T-80 Bugs

Leo 2A6:
Leclerc S2:
Swedish leo:

Only the Merkava, M1 and Challenger hs 50%:


Any background?

As i said a few times already, IT’S RANDOM CHANCE - YOU HAVE x% TO DESTROY AMMO and it’s doesn’t matter it’s chally 1, tiger 1, Brummbar or T-series, etc. Imho the whole that random chance system have to be reworked.


Again - it’s random % chance stupid mechanic which have to be reworked.

Kontakt 5 and Relikt is most BS in this game, No single NATO ERA is made properly NO SINGLE ONE.

Happens to many non soviet tanks too.

99/100 situation are vs russian tanks i bet.

Meanwhile russian tanks xd

Ammo that is single piece AND modelled individually will always explode.
That’s why you guys don’t cry about a T-55 or others.


Btw, here are all the ammo detonation chances, that are NOT 0.15:
ammo det chance.zip (1.7 KB)


Program i made to search all the files:
Filesearch.zip (1008 Bytes)

Optimized the code a bit, and removed personal info.

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According to “certain conflict which we can’t talk about here” russian T-72 and newer should have 100%, penetration = turret going to space.

Especially when both stages of ammunition have propellant charge inside and all rounds are located in the carousel.
So we have 22 rounds and each apfsds round have 13,35 kg so we have about 300kg of propellant charge AT LEAST, bc IRL there are more HEAT-FS and HE rounds than APFSDS rounds, something like 2:2:1 ratio IIRC.
So still at least 300kg of propellant charge ready to toss the turret at 100+ meters (I don’t remember what’s the record of “turret toss”).
Also carousel is covered by thin armor plate (aluminum IIRC) and it makes problem because IRL it spalls and metal fragments can ignite more rounds which is increasing a chance to “turret toss”

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I think there are T-72 tanks that survived a hit, so…
Tho i get what you meant to say.
If an explosive inside the tank gets hit (no matter if it is propellant, or warhead explosive), then the tank should blow up (except if it has blowout panels, but only if the blast door is not damaged and it is closed)

I never argued that it should not explode. I just explained why certain ammo does not explode sometimes, and pointed out that it is not because of bias.


Gaijin have to rework this stupid “% chance” system, bc it’s unrealistic, stupid and unbalanced.

As u posted above Challenger 1/2 which both has wet storage ammo have 50% chance to explode, but russian T-series tanks have 15% which have not any countermeasures like wet storage. Their ammo is just located in the carousel which is protected by thin aluminum anti-shrapnel shield - which is quites often move, bc almost every modern tank have a thin armor plate to cover the ammo.

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Just a question:
That chance refers to explosion chance from shrapnel/fragmentations, right?

99% of time you hit a russian mbt in the ammo from the side or the front it goes boom

Welll, tbh i have no idea, that’s the question to gaijin.

There are different colors of damage, bc modules have HP just line in WoT, but we have yellow/orange/red/black damages when black = destroyed. Idk how this % to explosion works
with different colors I mean what’s the difference between yellow and red damaged ammo except HP, bc it’s obvious yellow is lightly dmg and red is heavy dmg so red would have less HP.

In the different cases like an engine it’s easier, bc dmg’ed engine have less power. Same with the crew (yes, the crew is a module in WT) for example red dmg’ed loader will reload significantly longer than healthy/yellow dmg’ed, or red dmged gunner will have worse gun handling.

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I rly want to play your version of WT then. The best example is T-80BVM which eats rounds 1 by 1, especially from side, bc of broken and over performing ERA

You can ask this question on the forum… Потери бронетехники в вооруженном конфликте на Украине 2014-2023 гг (lostarmour.info)


The full video is here…Telegram: Contact @BOBRMORF

The side of them isn’t fully protected

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I had no problem blowing them up from the side but i do agree that they have very broken era that western tanks don’t have nearly as good


Granted, those pictures provide enough information for me to confidently state; completely different vehicles.

Oh, look, more bri’ish bias.

Looks like Challenger 2 side eats APFSDS too!

Bots… Playing PVE mode is rly annoying, bc that bots lagging so much. I had countless moments like this…
Try to ramming enemy bot tank, u will see how bugged it is, just bump enemy tank with your tank.

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