T-80 Bugs

ah yes did i wrote it was hit in the ready rack ?
i said the ammo doors were welded open, and mentioned? it was hit by a rpg or kornet or something
i didn’t said it was hit in the ready rack or did i ?

did i said somewhere they have that ?
they have wet ammo storage or ammo bins containing water or smt like that
Still more then russian have ;)

but keep trying

You mean like you said in your edit later … ;)
instead of simply removing the picture but nice try

There you go

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So I don’t post all the pictures that are there…moreover, why spend expensive shells on Western tanks if they are easily disabled-with Lancets \ FPV-drones and mines without even having time to get to the distance of a tank shot…The strongest were the Merkava-4M and the Barack-but there are plenty of videos on them on the Internet-with Detonation of ammunition…

Point to the tank that is:

  1. Easily Disabled by a suicide drone
  2. Immune the AT mine. There’s a reason they’re called “AT mines”

I’ve been tracking certain conflicts we’re not allowed to mention here, and I’ve seen tanks damaged by suicide drones, but never knocked out by them.

in private messages

Very interesting- decided to look through the propaganda site at suicide drone attacks on tanks. (Very strong indicators that it’s a propaganda site when every single video has a music soundtrack…)

Of the videos I looked at, the most damaged vehicle was the abandoned T-64 where the drone landed on the engine deck and caught the camo netting on fire.
In fact, every video I saw was

  1. Abandoned Vehicle
  2. No secondary explosion
  3. Superficial fire on top of the vehicle if anything.

I had a particularly good giggle with the Leo2A6 video where the vehicle was very obviously abandoned, and the drone clipped the back of the turret and detonated on the ground next to the tank. I’m pretty sure the only thing added to that Leo was a scorch mark.

So yeh, my point stands. Lancets don’t destroy/disable tanks any more than FPVs or other suicide drones.
At best, it might be able to set an external fuel tank on fire…

No…! Read this site-there are 50 percent of users and moderators of Ukraine…at least 2 sources of confirmation…The information is updated periodically to confirm the control…The tank rides or stands does not matter-the result is the same…The FPV drone destroyed the Leopard-2 in motion…the tank itself is rotting under the Work on the neutral strip…I don’t have time to post 50 videos with confirmations…
Videos on both sides with music-they like it so much at the front…

I know which video and which vehicle you’re talking about precisely… problem is, that FPV drone hit the turret stowage, I mean, if you count ammunition safely venting away as “destroyed”, all the power to you.

This tank in the evening and 2 days later - did not go anywhere…probably the release of ammunition did not help…



Those are two (maybe even three) completely different vehicles (the latter one is likely a Challenger 2 in fact - sloped turret front unlike on a 2A4, no visible wedge like on the 2A6 etc etc, you can also see that the tank from “two days later” has its cannon elevated, whereas the 2A4 from the first picture has it in neutral position.).

Vegetation in the two pictures is completely different (a whole forest just straight up disappeared), and the landscape as well. The position of the other vehicles ain’t matching either… lol.

Those are charges. They should explode.

That will NOT protect it from a diect hit that GOES THROUGH the charge bag.

What do you mean?

What do you mean No. 2.

Ignoring? Dude did you read this?

Evidence? Can You provide anything source that wet storage ammo actually explode? Afaik It been designed to reduce fire/explosion chance when got hit?

Great example is Sherman tank during WW2:
without wet stowage 60-80% of Shermans penetrated burned
with wet stowage 10-15% of Shermans penetrated burned.

So why 90% of videos about non exploding ammo - on Reddit for example are about Russian tanks which just eat the projectiles?
I know the same thing happens to other tanks as well, but as I said, most videoes/clips are about russian tanks xd
Also why don’t u complain about russian ERA which eats whole rounds and rounds just going through the whole tank without any dmg or even single spall?

it’s fake it was many times abolished

To further your point. If you shoot the round itself over the charges. T series go up like crazy. Can test it on the T90 in test drive.


It is meant to protect against shrapnel, not a direct hit. So in the video i made it hit the bag directly, so it should have blown up.

Also, as i said many times before, it literally happens to 100s of tanks, that have NO wet storage, NOR blowupt panel, yet you guys juts ignore those.

Confirmation bias.

Confirmation bias again.
Also you clearly have not played at low tier, where it is almost impossible to ammo rack a japanese tank.
See my screenshots.

Happnes to other ERA too, even those that have no kinetic protection.

The issue is volumetric there, there are a lot of small plates that cause the ammo to disappear.

This literally happens on a daily base with Panthers, and Tigers (all version). You just shoot them in the side and the ammo disappears.

Happens to many non soviet tanks too.

If you are going to cry russian bias, then you should provide an evidence, that shows that thing x and y ONLY happens to russian/soviet tanks.
But since everything that you (you as a collective) are happening to many other nations, and many other tanks.

Then why the fuck did you bring it up?

You were talking about NATO tanks having ammo in a protected area. So in game they have ammo disappearing if they get hit there, and the tank is not destroyed because of that.
Challengers have no such thing.

I wrote it immediately after i sent the comment, because i knew that idiots like you will try to strawmen it. And guess what happened…

The dude is in ‘warsaw pact’ squadron… Why do you even bother with him?

Leo 2A6:
Leclerc S2:
Swedish leo:

Only the Merkava, M1 and Challenger hs 50%:


Any background?

As i said a few times already, IT’S RANDOM CHANCE - YOU HAVE x% TO DESTROY AMMO and it’s doesn’t matter it’s chally 1, tiger 1, Brummbar or T-series, etc. Imho the whole that random chance system have to be reworked.


Again - it’s random % chance stupid mechanic which have to be reworked.

Kontakt 5 and Relikt is most BS in this game, No single NATO ERA is made properly NO SINGLE ONE.

Happens to many non soviet tanks too.

99/100 situation are vs russian tanks i bet.

Meanwhile russian tanks xd