Talisman = Premium Vehicle

Again, event and squadron vehicles, those can bypass the grind. Not completly, but they can.

I somehow feel this is the core of the problem… people wanting to play high tier vehicles, but jumping into much higher BR than theirs, where gameplay is much different due to introduction of new mechanics, new systems and completely different “vehicle design logic” than early WW2 vehicles, players going onto battle mostly with one spawn (because only one higher BR vehicle and likely no backups).

So… this way such one-spawn players are mostly not contributing much to team victory, which is major deciding factor when it comes SL gains. Difference between a lost good game and won good game (~5-10 kills / assists + a capped point) can be well over 50k SL per match. That’s using premium account, I can’t speak on how it’s for non-premium users as I’ve been having premium for too long to remember.

What I noticed, at least with premium, game is currently designed in a way you can research next vehicle down in line by playing previous one (usually spading the played vehicle meanwhile) and if you are doing good in most matches, earn enough to buy the vehicle and the crew and some should still be left. Hence I don’t really understand complaints over people going low SL - in my honest opinion it’s just bad money management.

You must remember that there are periodic sales during the year, so if you want to grind the tree and have a lot left, buy only vehicles neccessary to progress further, research all, but don’t buy all. You buy remaining vehicles during sales for half of their original price (does not apply to squadron vehicles or crews!).

Not for casual players, i never grinded any event, always found them too complicated. Its just an Idea, i dont really expect it to be added to the game honestly, but it would be pretty cool …

From my experience with SL

I bought T-34(r) in 2018 (cheoaer than talisman i believe) and over the years i added other 4.0 premiums to that lineup. Whenever i had need for more SL i just went back to that lineup and played few games.

I got bottlenecked by SL exactly once, and that was around 2020 when i moved from 8.7 Leo A1 lineup to 9.7 Kpz70/2K/Radkampfwagen 90, and even then it was only due to expert crew costs.

That was all pre-june 23 incident.

Since the incident I personally never had SL issue.

Sure I bought several high tier premiums between 21 and now but lot of them were paid for by selling marketplace. So id imagine high tier premiums are aviable even to the free to play players if they really want and know how marketplace works.

Star events are just “play the game enough, get star. Collect enough stars, get a vehicle”.

Nothing wrong with presenting idea.

But be prepared to defend it.

Squadron vehicle research is done separately to tech tree vehicle research. All you have to do is join a squadron and … play the game. Every 3 days there is a squadron point accumulation, so over time, simply playing the game, you get to research those vehicles. All you have to do is join a squadron and play the game.

I admit, for a short while before that, I had a problem with SL constantly going down, even from good battles. This is now fixed, I really don’t see any way that one can go low SL…

I have quite a lot of premium vehicles, but when I want more SL I simply play air battles (be it realistic or simulation) or Heli PvE which both give way more than I need. That’s usually done when I want to get an expert crew on more than one vehicle at once.

Playing whole day only tank battles I can make close to 1mln SL (let’s say 8h a day, since my current job is very relaxed and allows me to do it).

Playing whole day of air battles brings me over 1mln, closer actually to 2-3mln per day.

So changing that to “casual” gameplay, where one spends an hour or two playing WT daily, that’s around 1mln SL per week.

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Friend gifted me F-4S for helping him out with law related issue back in november, its crazy how much more are Air RB profitable when compared to ground - and Im not zombing but using the plane normally. Moreso with boosters.

Otherwise, yea. Even before getting those high tier premiums and pre-june 23, having low tier premium tank that was cheaper than talisman solved the SL bottleneck for me.

Literally, try simulator battles. You will not know how to spend those SL, especially from bombing bases and airfields with many low yield bombs / rockets.

That also works for tanks, once you get grip on the game, even purely in tech tree vehicles, earnigns are much higher in simulator battles, especially if you go in lower end vehicle (like when the lists allows you to go from 8.0 up to 10.0 vehicles, pick the 8.0 one), both RP and SL gain are much higher in comparison to arcade or realistic.

Was thinking about trying out air SB once i get proper setup. Tried to fly SB controls with mouse and crashed way too many times than id like to admit.

