T-90M's fuel tanks are "external" but stop spalling




lmao , this is russia bias, the only special fuel tank in the game


Fuel tanks of Abrams is protected by 20mm plate. This plate is creating spall again after penetration


Hence “external fuel tank”, it’s outside the tank. Why isn’t this same plate modeled on the T-90M if its fuel tanks are also modeled as “external”?


external fuel tank also stops spalls, but the armor behind it creates new. T-90M’s fuel tank is covered by liners so nothing can create spalls


This is not what is modeled ingame.

Welcome to <17mm of structural steel

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Why is this not modeled on the T-90M since it’s fuel tanks are also “external”?

They’re not out of the crew compartment, hence I think it’s wrong to call them external but for the sake of them being fire-explosion proof in game they have been given such classification, as IRL T-90M’s fuel tanks are fire explosion proof due to unique structure compared to other T series.



If this is true then Gaijin should change their model so as not to provide false information.

In the recent Dev post Stona explicitly states they are “external”. It is confusing to call something external if it’s actually internal.

Again, they are called external for the game logic, as all im game internal fuel tanks tend to explode.

The entire material of the T90M’s fuel tank has been changed to the latest anti-peel lining, which doesn’t explode and doesn’t produce debris from shell hits, a Russian patriotic game that can’t be helped.

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If this is true it is confusing and should be changed to something specific to the fuel tank.

The reason for this is this:

Self sealing fuel tank which also has (iirc the material correctly) alluminium sponge-like filler to not let fire explosion form big and out of the fuel tank.


Is this material exposed to the driver or is there a metal plate between them?

It is covered by electronics, spall liner, the material of the fuel tank itself is self sealing and seems to be rubberized too.

Also tecnically, its not fuel explosion but the gases in the fuel tank exploding.
Since T-72B (we dont know if earlier models do the sams) the fuel is pumped to frontal fuel tanks, meaning only back and center ones will be left empty first.
By game logic all fuel tanks are half full, which goes against what I have just said, so logically frontal fuel tanks in game should not explode but the back one should have the highest chance to explode.

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This is not modeled ingame. Where is the spall lining between the fuel tank and the crew compartment?

In terms of chance to explode maybe, not for the purpose of stopping spall which is the major issue fuel tanks present.

Russian placement of fuel tanks is given full advantage of this while other tanks with exterior fuel tanks suffer as if there is no fuel tank present to catch spalling.

I do not understand the disparity except in that Russia’s fuel tanks are internal. Now I’m being told its fuel tank is not only external, but still acts as a full spall liner. It seems extremely illogical.

I could be wrong as I do not have image of T-90M’s driver spot on hand in a second, but either way it wouldnt really change much for the lack of spalling from fuel tanks side to begin with.

Again, game logic.
It is game logic that a fuel tanks as a module eats spall too, IRL spall would have energy to penetrate it and then it would be matter of remaining fuel and volume of fuel tank to play a factor in stopping the spall fragments. But thats not modeled.