Please create a game mode where it is tank vs tank just like ground battle, but no planes are allowed. It would be much more enjoyable for players because at the moment, if you ask any good ground battle player, over 75% of their total deaths will be from players revenge bombing them which takes all of the skill out of the game and makes it very frustrating. Just like there is a plane vs plane only battle, please add tank vs tank only. At the very least, add airfield-like FLAK guns to the spawn areas so anyone playing in aircraft has only very limited area on the map to fly and can’t just spawn kill like they do 24/7.
Note: Anyone opposed to this because they love planes makes no sense because this literally won’t affect you. There would still be combined battles for you to go and use your planes to kill defenseless tanks. In fact, it may be easier for you now because all the good tank players will play tank only. So it’s a win-win for everyone.
No, because there is always the camper and without the plane there is no way to kill him, what you should do is learn to play tank and plane, that way you would stop crying.
I feel your pain and I agree but it is yet another new player making the same complaint. Only join the forum to complain about CAS ruining the game for them.
This will end when the CAS issue ends. Problem is CAS was made to end your game in a tank either in game or in reality. Time for a new and separate Tank only mode.
Too many threads of the same topic…just post in the existing ones x.x and no, or this is War Thunder, an all out battle, all out war, each nation giving it its all in a battle. Just tanks will be boring and SPAAG/SAMs become pointless to even have/add to the game.
problem is Queue time will take longer due to maybe half the players going TO mode, TO sounds like a Call of Duty type of mode and not so much of a BATTLEFIELD feeling (Just my way of seeing it). WT was like this since the start. WT is not WT with just TO mode, need the whole ingredient to make the game much more challenging, cinematic, fun.
Personally in some moments within the battles, I turn off my HUD and zoom into commanders view just to experience that cinematic view in the middle of fights. Then i go back to shooting planes and killing tanks and flying planes lol Anywho, WT is not WT with just TO mode. If you don’t want to shoot down CAS planes, and your team doesn’t want to either or can’t then GL letting the CAS do its thing. There a lot of ways to deal with it, just gotta do the work.
Yes, hop on my Sabre, drop my load and doggo it out with the CAS. Hop into my R2Y2s and Doggo them CAS and do the CAS with 1x 800kg bomb and since the Japanese 30mm cannons received their proper AP rounds to pen tanks from the Top/rear with some ease. Type 87 SPAAG can still do work, however, it is a team based game so if I failed to take care of CAS, hoping another teammate will take over and i go back to tank. If my team failed to go all out, then GG. No biggie. At least I tried my best.