I dont play everyday, maybe every second day, around 1-2 hours … mostly its Ground RB and honestly im struggling to get anything from those 1-2 hours, after recent update its much better, i used to go down like -5000 or -10000 for a round, now its much better, but i still can lose some lions … i think 2 days ago i played like a 5 rounds, i had one really good round in Bradley where i killed 6 enemy tanks and captured a flag … got about 30k lions without any boosters for that round, but the next rounds werent soo good, you have to be really good players to make that much lions in a whole day, you would have to be really consistent …

I have some premiums and talismans on my vehicles … and i really would like if those vehicles with talismans were like premium ones, maybe i could buy a new talismans if it worked like that.

Being good in ground battles is all about adjusting your play style to the vehicle you play in the given moment - as so you would not want to rush first into battle in something like Bradley or similar soft-skinned vehicle. I have no idea how you do it, I manage to do well in … I think majority of battles, sometimes that involves camping and sniping, sometimes it involves rushing first into battle, but with appropriate tank, sometimes it’s just flanking. In addition to that, I rarely lose whole lineup I take, quite often manage to survive with vehicle I initially spawned with - that means no or low repair costs.

Now, War Thunder is designed in a way to engage players over longer timespan. This means if you don’t play regularly, you will never reach top tier without spending truckload of money.

Yea im struggling with that … not patient enough … i used to play a lot more now its just casual few rounds finger crossed hoping for the best type of gameplay … xd

I dont really need to reach the top tier anymore, ive reached high enough, not sure if i would find myself at top tiers with all the things that can kill you in matter of seconds out of nowhere … i think it would be just cool if they made Talismans feel more like a Premium Vehicles, that SL boost could come in handy … and also feeling that your vehicle with talisman isnt worse than premium one

I think something like this would be a little more fair while also letting Gaijin have their cake:

  • Talismans are only boost research within 1 rank of the vehicle they’re on, just like a normal vehicle.
  • Vehicles with a Talisman do not have research penalties anymore, but they don’t get any research buff if they’re researching a vehicle more than one rank above.

This would still give an incentive to purchase a regular premium, while also making Talismans a little better bang for your buck.

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I’d rather have the Talisman’s cost a little more GE and have Gaijin remove the RP limiter for different vehicle ranks and not include Silver Lions. I think that would make Talisman’s worth it tbh. I don’t really have an issue generating SL. RP is what hurts the most.

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To be fair not a bad idea. The talisman price is already high and this would make it more worthwhile. You wouldn’t be getting any backups, premium time, etc, so this would be a decent addition to the game.

I would say allow the talismans to boost SL and RP modifiers to a premium vehicles level, however it being able to research all tiers beneath it would be a bit dumb… gotta be some difference at least.

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Why dumb? Removing the penalty would actually make the talisman useful. I don’t buy talismans, simply because when I research a tree I do it horizontally, but for those who do it vertically (so like 1-2 branches, only needed to get to top tier abrams or smth) it would be a gamechanger, because they could use vehicle they love to research rest of the tech tree.

I think a 15% SL boost would be fine.

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The advantage of premium vehicles being able to research Rank 1 and up to the vehicles tier would still create sales. Gaijn has to make money, and if they make less, why the hell would they do this when people can make a premium vehicle of their own for half off. Simply put, a buff to talismans post match reward effects/multipliers is something I would like to see, and I don’t see gain making a single talisman on a high tier vehicle able to help grind out the entire game.

I get your point. Cost of XM1 is ~50 euros. Cost of talisman for XM-803 (roughly same BR and Era) is around 17 euros. Cost of GE vehicles of same era in different trees is between 7k and 9k GE ~round it up to 50 euros (10k GE pack).

This doesn’t mean I agree with it. 3x smaller price means that it is available to broader public which either earns less money, lives in a country where currency exchange to euro/dollars is terrible or simply does not earn money and relies on parents. This means potential more sales, while people would still buy premium vehicles and premium packs, simply because packs offer more while vehicles offer difference. I am one of those collectors who buy GE vehicles just because I like them being unique in a way, despite i have most or whole tree researched. Yes, I would continue to buy regular GE vehicles and packs if they seem interesting to me, even if I could turn all of the tech tree vehicles into premium for free.

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Why not 100% ? Remember that you would have to first unlock the vehicle you want to put talisman on which can take years …

The main advantage is that you can buy it straight away, you dont have to unlock it. You can get to top tiers in a second.

I think i could actually buy a talisman or two if it worked like that.