is the official answer so far was “does not fit vision” (and combined in air objective mode just doesn’t hold enough weight) and very little to do with peoples individual wants.

I don’t think anyone has been offended by it have they, at least not seriously.

I am not against it, I just wasn’t convinced by those who vehemently oppose the existence of air in the mode (in the sense they admit they refuse to engage how others have always done or are very unhappy with the game they chose to play so much they want their own version to fit their own needs).

Gaijjn are seemingly not confident it would work for them. I take that as the population and where they play might ruin one of the modes and they are not going to go back on their vision.

It’s not our fault you depend on planes to get any kills

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Completely wrong. There’s no camping spots in the game that can’t be dealt with if you’re a skilled player.

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Which is the problem of the polls. Not being for something is not being against it either (depends on the poll as all worded differently).

Being against it’s existence is very specific in this nuanced subject. So to say those criticising some claims means opposed fully to such modes is not accurate at all.

So what are you saying? No one should discuss it and point out falsehoods or exaggerations for fear of attention?

I think you are grasping a bit too much on this one (in context of the original statement, not your wish for a TO).

I would suggest no more topics on TO nor continued discussion as Gaijin might use it to justify no new mode due to their nefarious schemes.

Just to confirm, contrary to other responses here you are an experienced player, yes? (Some pointed out you were a new player).

Sorry but in my opinion if someone says ‘no’ to an option it means that he is against it.

Not really. I’m fully for discussion but people who just say ‘don’t add TO’ (as I have quoted two statments like that), are a problem for current GF RBs mode.


If only one mode survived, then that would be telling in itself. No game wants to lose customers and it could turn out that the thing that was meant to be a selling point actually turned about to be the one thing that was turning people off. It is all about numbers and I don’t think either of us know the figures there.

Gaijin respond to the calls of “Can’t you just do this, can’t you just do that” They proved it with the map mess and stated the player base demanded all maps end up like snooker tables and the worry for the nerfing of CAS is very real.

Can’t help but stand by that and see no counter argument as such.

The only argument is that CAS fills glaring plot holes in the game and Gaijin don’t seem to want to stand by that argument.

If the news of a CAS free GRB went around the net then there could potentially be a stampede to return to the game by all those who left it and that could be huge.

That is speculation but there are no certainties in game making otherwise Gaijin wouldn’t make the regular F*** ups they do.


I’m not new, I have a decent amount of hours and it’s finally gotten frustrating enough for me to say something. I used to just suck it up even though 9/10 deaths for me is from aircraft, but it’s really become a huge problem that has to be fixed. Either separate the game modes, quadruple the cost of spawning in a plane with a bomb, add AA guns to spawn areas, ANYTHING is better than the current state. I respect that some people love planes and have invested a lot of time into unlocking them, and that’s why Im not saying they should remove combined battles, all im proposing is a fair solution for everyone.


Sorry too. I see the issues with the polls.


I would imagine there would be a huge return of players. It’s anecdotal of course, but I have friends who quit because of the same reason. They became very good tank players where, similar to OddBawz if you’ve seen his videos, they would barely die unless they were revenge bombed, which happened so often they just decided to stop playing.

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As stated before.

Addition of a TO would improve situation for both, people who want to play combined arms mode and people who would like to just play tanks.

If people will make statments about how it is not needed justifying gaijin decision to not add it, the situation will worsen for both sides.


Why would people stop complaining about a legitimate problem? This isn’t some minor annoyance, it’s actually ruining the game for a good chunk of people and making many quit. So of course there will be numerous posts.


That is irrespective, so because more people flock in to a game “currently” not for them it should all change for those who picked a game without the mode they wanted in the first place?

Very much so, this is all guesswork without Gaijin. Which is why statements are really only opinion and why these opinions clash here so often. And since the game has no TO yet population has only increased you could also hypothesise combined is perfectly fine without a competing mode.

Indeed, all is speculation.

We only really know the “does not fit our vision for the ground modes” and you won’t be able to counter that which is why I see it as query answered (until they decide they need it, not you or I (etc)).

The problem I found with going by what is popular is 16 v 16 air RB and narrowed maps on ground. Enjoy populism! (Fortunately I left before the map narrowing… fully acknowledging why WT is not for me).

I don’t wish to sound rude but none of that makes sense or helps when we have a clear and present issue and a genuine attempt to resolve it.

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Also let me educate you on something: whining is when someone makes baseless negative comments about something that isn’t actually a problem. Complaining is when you make negative comments about something that IS a legitimate problem. We are not ‘whining.’ In fact, people opposed to the idea are more so whining because they are scared they wont be able to get free kills out of saltiness anymore. Another potential compromise to lessen salty revenge killing could be putting a 2 or 3 minute timer after dying in a tank before you can spawn in an aircraft.

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The genuine attempt failed because nothing is convincing Gaijin, especially since you need to convinvce them their vision is wrong.

I am watching Carol and the End of the World and might have lost my train of thought so no offense taken.

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Which is exactly why TO advocates fail to get fence sitters on board. Just avoid that bit and we all slowly come together and won’t go through the cycle of insults.

Yes you may be right there. Discussion is just that.

You fail to see he insulted us first by calling us whiners for pointing out a legitimate issue. I simply pointed out something that’s true, people are afraid of losing free kills. That’s the fact of the matter. Like it or not.

Not true. If someone is camping spawn and i am facing the wrong way before i can shoot them i am desd