T-80 Bugs

so you want to say that a hot piece of metal penetrating the powder that is surrounding the rod? should not explode ? sorry what ?

Russian tanks are known for 1 thing in real life
and that is the turret ejection system made possible by slav tech
Because a single hit to the charges doesn’t matter if its pure powder or powder+ rod
sends it flying …
And that should be simulated in the game as well
It’s already a meme to see ru tanks eating side shots because of ammo that goes into the void
that would mean ru handhold tankers could not just press W like idiots anymore

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No. If it has explosive around it, then it should explode. I was mainly talking about british darts there, that have no explosive around them. Maybe don’t misrepresent me, because you just made a foof of yourself.

Hmmmm, i wounder which tank did that too… I wounder…

it is almost like unprotected ammo blows up the tank if it gets hit? Shocking, right?!

Yes. So let me rephrase it:
If an enemy shell hits a shell in the tank that has explosive in it, then it should explode. Are you happy now?

As do SO MANY OTHER TANKS THAT ARE NOT SU/RU, yet you guys dont cry about them…

I know that the last picture is a Cent AVRE exploding from an accidental fire, and not from enemy fire.

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The non-Slavic ones are no worse…
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Explain, bc I answered your question completely…

You did not.

So for like the 3rd time, this is what i asked:

It is almost like you did not read it carefully, or you are just dishonest as hell.

I answered question 1, not question 2…
Why do you think i quoted only question 1?

Also in question 2 you rly just need to do SIMPLE math as well, is that too hard for you?

It is meant to be taken at once.
I meant to show that it happens to other tanks that have projectiles disappear with much more explosive in them.
But yeah, good luck for me to deal with dishonest people high on copium crying about “russain bias”…

I can do that. I just want you to do it. But it looks like dishonesty prevents you from doing it, because it would expose your trash argument.

How many times brummbar didn’t explode and how many russian T-series tanks didn’t? Bc most of videos are about actually RUS tanks…

ah yes the picture of the avre exploding had nothing to do with being hit
Then we have the turkish leopard hit rpg or smt like that that had its ammo doors welded open btw :D
you forgot to add a picture of a abrams …^^

Also did i said something "if non ru tanks get hit in the ammo they should not explode ?

if you hit a nato tank in the ready rack and it creates a fire and the rounds will vanish and everyone knows it when they see the fire ;)

My point still stands
round with explosive powder hit = dead tank
Round hit penetrating the blast doors = boom dead
Round hit in the ready racks without penetrating the blast doors ? it can/could explode but the tank keeps going and could rearm
Yes yes its not realistic but more then the bullshit that happens on russian fantasy tanks.

you dont say another picture of a leopard turret in turkish service standing alone on a hill getting hit by kornet or rpg

should i post shit with ru tanks having no turret ?

should i keep going ? :D

Yeeeeeeeeeeeee, dont answer the question, just strawmen.

I learned something new today. I never actually looked at the Soviet Projectile cutaways… they pack charge into that too. mind blown Not that it matters all that much, what mostly gets hit is the Charge piece because it’s conveniently standing up and surrounding the crew from the thigh down…

The issue for me is 2 fold

  1. Charges not exploding when being hit with white-hot sparking metal darts.
  2. The charges acting like ARMOR when they don’t explode… where they just eat the dart and shrapnel as though they’re 400mm RHA and protect the crew.

That’s what REALLY pisses me off about the non-exploding aspect.
The chance at non-detonation does exist (it’s modeled as being way too high in the game to help out one certain country with a disastrous tank design flaw) but it does exist.

There is no chance that said charge doesn’t detonate, and then absorbs and keeps the remainder of an APFSDS longrod from passing through it to the other side. That has a zero chance.

And it’s one of the biggest examples of Gaijin’s snail trail carry of shame over the soviet MBT design.


I answered your question 1. That’s all i wanted to do.

The strawmening. Oh my god…

Yes, as i wrote in the comment. You either have issues with reading, or you are just dishonest like all the other copium addicts.
My point with that was the following:
If an ammo explodes inside a tank that has no blowout panels, then tank go boom. It is not that hard to understand, but what did i expect from you guys…


Here it is. Oh wait…

But the Challengers dont have that, do they?


Do you know that all ammorack explosion chance is just a dice rool with x% to explode?
The stupid thing is that russian mbts have 15% when nato have 50% xd


Datamine. Which is the only way to get that parameters

This is on the “trust me bruv” level. Can you link to a source with each tank’s stas being shown individually?

It took me a moment with the Abrams image. Credit where credit is due, that was funny.

And yes, to my NATO friends, Ammo racks in Hulls are still dangerous- that’s one area where All of the Leos have a fatal flaw.
It isn’t as big of a risk as the carousel which makes up 80% and 40% of the Soviet MBT’s front and side profiles respectively, but it is a risk.
(I don’t think Leo2 Hull racks have ammo doors.)

In fact, I’m pretty sure the US Abrams is the only one that has completely safe ammo storage with all ammo stored away from crew with armor and blowout panels.


Let me use your own weapon against you. Can you provide us source for that chally ammo should explode after that shot on video above?